Isaiah Berlin’s publications
Henry Hardy
Though like Our Lord and Socrates […] he does not publish much, he thinks and says a great deal and has had an enormous influence on our time.
Maurice Bowra [1]
Mr Isaiah Berlin is diffuse and voluble.
Evelyn Waugh [2]
Bowra’s belief that Isaiah Berlin rarely ventures into print was at one time widely held, but did not fit the facts. By 1971, when Bowra made his remark, Berlin had published a great deal on a wide variety of subjects, but, apart from his biography of Marx (item 24 below) and his anthology of eighteenth-century philosophical writings (62), his work had been of essay length, and had originally appeared in (sometimes obscure) periodicals and symposia, or as occasional pamphlets; most of it had been long out of print; and only one collection – Four Essays on Liberty (112) – had appeared in English. These considerations probably explain the once common under-estimate of the bulk of his writings. My belief is that this bibliography (first published in 1975), together with the nine additional volumes that have now appeared – including those that make available work that had not previously been published – has set the record definitively straight.
It is likely that the list is not quite complete: though I have conducted explorations on many fronts, my searches have not been exhaustively systematic. [3] I shall be grateful for notification of errors or omissions. But I do not think anything important is missing. I have excluded Berlin’s numerous unpublished broadcasts, his almost equally numerous interviews, [4] bibliographical details of translations into foreign languages, and a handful of minor items, mainly non-academic letters to the press.
It may be of some assistance to provide a rudimentary sketch-map for those who are not already familiar with Berlin’s work, and wish to sample it in a non-random fashion: it is not always easy to tell from a brief bibliographical entry whether an item is substantial or not, or what its subject-matter is. It is impossible to classify definitively writings which are so remarkably free of the restrictions of conventional subject boundaries, especially since the categories that suggest themselves – in particular philosophy, political theory, history of ideas – overlap so extensively on their own account. One needs a Venn diagram. But, failing that, I hope the following is a useful guide.
The contents of Berlin’s collections of essays, set out in the list at the end of this bibliography, provide the beginnings of a classification. But each volume lacks, for various reasons, certain items which belong in its category; and some categories are not represented as such, or at all, in the contents of any volume. So it is worth giving more complete lists here. (Titles of collections are given, both in this introduction and in the list that follows, in abbreviated form.)
The major essays on Russian thought, in addition to those included in RT (157) and POI (245) are 108, 169 and 228; the main essays on the Soviet Union are collected in SM (256).
Most of the principal philosophical papers are reprinted, together with 85 (a more popular article on the nature of the subject), in CC (158), but there are also 20, 54 (with the first part of the introduction to 253), 232 and 235. It is somewhat arbitrary to separate these items from those which fall most naturally under political theory, namely 64 and 81, both in CC, 71 (with the second part of the introduction to 253) and 233.
Many of the main essays in the history of ideas are included in AC (166), CTH (199), SR (227) and TCE (246). There are also 37, 38, the introduction to 62, and 74. There are several studies devoted to individual thinkers: AC includes pieces on Montesquieu (58), Moses Hess (75), Vico (114 and 152), Sore1 (121) and Machiavelli (122); in the same category belong essays on Marx (24 and 78), Herder (98), Maistre (200 and 218) and Hamann (212), and other essays on Vico (79, 99, the bulk of 139, 181 and the more popular 115 and 130). Items 79, 98 and 99 were superseded by VH (148), itself now incorporated into TCE (246). One might also include under history of ideas many of the Russian essays mentioned above.
There are numerous memoirs of and tributes to twentieth-century figures, mainly scholars, statesmen and writers. Most of the more substantial pieces in this category are reprinted in PI (167).
The principal Jewish studies, apart from 70, 75, 166a and 214, already assigned to other categories, are 43, 84, 118 and 126; there are also 52, 54a, 95, 119, 135 and 188a.
Finally there are the musicological items 89, 110, 124, 186 and 192b.
Much else, of course, is of interest. In particular, I have not included most books in this survey, some of which are effectively essays in their own right. There is no substitute for working right through the bibliography if nothing in a particular area is to be missed. But the selection I have listed comprises the main published oeuvre at the time of writing (December 2011). (There is also a great deal of still unpublished work, much of which will I hope one day see the light, either in print or on this website, where much unpublished material is already posted.)
Where an item has been reprinted in one of the volumes of collected essays, the title of the relevant volume is given in abbreviated form. Where it hasn’t (and isn’t under consideration for a future volume), an edited text will be posted as a PDF on this site, linked to from the relevant entry below: so far this process has reached 1986 (with several later instances). PDFs posted from February 2022 display the livery of Isaiah Berlin Online, with which they are shared. Improvements to the texts or notes will be gratefully received by Henry Hardy.
In updating the list I have not changed the numbering of items established in 1979 in the first edition of AC, lest this lead to confusion. Earlier items that have come to light since then, and some later items inserted out of sequence, are numbered ‘45a’, ‘166b’ etc. There are currently 503 entries in the list.
1 (unattributed) ‘The Collected Poems of G. K. Chesterton’, review of The Collected Poems of G. K. Chesterton, Pauline 46 no. 306 (February 1928), 13–15
1a‘Reflections on the Art of John Armstrong (O.P.)’, Debater (St Paul’s School) no. 9 (March 1928), 4
1bThe Truro Prize Essay (1928) (on freedom), Debater (St Paul’s School) no. 10 (November 1928), 3, and no. 11 (July 1929), 22; repr. as ‘Freedom’ in F
1c (ed. with others) The Radiator (St Paul’s School) vol. 1 no. 1 (Summer 1928); if (as seems likely) there are any contributions by IB, they are unsigned; one that is almost certainly his is ‘Our Interview with GKC’, 24–5 (repr. at F 7–8)
2‘Pelican s’en va-t-en guerre: a tale of war and peace’, Pelican Record 19 no. 2 (March 1929), 34–6: IB was one of the editors of this journal, the magazine of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, from vol. 19 no. 4 (December 1929) to vol. 20 no. 4 (June 1932); every issue contains unsigned items, some of which may be his
2a (unattributed) Review of Oliver Elton, C. E. Montague: A Memoir, Pelican Record 19 no. 4 (1929), 85–6
2b (under pseudonym ‘Albert Alfred Apricott’) ‘Music Chronicle’, Oxford Outlook 10 no. 53 (November 1930), 616–27; repr. in 299 – IB edited six issues of this periodical, nos 52–7 (May 1930 to February 1932, in vols 10–12, 1930–2), jointly with Arthur Calder-Marshall for no. 52, with Richard Goodman for nos 55–7; there are unsigned editorials in vol. 10 no. 52 (May 1930), 467–9, and vol. 11 no. 56 (November 1931), 157–60, which may be wholly or partly by IB, though the style is not obviously his
3‘Some Procrustations’, Oxford Outlook 10 no. 52 (May 1930), 491–502
4Editorial, Oxford Outlook 10 no. 53 (November 1930), 561–5
5Review of Ernst Benkard, Undying Faces, Oxford Outlook 10 no. 53 (November 1930), 628–30
6 (under pseudonym ‘A.A.A.’: cf. 2b) ‘Music Chronicle’, Oxford Outlook 11 no. 54 (March 1931), 49–53; repr. in 299
7 (under pseudonym ‘A.A.A.’: cf. 2b) ‘Music Chronicle’, Oxford Outlook 11 no. 55 (June 1931), 131–5; repr. in 299
8 (unattributed) ‘Oglethorpe University, Ga’, Pelican Record 20 no. 2 (March 1931), 34–40
9Editorial, Oxford Outlook 11 no. 54 (March 1931), 1–2
10‘Alexander Blok’, editorial, Oxford Outlook 11 no. 55 (June 1931), 73–6; see also letter from D. S. Mirsky with comment from IB, ibid. no. 56 (November 1931), 224–5
11Translation of Alexander Blok, ‘The Collapse of Humanism’, Oxford Outlook 11 no. 55 (June 1931), 89–112
12‘Music Chronicle’, Oxford Outlook 12 no. 57 (February 1932), 61–5; repr. in 299
13‘Music Chronicle’, Oxford Outlook 12 no. 58 (May 1932), 133–8; repr. in 299
14Review of Leonard Woolf, After the Deluge, Oxford Outlook 12 no. 57 (February 1932), 68–70
15Review of Havelock Ellis, Views and Reviews: First Series, Criterion 12 no. 7 (January 1933), 295–8
16‘Music in Decline’, review of Constant Lambert, Music Ho!, Spectator 152 (1934), 11 May, 745–6; repr. in 299
16a‘Impressionist Philosophy’, review of Henri Bergson, The Two Sources of Morality and Religion, trans. R. A. Andra and C. Brereton, London Mercury 32 (1935), 489–90
16b‘The German Intellectuals’ (letter), Spectator 155 (1935) no. 5601 (1 November 1935), 721–2
17‘Musiciens d’autrefois’, review of Bernard van Dieren, Down Among the Dead Men, and Other Essays (Oxford, 1935: Oxford University Press), Spectator 155 (1935), 1 November 1935, 732; letter, 29 November 1935, 906; repr. in 299
17a‘The Second Confucius’, review of John Dewey, Art as Experience, London Mercury 31 (1934–5), 387–8
18‘The Future of Music’, review of Cecil Gray, Predicaments, or Music and the Future, Spectator 157 (1936), 317–18; repr. in 299
18a‘Gramophone Notes’, Oxford Magazine 54 (1935–6), 370 (unattributed), 463–4, 717; 55 (1936–7), 182; repr. in 299
19‘Obscurum per obscurius’, review of T. A. Jackson, Dialectics, Spectator 156 (1936), 888
19a‘Plato’, review of G. M. A. Grube, Plato’s Thought, and Vladimir Solovyev, Plato, trans. Richard Gill, with a note on Solovyev by Janko Lavrin, London Mercury 33 (1935–6), 452–3
19bContribution (extract from a personal letter) to Daniel Henry Hertz: In Memoriam (London, 1936: privately printed), 7; whole letter (19 September 1936) published at F 197
19c‘Boyd Neel String Orchestra’, Oxford Magazine 55 (1936–7), 588–9; repr. in 299
20‘Induction and Hypothesis’, in Knowledge and Foreknowledge (the Symposia read at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University of Bristol, 9–11 July 1937), Aristotelian Society supplementary vol. 16 (1937), 63–102
21‘The Father of Anarchism’, review of E. H. Carr, Michael Bakunin, Spectator 159 (1937), 1186
21a‘Gramophone Notes’, Oxford Magazine 55 (1936–7), 568; repr. in 299
21b‘The Mass in D’, review of a performance of Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, Oxford Magazine 55 (1936–7), 558–9; repr. in 299
21c (unattributed) ‘Toscanini’, Oxford Magazine 55 (1936–7), 719–20; repr. in 299
22Review of Julius Weinberg, An Examination of Logical Positivism, Criterion 17 (1937–8), 174–82; repr. as ‘Logical Positivism’ in CC2
23‘The Development of Modern Music’, review of Gerald Abraham, A Hundred Years of Music, Spectator 161 (1938), 489–90; repr. in 299
23a‘Gramophone Notes’, Oxford Magazine 56 (1937–8), 770–1; 57 (1938–9), 243; repr. in 299
23b‘Laws of Musical Sound’, review of Sir James Jeans, Science and Music, London Mercury 37 (1937–8), 356; repr. in 299
23c‘Oxford Subscription Concert’, Oxford Magazine 56 (1937–8), 470–1; repr. in 299
23dReview of Constance Maund, Hume’s Theory of Knowledge, Oxford Magazine 57 (1938–9), 224–5
24 Karl Marx: His Life and Environment (London, 1939: Thornton Butterworth; Toronto, 1939: Nelson); ‘the best elementary introduction to Marx for the English reader’, The Times Literary Supplement, 13 September 1963, 694
- Reviews
- Campbell, J[ohn] R[oss], ‘New Life of Karl Marx’, Daily Worker, 8 November 1939, 3
- [Charques, Richard Denis,] ‘In the Name of Marx: The Philosopher and the Right’, The Times Literary Supplement, 7 October 1939, 570
- Hill, Christopher, ‘Karl Marx: Mr Christopher Hill Reviews Mr Berlin’s Book’, Oxford University Labour Club Bulletin, 6 December 1939, [7–9]
- Postgate, Raymond, ‘Karl Marx’, New Statesman and Nation 18 no. 456 (18 November 1939), 732, 734
- Rowse, A. L., Political Quarterly 11 no. 1 (January 1940), 127–30; repr. in id., The End of an Epoch: Reflections on Contemporary History (London, 1947: Macmillan), 253–6
2nd ed. (London, 1948: Oxford University Press; New York, 1959: Oxford University Press); repr. with corrections (London and New York, 1960: Oxford University Press); trans. French, German (with extra material)
- Reviews
- Bruhat, Jean, Pensée, April 1963, 145–7; extremely negative
- Maus, Heinz, review of Karl Marx: sein Leben und sein Werk, Neue Politische Literatur 6 no. 6 (January 1961), 492
3rd ed. (London and New York, 1963: Oxford University Press; Time Reading Program Special Edition, New York, 1963: Time Inc., preface by the editors of Time, introduction by Robert L. Heilbroner; [Tokyo], 1963: Oxford University Press/Maruzen) (‘after nearly forty years still gleams like the golden bough through the murky forest of literature about Marx’: Hugh Lloyd-Jones, The Times Literary Supplement, 4 February 1977, 118); trans. Dutch, Finnish, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish
4th ed., with a guide to further reading by Terrell Carver (Oxford and New York, 1978: Oxford University Press; London, 1978: Book Club Associates; foreword by Alan Ryan, London, 1995: Fontana Press); chapter 6, ‘Historical Materialism’, excerpted in part under the same title as chapter 5 of Tom Bottomore (ed.), Interpretations of Marx (Oxford, 1988: Basil Blackwell), 92–102; trans. Dutch, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish
5th ed., ed. Henry Hardy, foreword by Alan Ryan and afterword and (revised) guide to further reading by Terrell Carver (Princeton and Oxford, 2013: Princeton University Press); a thoroughly revised text with references added for quotations
25‘Verification’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 39 (1938–9), 225–48; repr. in G. H. R. Parkinson (ed.), The Theory of Meaning (London, 1968: Oxford University Press), Mark J. Smith (ed.), Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, vol. 1, Canons and Custodians: Scientific Enquiry in the 20th Century (London, 2005: Sage), 35–53, and CC; trans. Spanish
26Review of Karl Britton, Communication: A Philosophical Study of Language (London/New York, 1939: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner/Harcourt, Brace), Mind 48 (1939), no. 192 (October 1939), 518–27
26a‘Gramophone Notes’, Oxford Magazine 58 (1939–40), 306–7; repr. in 299
27‘The Man Who Became a Myth’, Listener 38 (1947), 23–5; repr. in John Morris (ed.), From the Third Programme: A Ten Years’ Anthology (London, 1956: Nonesuch Press) (with the subtitle ‘Belinsky and his Influence on Nineteenth-Century Russia’), and POI
27a Review of Ralph Parker, ‘How do you do, Tovarich?’, Listener 38 (1947), 543, 545
28Review of Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, Mind 56 (1947), 151–66; repr. in A. D. Irvine (ed.), Bertrand Russell: History of Philosophy, Ethics, Education, Religion and Politics, vol. 4 of Bertrand Russell: Critical Assessments, 4 vols (London and New York, 1998: Routledge), and as ‘Russell’s History of Philosophy’ in CTH2
28a‘Digest’ of Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, British Book News 80 (April 1947), 210–11; repr. in British Book News 1947 (London, 1949), 534–5
29‘Karajan: A Study’, The Observer, 19 September 1948, 2; repr. in 299
30‘Russia and 1848’, Slavonic Review 26 (1948), 341–60; repr. in Heinz Lubasz (ed.), Revolutions in Modern European History (New York/London, 1966: Macmillan/Collier-Macmillan) (with revisions), and RT; trans. Polish, Russian
30a‘A Portrait of Beethoven’, review of Bishop Fan S. Noli, Beethoven and the French Revolution (New York, 1947: International Universities Press), English Historical Review 63 no. 249 (October 1948), 565–6
30b‘A Portrait of Dostoevsky’, review of Henri Troyat, Firebrand: The Life of Dostoevsky, Listener 40 (1948), 102
31‘The Anglo-American Predicament’, Listener 42 (1949), 518–19 and 538 (letters, 681, 813, 815); repr. at E 743–8 (letters 130–1, 137–8)
31aContribution to ‘Notes on the Way’ column, Time and Tide 30 (1949), 1133–4, 1157–8, 1187–8; repr. as ‘The Intellectual Life of American Universities’ at E 749–60
32‘Mr Churchill’ (review of Churchill’s 2nd vol. of war memoirs, Their Finest Hour), Atlantic Monthly 184 no. 3 (September 1949), 35–44; as ‘Mr Churchill and FDR’, Cornhill Magazine 981 (Winter 1949/1950), 219–40 (‘a bright fire of affection and confidence’, The Times Literary Supplement, 23 December 1949, 846); repr. in Edward Weeks and Emily Flint (eds), New England Oracle: A Choice Selection from One Hundred Years of the Atlantic Monthly (London, 1958: Collins), as Mr Churchill in 1940 (London, [1964]; John Murray; Boston/Cambridge, n.d.: Houghton Mifflin/Riverside Press) (‘The finest and the most penetrating salute to Sir Winston … that has yet been written’, Jeremy Clive, Sunday Times, 22 November 1964, 47; ‘An essay to match its subject. No more need be said’, Glasgow Herald as quoted in The Times Literary Supplement, 18 February 1965, 4), and as ‘Winston Churchill in 1940’ in PI and PSM; excerpted as ‘Roosevelt and Churchill: A Study of Two Great Personalities’ in News Chronicle, 12 December 1949, 2; trans. German
33 ‘Three Who Made a Revolution’, review of Bertram D. Wolfe, Three Who Made a Revolution, American Historical Review 55 (1949), 86–92
34‘Plekhanov’s Marxism’, review of G. V. Plekhanov, In Defence of Materialism: The Development of the Monist View of History, trans. Andrew Rothstein (London, 1947: Lawrence & Wishart), Slavonic Review 28 (1949–50), no. 70 (November 1949), 257–62; letter, no. 71 (April 1950), 607–10
34a ‘Attitude on Marxism Stated: Dr Berlin Amplifies His Remarks Made at Mount Holyoke’ (letter), New York Times, 8 July 1949, 18; repr. at E 99–100
34b‘Demonising Marx’, review of Leopold Schwarzschild, The Red Prussian: The Life and Legend of Karl Marx, trans. Margaret Wing (London, 1949: Hamish Hamilton), International Affairs 25 no. 4 (October 1949), 532–3
34c ‘Don Giovanni at Aix-en-Provence’, talk on BBC Third Programme, recorded 30 August 1949, re-recorded 26 January 1950 after the previous recording was accidentally destroyed, broadcast 26 January 1950; recording not preserved; text based on BBC transcript; published on this site; repr. in 299
35‘Empirical Propositions and Hypothetical Statements’, Mind 59 (1950), 289–312; repr. in Robert J. Schwartz (ed.), Perceiving, Sensing, and Knowing (New York, 1965: Doubleday), Mark J. Smith (ed.), Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, vol. 1, Canons and Custodians: Scientific Enquiry in the 20th Century (London, 2005: Sage), 71–94, and CC
36‘Logical Translation’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 50 (1949–50), 157–88; repr. in Mark J. Smith (ed.), Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, vol. 1, Canons and Custodians: Scientific Enquiry in the 20th Century (London, 2005: Sage), 95–119, and CC
36a ‘The Trends of Culture’, contribution to ‘The Year 1949 in Historical Perspective’, in 1950 Britannica Book of the Year (Chicago/Toronto/London, 1950: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.), xxii–xxvii; repr. in 292
37 ‘Political Ideas in the Twentieth Century’, Foreign Affairs 28 (1950), 351–85; repr. in FEL and L and in part in David Cooperman and E. V. Walter (eds), Power and Civilization: Political Thought in the Twentieth Century (New York, 1962: Crowell); trans. German, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Russian (in part, from Hebrew (see 112))
38‘Socialism and Socialist Theories’, Chambers’s Encyclopaedia (London, 1950: Newnes; New York, 1950: Oxford University Press), vol. 12, 638–50 (‘a quite outstanding article’, The Times Literary Supplement, 4 August 1950, 486); revised in 1966 ed. (Oxford, New York etc.: Pergamon), vol. 12, 640–52; repr. with further revisions in SR
39Translation of Ivan Turgenev, First Love: with Rudin, trans. Alex Brown, and an introduction by Lord David Cecil (London, 1950: Hamish Hamilton) (‘it is a refreshing fact that there exist in this country a few writers whose sensibility to [the Russian] classics is matched by their command of Russian and English, so that from time to time we are given an insight as acute as that provided by Mr Isaiah Berlin in his translation of Turgenev’s First Love’: [Alan Pryce-Jones,] The Times Literary Supplement, 18 December 1953, 817); illustrated ‘with charming new drawings by Fritz Wegner’ (The Times Literary Supplement, 11 January 1957, 21), but without Rudin (London, 1956: Hamish Hamilton; London, 1965: Panther; Harmondsworth, 1977: Penguin); repr. with an introduction by V. S. Pritchett in Penguin Classics (Harmondsworth, 1978: Penguin); reissued (with Cecil’s introduction) with 66 as First Love [and] A Fire at Sea (London, 1982: Hogarth Press; New York, 1983: Viking); reissued solo in Great Loves series (London etc., 2007: Penguin); reissued with 66 and Spring Torrents (trans. Leonard Schapiro) as First Love and Other Stories (London, 1994: David Campbell Publishers [Everyman’s Library]); excerpt in Elizabeth Jane Howard (ed.), The Lover’s Companion (Newton Abbott, 1978: David and Charles; London, 1997: Macmillan); trans. Malay
- Reviews
- Dinnage, Paul, ‘Russian Tales’ (also reviews other translations of Turgevev), Spectator, 22 September 1950, 328
- Smart, Elizabeth, ‘Ah, Me!’, Spectator, 2 April 1977, 28–9; ‘Isaiah Berlin’s translation is a beautiful virtuoso performance, without bump or jar’
39a ‘Soviet Beginnings’, review of E. H. Carr, A History of Soviet Russia, vol. 1: The Bolshevik Revolution 1917–1923, Sunday Times, 10 December 1950, 3
40 ‘Russian Literature: The Great Century’, review of D. S. Mirsky, A History of Russian Literature, Nation 170 (1950), 180–3, 207–8
41 ‘The Energy of Pasternak’, review of Boris Pasternak, Selected Writings, Partisan Review 17 (1950), 748–51; repr. in Victor Erlich (ed.), Pasternak: A Collection of Critical Essays (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1978: Prentice-Hall)
41a ‘ “ A Sense of Reality” about Russia’, review of Walter Bedell Smith, My Three Years in Moscow, New York Times Book Review, 8 January 1950, 1, 25
42 ‘A View of Russian Literature’, review of Marc Slonim, The Epic of Russian Literature, Partisan Review 17 (1950), 617–23
43‘Jewish Slavery and Emancipation’, Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1951, 17, 24; 28 September 1951, 17, 19; 5 October 1951, 13, 15; 12 October 1951, 8; repr. from Norman Bentwich (ed.), Hebrew University Garland: A Silver Jubilee Symposium (London, 1952: Constellation Books), 18–42; repr. in Zalman Shazar and Nathan Rotenstreich (eds), Forum for the Problems of Zionism, World Jewry and the State of Israel 1 (December 1953 [Jerusalem: Information Dept of the Jewish Agency]), and repr. therefrom as Herzl Institute Pamphlet no. 18 (New York, 1961: Herzl Press); in Debates on Zionism: Anthology of Viewpoints on the Meaning and Significance of Israel, the Diasporah and Zionism (Tel Aviv, [1969?]: Ichud Habonim/Dror); and in POI; trans. Catalan, French, Hebrew; see also 152a
- Review
- Himmelfarb, Milton, ‘Unease in Zionism’, review of Zalman Shazar and Nathan Rotenstreich (eds), Forum: For the Problems of Zionism, World Jewry and the State of Israel no. 1 (December 1953 [Jerusalem: Information Dept of the Jewish Agency]) (which includes IB’s essay), Commentary 18 (October 1954), 378–82
44‘Lev Tolstoy’s Historical Scepticism’, Oxford Slavonic Papers 2 (1951), 17–54 (‘ambitious and stimulating […] This is one of the most interesting and important contributions to Tolstoyan criticism to appear […] for many years’, The Times Literary Supplement, 25 January 1952, 81); repr. with additions as The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy’s View of History (London, 1953: Weidenfeld and Nicolson; New York, 1953: Simon and Schuster; New York, 1957: New American Library; New York, 1986: Simon and Schuster, with an introduction by Michael Walzer); excerpt in John Curtis (ed.), Weidenfeld and Nicolson: Fifty Years of Publishing (London, 1999: Weidenfeld and Nicolson), 28–32; repr. in RT and PSM; PSM text reprinted separately (London, 1992: Phoenix; Chicago, 1993: Ivan R. Dee) and excerpted as Tolstoy and History (London, 1996: Phoenix); trans. Finnish, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian (in part), Polish, Russian, Spanish; see also 173
- Reviews
- anon., Plain View 8 no. 4 (February 1954), 236
- Gardiner, Patrick, Philosophy 30 (1955), 279–82
- Ivask, George, Russian Review 14 no. 4 (October 1955), 379–81
- Niebuhr, Reinhold, New Leader, 22 March 1954, 24
- Schlesinger, Arthur, ‘Many Things v. One Big Thing’, Encounter, November 1953, 77–9

2nd. ed. of HF, ed. Henry Hardy, foreword by Michael Ignatieff (Princeton, 2013: Princeton University Press); adds an appendix containing a parody by John Bowle (‘The Owl and the Pussy-Cat’), a review by A. J. P. Taylor, (extracts from) letters (173, 276), extracts from interviews with Michael Ignatieff, and other material
44a‘Nineteen Fifty: A Survey of Politico-Cultural Trends of the Year’, in 1951 Britannica Book of the Year (Chicago/Toronto/London, 1951: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.), xxii–xxxi; repr. in 292
45‘On Translating Turgenev: Mrs Pegaway’s Virtues’, review of I. S. Turgenev, Smoke, On the Eve, Virgin Soil, Fathers and Children and A House of Gentlefolk, trans. Constance Garnett (London, 1920–51: Heinemann), Observer, 11 November 1951, 7
45a Review of E. H. Carr, Studies in Revolution, International Affairs 27 (1951), 470–1
45b‘The Big Liza’, review of Benoît-P. Hepner, Bakounine et le panslavisme révolutionnaire: cinq essais sur l’histoire des idées en Russie et en Europe (Paris, 1950: Marcel Rivière), Slavonic Review 30 (1951–2), no. 74 (December 1951), 280–5
45c‘This Modern Age’, review of Hans Kohn, The Twentieth Century: A Mid-Way Account of the Western World (New York, 1949: Macmillan; London, 1950: Gollancz), Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1951, 10
46 (under pseudonym ‘O. Utis’) ‘Generalissimo Stalin and the Art of Government’, Foreign Affairs 30 (1952), 197–214; repr. as ‘The Artificial Dialectic: Generalissimo Stalin and the Art of Government’ in SM; trans. German, Russian, Swedish
46a‘Lament for Lipatti’, House and Garden 7 No 3 (March 1952), 91, 98; repr. in 299
46b‘Nineteen Fifty-One: A Survey of Cultural Trends of the Year’, in Britannica Book of the Year 1952 (Chicago/Toronto/London, 1952: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.), xxii–xxxi; repr. in 292
47‘Eminent Poseur’, review of Benedetto Croce, My Philosophy: And Other Essays on the Moral and Political Problems of Our Time, ed. R. Klibansky, trans. E. F. Carritt (London, [1949]: Allen & Unwin), Mind 61 no. 244 (October 1952), 574–8
48‘The Philosophy of American Social Science’, review of Morton White, Social Thought in America (New York, 1949: Viking), Mind 61 no. 243 (July 1952), 405–9
49‘Dr Chaim Weizmann’ (supplementary obituary), The Times, 17 November 1952, 8f
50‘The Fate of Liberty’ (letter), The Times, 16 December 1952, 9e; repr. at E 343–4
50a‘Books of 1952’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year’, Sunday Times, 21 December 1952, 6
51‘Henderson at Oxford: 1. All Souls’, in T. Wilson (ed.), ‘Sir Hubert Henderson, 1890–1952’, supplement to Oxford Economic Papers 5 (1953), 55–8; repr. as ‘Hubert Henderson at All Souls’ in PI
52‘Israel: A Survey’, in The State of Israel (London, 1953: Anglo-Israel Association), 42–55; repr. as ‘The Face of Israel’, Jewish Frontier 21 no. 5 (May 1954), 22–30, in Israel: Some Aspects of the New State (London, 1955: Anglo-Israel Association) and as ‘The Origins of Israel’ in Walter Z. Laqueur (ed.), The Middle East in Transition (London, 1958: Routledge and Kegan Paul), and POI; trans. French, German
53 (unattributed) ‘Thinkers or Philosophers?’, review of N. O. Lossky, History of Russian Philosophy, The Times Literary Supplement, 27 March 1953, 197–8
53a‘The Clarity of Water’, review of Ernst Cassirer, The Philosophy of the Enlightenment (Princeton, 1951: Princeton University Press), trans. Fritz C. A. Koelln and James P. Pettegrove, English Historical Review 68 no. 269 (October 1953), 617–19
53b Review of George L. Kline, Spinoza in Soviet Philosophy, Oxford Magazine 71 (1952–3), 232–3
53c‘Virginia Woolf’s Genius’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year’, Sunday Times, 20 December 1953, 6, on Virginia Woolf, A Writer’s Diary, ed. Leonard Woolf (London, 1953: Hogarth Press)
53d‘Madame Akhmatova’ (letter), New Republic, 14 September 1953, 22–3 (reply to article by Michael Straight); repr. at E 390
54 Historical Inevitability [delivered under the title ‘History as an Alibi’], Auguste Comte Memorial Trust Lecture no. 1 (London, 1954: Oxford University Press), 76 pp. (‘a cavalry charge of the intellect – vast, exciting, glitteringly colourful and somewhat disorganised’: [Anthony Quinton,] The Times Literary Supplement, 21 December 1956, 769; ‘a dazzling display of intellectual fireworks’: [E. H. Carr,] The Times Literary Supplement, 7 March 1975, 246); repr. in Auguste Comte Memorial Lectures 1953–1962 (London, 1964: Athlone Press), FEL and L, Patrick Gardiner (ed.), The Philosophy of History (London, 1974: Oxford University Press), and PSM; excerpted in Hans Meyerhoff (ed.), The Philosophy of History in Our Time: An Anthology (New York, 1959: Doubleday), and Ronald. H. Nash (ed.), Ideas of History (New York, 1969: Dutton); trans. Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish
- Reviews
- anon., Plain View 9 no. 4 (February 1955), 263
- [Carr, E. H.,] ‘History and Morals’ (leading article), The Times Literary Supplement, 17 December 1954, 821
- Dawson, Christopher, Harvard Law Review 70 (1956–7), 584–8
- Deutscher, Isaac, ‘Determinists All’, Observer, 16 January, 1955, 8; see also Richard Wollheim, ‘Determinism’ (letter), ibid., 30 January 1955, 8 (followed by Deutscher’s reply)
- Fairlie, Henry, ‘Mr Berlin’s Anti-Determinism’, Spectator, 14 January 1955, 48
- Kristol, Irving, ‘The Judgement of Clio’, Encounter, January 1955, 67–9
- Niebuhr, Reinhold, New Leader, 21 November 1955, 23
- Rickman, H. P., ‘The Horizons of History’ (also reviews two works by other authors), Hibbert Journal 56 (October 1957 to July 1958), January 1958, 167–76
- Stewart, J. B., Political Science Quarterly 71 (1956), 291–2
54a‘Men Who Lead’ (on Chaim Weizmann), Jerusalem Post, 2 November 1954, 5, 6; repr. as ‘The Anatomy of Leadership’ in Jewish Frontier 21 no. 12 (December 1954), 13–17, and as ‘Chaim Weizmann’s Leadership’ in POI
55‘Realism in Politics’, Spectator 193 (1954), 774–6; repr. in POI
55a‘Calling America to Greatness’, review of Adlai Stevenson, Call to Greatness, (New York, [1954]: Harper; London, 1954: Rupert Hart-Davis), Sunday Times, 5 December 1954, 6
55b (ed. with Stuart Hampshire and Richard Wollheim) The Library of Ideas, a ‘new and useful series of the less familiar masterpieces of social and political thought’ ([E. H. Carr], The Times Literary Supplement, 28 January 1955, 57) (London, 1954–6: Weidenfeld and Nicolson)
55c‘Aristotelian Society Synopses I’, contributions (on 20 and 25) to J. W. Scott (ed.), A Synoptic Index to the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1900–1949 (Oxford, 1954: Basil Blackwell), 013 [sic]
56‘Herzen and Bakunin on Individual Liberty’, in Ernest J. Simmons (ed.), Continuity and Change in Russian and Soviet Thought (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1955: Harvard University Press), 473–99 (‘the best written … article in the book’: [E. H. Carr,] The Times Literary Supplement, 20 April 1956, 229); repr. in RT; trans. Russian
57‘A Marvellous Decade: Literature and Social Criticism in Russia, 1838–48’, Northcliffe Lectures for 1954; repr. as ‘A Remarkable Decade’ in RT; trans. Italian, Russian
I‘1838–48: The Birth of the Russian Intelligentsia’, Encounter 4 no. 6 (June 1955), 27–39; trans. Russian
II‘1838–48: German Romanticism in Petersburg and Moscow’, Encounter 5 no. 11 (November 1955), 21–9
III‘Belinsky: Moralist and Prophet’, Encounter 5 No 12 (December 1955), 22–43
IV‘Herzen and the Grand Inquisitors’, Encounter 6 No 5 (May 1956), 20–34; repr. as ‘Alexander Herzen’ in Stephen Spender, Irving Kristol and Melvin J. Lasky (eds), Encounters: An Anthology from the First Ten Years of Encounter Magazine (New York, 1965: Simon and Schuster), and as introduction to Alexander Herzen, Childhood, Youth and Exile, trans. J. D. Duff (Oxford, 1980: Oxford University Press); excerpted in John Gross (ed.), The New Oxford Book of English Prose (Oxford, 1998: Oxford University Press); trans. French, Japanese, Russian
58‘Montesquieu’, Proceedings of the British Academy 41 (1955), 267–96; repr. in AC; trans. Estonian
58a‘Philosophy’, talk given to the Cambridge Moral Sciences Club, 20 May 1955, as recorded by Andor Gomme in the minutes
59 (with Anthony Quinton, Stuart Hampshire and Iris Murdoch) ‘Philosophy and Beliefs’, Twentieth Century 157 (1955), 495–521 (‘a good working example, for the outsider, of what “academic virtue” – as a free collaboration of minds towards the clarification of important uncertainties – means in practice’: [G. S. Fraser,] The Times Literary Supplement, 10 June 1955, 317)
60‘Roosevelt through European Eyes’, Atlantic Monthly 196 no. 1 (July 1955), 67–71; as ‘President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’, Political Quarterly 26 (1955), 336–44 (repr. under this title in PI and PSM); repr. as ‘The Natural’ in Robert Vare with Daniel B. Smith (ed.), The American Idea: The Best of the Atlantic Monthly: 150 Years of Writers and Thinkers Who Shaped Our History (New York etc., 2007: Doubleday), 229–37
61‘The Furious Vissarion’, review of Herbert E. Bowman, Vissarion Belinski, 1811–1848: A Study in the Origins of Social Criticism in Russia (Cambridge, Mass., 1954: Harvard University Press), New Statesman and Nation 50 (July–December 1955), 8 October, 447–8; repr. in New Leader (USA), 16 January 1956, 21–2
61a‘Words of Wisdom: The Table Talk of a Modern Sage’, review of Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead, OM, as recorded by Lucien Price (Boston, 1954: Little, Brown; London, 1954: Max Reinhardt), Jewish Chronicle, 18 February 1955, 18
61b‘Marx as Historian’ (letter), New Statesman and Nation 50 (July–December 1955), 366; repr. at E 499–500
61c (with Rose Macaulay, Raymond Mortimer and Harold Nicolson), ‘Last Asquithian’ (letter), New Statesman and Nation 49 (January–June 1955), 8 January, 45; written in response to an article of that title on Violet Bonham Carter, ibid. 48 (July–December 1954), 11 December, 781
62 (ed. with introduction and commentary) The Age of Enlightenment: The 18th Century Philosophers (Boston, 1956: Houghton Mifflin [hardback]; New York, 1956: New American Library [paperback]; Oxford, 1979: Oxford University Press [hardback and paperback]); introduction excerpted in Jack Lively (ed.), The Enlightenment (London, 1966: Longmans), and repr. as ‘The Philosophers of the Enlightenment’ in POI; trans. Chinese; IB was informally a consulting editor for the whole series of six books (The Great Ages of Western Philosophy in hardback, The Mentor Philosophers in paperback) of which this was the third, though he disclaimed expertise on the periods covered by the first two volumes
- Anne Fremantle, The Age of Belief: The Medieval Philosophers
- Giorgio de Santillana, The Age of Adventure: The Renaissance Philosophers
- Stuart Hampshire, The Age of Reason: The 17th Century Philosophers
- Isaiah Berlin, The Age of Enlightenment: The 18th Century Philosophers
- Henry D. Aiken, The Age of Ideology: The 19th Century Philosophers
- Morton White, The Age of Analysis: The 20th Century Philosophers
- Reviews
- ~ Barrett, William, ‘Great Philosophy in Small Packets’ (reviews the whole six-volume series), New York Times, 17 March 1957, Book Review, 23: ‘Isaiah Berlin contributes a brilliant and very readable introduction to the […] volume on the eighteenth century, The Age of Enlightenment.’
- Thayer, H. S., Journal of Philosophy 55 no. 21 (October 1958), 913–16: ‘Mr Berlin’s introduction to these readings and his commentaries upon them are remarkable for their expository clarity and the suggestive insights and acute observations they contain. Mr Berlin offers us concise and penetrating reflections on the fundamental ideas, some of the problems that generated them, and some of the difficulties engendered by them in Locke, Berkeley and Hume. Not much is missed here.’
- Wilson, Arthur M., William and Mary Quarterly 14 no. 1 (January 1957), 89–97: ‘Mr Berlin, by the selections he has made and even more by his introduction and running commentary, confers upon his reader a comfortable sense of grasping the great issues that beset the philosophers of the day. He is not content merely to choose and summarise, though he does the one with fine judgement and the other with great lucidity; he also criticises and compares. The result is excellent.’
2nd ed.: Isaiah Berlin, with the assistance of Marcus Dick, The Age of Enlightenment: The Eighteenth-Century Philosophers, ed. Henry Hardy, published exclusively online (Oxford, 2017: The Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust)
63Introduction to Alexander Herzen, From the Other Shore and The Russian People and Socialism (London, 1956: Weidenfeld and Nicolson [part of 55b]; Oxford, 1979: Oxford University Press), vii–xxiii/xxv; repr. with postscript as ‘ “A Revolutionary Without Fanaticism” ’, New York Review of Books, 19 April 1979, 16–21, and (with further revisions) in POI; trans. Finnish, Italian, Japanese, Russian
64‘Equality’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 56 (1955–6), 301–26; repr. as ‘Equality as an Ideal’ in Frederick A. Olafson (ed.), Justice and Social Policy: A Collection of Essays (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1961: Prentice-Hall), the Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series in Political Science, no. 68812, and CC
65‘The Father of Russian Marxism’ (Plekhanov), Listener 56 (1956), 1063–4, 1077; repr. in New Leader (USA), 4 February 1957, 14–17 (as ‘Father of Russian Socialism’), and POI; trans. French, Russian
65a‘The Anti-Marxist: Portrait of a Nineteenth-Century Prophet’, review of George Woodcock, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: A Biography (London, [1956]: Routledge & Kegan Paul), Sunday Times, 21 October 1956, 8
66‘An Episode in the Life of Ivan Turgenev’, London Magazine 4 no. 7 (July 1957), 14–24 (includes translation of Turgenev’s ‘A Fire at Sea’); reissued with 39 as First Love [and] A Fire at Sea (London, 1982: Hogarth Press; New York, 1983: Viking) and with 39 and Spring Torrents, trans. Leonard Schapiro, as First Love and Other Stories, trans. Isaiah Berlin and Leonard Schapiro, introduction by V. S. Pritchett (London, 1994: Everyman)
67‘The Silence in Russian Culture’, Foreign Affairs 36 (1957), 1–24; repr. in Hamilton Fish Armstrong (ed.), Fifty Years of Foreign Affairs (New York, 1973: Praeger for the Council on Foreign Relations; London, 1973: Pall Mall), and James F. Hoge, Jr, and Fareed Zakaria (eds), The American Encounter: The United States and the Making of the Modern World, Essays from 75 Years of ‘Foreign Affairs’ (New York, 1997: Basic Books); repr. with 68 as ‘Soviet Russian Culture’ in SM; trans. Russian
68 (under pseudonym ‘L. ’) ‘The Soviet Intelligentsia’, Foreign Affairs 36 (1957), 122–30; repr. with 67 as ‘Soviet Russian Culture’ in SM; trans. German, Russian
68a (with Edgar Lustgarten and Lords Hailsham and Russell) ‘The Role of Great Men in History’ (edited transcript of unscripted broadcast discussion), ‘London Forum’, London Calling (the overseas journal of the BBC), 31 January 1957, 3–4, 10 (with additions from a contemporary transcript at the BBC Written Archives of the lost BBC recording); another recension appears in The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, vol. 29, Détente or Destruction, 1955–57, ed. Andrew Bone (London and New York, 2005: Routledge), 221–8 (notes 534–6, textual notes 611–16)
69 (with Miriam Rothschild) ‘Mr James de Rothschild: “Grand Seigneur” ’ (supplementary obituary), The Times, 13 May 1957, 15c
69a (with others) ‘Murder in Budapest: Death for Defenders of Freedom’ (letter), Daily Telegraph, 25 June 1957, 8; also published as ‘Budapest Sentences’, Manchester Guardian, 25 June 1957, 6
70 Chaim Weizmann, 2nd Herbert Samuel Lecture (London, 1958: Weidenfeld and Nicolson; New York, n. d.: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy), 60 pp.; repr. as Herzl Institute Pamphlet no. 8 (New York, 1958: Herzl Press); with an introduction by Charlotte Jacobson (New York, 1974: World Zionist Organization, American Section); and in PI; excerpted as ‘Weizmann and England: The First President of Israel’s Complex Relationship with England’ in Judaism Today no. 9 (Spring 1998), Israel’s First 50 Years, 17–21
- Review
- Halpern, Ben, ‘An Authentic Leader’, Commentary 27 (1959), 445–7; sceptical
71 Two Concepts of Liberty, Inaugural Lecture as Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory (Oxford, 1958: Clarendon Press), 55 pp.; repr. in FEL, PSM and L, in Preston King (ed.), The Study of Politics: A Collection of Inaugural Lectures (London, 1977: Frank Cass) and Philip Pettit and Robert E. Goodin (eds), Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology (Oxford, 1998: Blackwell), and in part in William Ebenstein (ed.), Modern Political Thought: The Great Issues, 2nd ed. (New York, 1960: Holt, Rinehart and Winston) (as ‘Freedom: Negative or Positive?’), Iain MacKenzie (ed.), Political Concepts: A Reader and Guide (Edinburgh, 2005: Edinburgh University Press), Anthony Quinton (ed.), Political Philosophy (London, 1967: Oxford University Press), David Miller (ed.), Liberty (Oxford, 1991: Oxford University Press), Michael Sandel (ed.), Liberalism and Its Critics (Oxford, 1984: Blackwell), Nigel Warburton, Arguments for Freedom (Milton Keynes, 1999: The Open University), David Miller (ed.), The Liberty Reader (Boulder and London, 2006: Paradigm), Robert Senelle and others (eds), The Road to Political Democracy: From Plato to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Brussels, 2012: Academic and Scientific Publishers), and Matt Zwolinski (ed.), Arguing about Political Philosophy (New York and London, 2009: Routledge); ed. with notes by Kimiyoshi Yura (Kyoto, 1967: Apollon-sha); trans. Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, Estonian, Georgian, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian (in part), Spanish, Ukrainian
- Reviews
- Macdonald, Dwight, ‘On the Rightness of Mr Berlin’, Encounter, April 1959, 79–85
- Sen Amartya, ‘Determinism and Historical Predictions’, Enquiry (Delhi) 2 (1959), 99–115, at 113–14
- [Wollheim, Richard], ‘A Hundred Years After’, The Times Literary Supplement, 20 February 1959, 89–90
72‘Richard Pares’, Balliol College Record 1958, 32–4; repr. in PI
72a‘Doctor Zhivago (and other books of 1958)’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year: I’, Sunday Times, 21 December 1958, 6
72b (with others) ‘Homosexual Acts: Call to Reform Law’ (letter), The Times, 7 March 1958, 11c
72c (not directly attributed) ‘Elysian Schools’, Oxford Magazine, 20 February 1958, 298–9; repr. in BI
73European Unity and Its Vicissitudes (Amsterdam, 1959: Fondation Européenne de la Culture), 31 pp.; repr. in CTH and Mathieu Segers and Yeri Albracht (eds), Re: Thinking Europe: Thoughts on Europe: Past, Present and Future (Amsterdam, 2006: Amsterdam University Press), 37–52; trans. Arabic, Estonian, French, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Spanish
74 John Stuart Mill and the Ends of Life, Robert Waley Cohen Memorial Lecture (London, 1959: Council of Christians and Jews), 32 pp.; repr. in FEL and L, in John Gray and G. W. Smith (eds), J. S. Mill On Liberty in Focus (London and New York, 1991: Routledge), as introduction to John Stuart Mill, On Liberty and Utilitarianism, Everyman’s Library 81 (London, 1992: David Campbell; New York, 1992: Knopf), and in part as ‘Introductory Essay’ in John Stuart Mill, On Liberty and Considerations on Representative Government (London, 2008: Folio Society), ix–xxv; trans. Japanese
75 The Life and Opinions of Moses Hess, Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture (Cambridge, 1959: Heffer), 49 pp. (‘scintillating and deeply felt […] equally illuminating for the history of Communism and the history of Zionism’: [Norman Bentwich,] The Times Literary Supplement, 18 December 1959, 743); digest in Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1957, 19; repr. in Philip Rieff (ed.), On Intellectuals (New York, 1969: Doubleday), Ezra Mendelsohn (ed.), Essential Papers on Jews and the Left (New York and London, 1997: New York University Press), and AC; trans. Estonian, French, Russian
- Reviews
- Essig, S. B., Revue de l’Institut de Sociologie 34 no. 3 (January 1961), 591
- Joll, James, ‘The Communist Rabbi’, Spectator, 27 November 1959, 776
75a‘An Oxford Manifesto’ (letters), New Statesman 58 (July–December 1959), 511 (repr. at E 703–4), 582
75b (with others) ‘Lolita’ (letter), The Times, 23 January 1959, 11e
75cLetter (on Moses Hess), Jewish Observer and Middle East Review, 18 December 1959, 17; repr. at E 710–11
75d (with A. J. Ayer, Alan Bullock, Stuart Hampshire and Bertrand Russell) ‘Threat to Liberty of Thought’, appeal ‘prompted by the South African government’s “latest move to destroy liberty of thought by crushing university education for Africans” ’, reported in The Observer, 8 November 1959, 8a
76Introduction to Franco Venturi, Roots of Revolution (London, 1960: Weidenfeld and Nicolson; New York, 1966: Grosset and Dunlap), vii–xxx (‘The concluding paragraphs […] are nothing if not controversial; and Sir Isaiah’s favourite Aunt Sallies – notably, the inevitability of history in general and of the Russian Revolution in particular – come in for a good bashing’: [E. H. Carr,] The Times Literary Supplement, 12 August 1960, 507); repr. as ‘Russian Populism’ in Encounter 15 No1 (July 1960), 13–28, and RT; trans. Russian
77‘History and Theory: The Concept of Scientific History’, History and Theory 1 (1960), 1–31; repr. in Alexander V. Riasanovsky and Barnes Riznik (eds), Generalizations in Historical Writing (Philadelphia, 1963: University of Pennsylvania Press), and as ‘The Concept of Scientific History’ in William H. Dray (ed.), Philosophical Analysis and History (New York, 1966: Harper and Row), CC and PSM; trans. German (in part), Japanese, Russian, Spanish
78‘Marx’, in J. O. Urmson (ed.), Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers (London, 1960: Hutchinson; 2nd ed. 1975), 176–81; repr. in POI; trans. Spanish
79‘The Philosophical Ideas of Giambattista Vico’, in Art and Ideas in Eighteenth-Century Italy: Lectures Given at the Italian Institute, 1957–1958 (Rome, 1960: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura), 156–233; repr. in revised form in VH and TCE; trans. Hebrew; see also 99
79a‘No Earthly Paradise’, review of Reinhold Niebuhr, Nations and Empires: Recurring Patterns in the Political Order (London, 1960: Faber), Guardian, 25 November 1960, 7
79b Review of Richard Hare, Portraits of Russian Personalities between Reform and Revolution, English Historical Review 75 (1960), 500–2
80‘Are We Naturally Good?’, review of Henry Vyverberg, Historical Pessimism in the French Enlightenment (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press), French Studies 14 no. 1 (January 1960), 167–70
80a (with others) ‘Racial Discrimination in Sport’, (letter published under the title ‘S.A. Boycott’), The Isis, 11 May 1960, 19
81‘La théorie politique existe-t-elle?’, Revue française de science politique 11 (1961), 309–37; repr. in English as ‘Does Political Theory Still Exist?’ in Peter Laslett and W. G. Runciman (eds), Philosophy, Politics and Society, 2nd Series (Oxford, 1962: Blackwell) (‘His answer is extremely nuancé but definitely hopeful’: [A. H. Hanson,] The Times Literary Supplement, 3 May 1963, 318), CC and PSM; trans. Estonian, Japanese, Spanish
- Review
- ~ Oakeshott, M[ichael], review of Laslett and Runciman, Philosophical Quarterly 15 no. 60 (July 1965), 281–2; his remarks on IB (Oakeshott’s only published comments on his work?) are on 282
81a (unattributed) ‘Research Institutions’, chapter 9 of Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences: Report of a Survey by the British Academy 1958–1960 (London, 1961: Oxford University Press), 60–4
81b‘Aristotelian Society Synopses II’, contributions (on 36 and 64) to J. W. Scott (ed.), A Synoptic Index to the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. II: 1950–1959 (London, 1961: Harrison & Sons), 16–18
82‘Tolstoy and Enlightenment’, Hermon Ould Memorial Lecture for 1960, Encounter 16 no. 2 (February 1961), 29–40; letter, The Times Literary Supplement, 2 December 1960, 779; lecture repr. in Mightier Than The Sword (London, 1964: Macmillan), Ralph E. Matlaw (ed.), Tolstoy: A Collection of Critical Essays (Englewood Cliffs, [1967]: Prentice-Hall), and RT; trans. Russian, Spanish
82a‘The Evils of Nationalism’, review of Elie Kedourie, Nationalism (London, 1960: Hutchinson), Oxford Magazine, New Series 1 (1960–1), no. 9, 19 January 1961, 147–8
83‘What is History?’ (two letters on E. H. Carr’s so titled Trevelyan Lectures, broadcast in shortened form by the BBC and printed in the Listener), Listener 65 (1961), 877 (18 May), 1048–9 (15 June); repr. at B 41–2, 48–50
83a (with others) ‘Release of Hungarian Professor Urged’, report of telegram dated 14 March 1961 to Ferenc Münnich, Chairman, Council of Ministers, People’s Republic of Hungary, urging the release of István Bibó, The Times, 17 March 1961, 7f; repr. – with different wording, probably because back-translated from Tibor Huszár (ed.), István Bibó (1911–1979): Életút dokumentumokban [A Life in Documents] (Budapest, 1995: 1956-os Intézet-Osiris-századvég), 543 – in Iván Zoltán Dénes, ‘Personal Liberty and Political Freedom: Four Interpretations’, European Journal of Political Theory 7 no. 1 (January 2008), 81–98 at 93 (signatories listed at 97); trans. Hungarian; cf. 87a
83bComment on Rabindranath Tagore, Towards Universal Man (London, 1961), printed on the back panel of the jacket:
I now have a vivid picture of the person of Tagore as a social reformer and intellectual leader, for whom I feel sympathy and admiration. The theme which runs through all the essays is of course the deeply morbid relationship of England and India; his attacks on England and his generosity towards her, the sane and astonishingly sympathetic understanding of Western values, together with an even acuter perception of the evils of mechanical adaptation to them, and the donning of foreign clothes and the damage done to spontaneity and native gifts by attempting to force them into the mould of an alien culture – all this seems to me most wonderfully stated.
84‘The Life of Chaim Weizmann’, originally ‘The Biographical Facts’, in Meyer W. Weisgal and Joel Carmichael (eds), Chaim Weizmann: A Biography by Several Hands (London, 1962: Weidenfeld and Nicolson; New York, 1963: Atheneum), 17–56 (‘a brilliant survey’: [Norman Bentwich,] The Times Literary Supplement, 21 December 1962, 983); repr. with revisions in Dan Leon and Yehuda Adin (eds), Chaim Weizmann: Statesman of the Jewish Renaissance (Jerusalem, 1974: The Zionist Library); trans. French, Hebrew, Spanish; further revisions in the online text
85‘The Purpose of Philosophy’, Insight (Nigeria) 1 no. 1 (July 1962), 12–15; repr. in the Sunday Times, 4 November 1962, 23, 26, in Viewpoint no. 6 (1963 no. 2), 29–31, as ‘Philosophy’s Goal’ in Leonard Russell (ed.), Encore, 2nd Year (London, 1963: Michael Joseph) (as ‘Philosophy’s Goal’), in CC and in POI; excerpted as ‘A “ Dangerous but Important Activity” ’ in University: A Princeton Quarterly no. 28 (Spring 1966), 1 (repr. in Van Cleve Morris [ (ed.)], Modern Movements in Educational Philosophy (Boston, [1969]: Houghton Mifflin), 9–11); trans. Estonian, Lithuanian, Russian, Ukrainian
86‘Mr Carr’s Big Battalions’, review of E. H. Carr, What is History?, New Statesman 63 (January–June 1962), no. 1608, 5 January 1962, 15–16
87 (unattributed) ‘The Road to Catastrophe’, review of Hans Kohn, The Mind of Germany (New York, [1960]: Scribner; London, 1961: Macmillan), and G. P. Gooch, French Profiles: Prophets and Pioneers (London, 1961: Longman), The Times Literary Supplement, no. 3135, 30 March 1962, 216; ‘A Correction’ (letter), 20 April 1962, 265
87a (with others) ‘Dr Bibó’s Release Again Urged’, report of telegram dated 22 February 1962 to János Kádár, Chairman, Council of Ministers, People’s Republic of Hungary, urging the release of István Bibó, The Times, 6 March 1962, 15c; repr. in Iván Zoltán Dénes, ‘Personal Liberty and Political Freedom: Four Interpretations’, European Journal of Political Theory 7 no. 1 (January 2008), 81–98 at 94 (signatories listed at 97); trans. Hungarian; cf. 83a
87bEndorsement of Raphael R. Abramovich, The Soviet Revolution, 1917–1939 (London, 1962: Allen & Unwin; New York, 1962: International Universities Press), cited in a publisher’s advertisement for the book, ALA Bulletin 56 no. 4 (April 1962), 286, and elsewhere:
The Russian Revolution and its consequences dominate our lives. Nevertheless, the evidence available to Western historians on which an objective account of it can be based is still not extensive. The appearance of a study of it by Mr Raphael Abramovitch, an eyewiteness of and a participant in many of the events that he describes, and a man of scrupulous integrity, constitutes an original source of primary importance and permanent value.
87c‘Romanticism, Politics and Ethics’, Alexander S. Keller Lecture, University of Hartford, Connecticut, 14 January 1963; trans. Chinese
88‘Civil Disobedience’, contribution to Clara Urquhart (ed.), A Matter of Life (London, 1963: Cape), 39–40
89‘Historical Note’, in Khovanshchina (opera programme) ([London], 1963: Royal Opera House Covent Garden Ltd), 5 pp.; repr. in the 1972 programme as ‘Programme Note: Modest Mussorgsky (1839–1881)’, as ‘Khovanshchina’ in the 1982 programme and San Francisco Opera, Fall Season 1984, 34–8, and with revisions as ‘A Note on Khovanshchina’, New York Review of Books, 19 December 1985, 40–2, and in 299; excerpted as ‘Stasov, Mussorgsky and Khovanshchina’ in The Kirov Opera (opera programme) ([London], 2005: Royal Opera House), 24
90‘Why Are These Books Neglected?’, Twentieth Century 172 (1963–4) no. 1019 (Autumn 1963), 139–47
90a (with others) ‘Dr Ranger’s Expulsion’, The Times, 11 February 1963, 11d
91‘Meyer Weisgal’, contribution to Meyer W. Weisgal (New York, 1964), [22]; repr. in Edward Victor (ed.), Meyer Weisgal at Seventy (London, 1966: Weidenfeld and Nicolson) (as ‘A Generous Imaginative Idealist’), and in The Odyssey of an Optimist: Meyer W. Weisgal, An Anthology by His Contemporaries (New York, 1967: Atheneum)
92‘Felix Frankfurter at Oxford’, in Wallace Mendelson (ed.), Felix Frankfurter: A Tribute (New York, 1964: Reynal), 22–31; repr. in Quest 1 (1965), 20–2, and PI
93‘From Hope and Fear Set Free’, Presidential Address, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 64 (1963–4), 1–30; repr. in CC, PSM and L; trans. Estonian
94‘Hobbes, Locke and Professor Macpherson’, review of C. B. Macpherson, The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, Hobbes to Locke (Oxford, 1962: Clarendon Press), Political Quarterly 35 no. 4 (October 1964), 444–68
94a‘A Note on Nationalism’, Forethought (Windsor, [1964]: Eton College), 9–14; repr. in POI2
95‘Portrait of Ben-Gurion’, review of Maurice Edelman, Ben-Gurion: A Political Biography (London, 1964: Hodder and Stoughton; as David: The Story of Ben-Gurion, New York, 1964: Putnam), Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1964, 7, 22
95a‘Rationality of Value Judgments’, Nomos 7 [Carl J. Friedrich (ed.), Rational Decision (New York, 1964: Atherton Press; London, 1964: Prentice-Hall International)], 221–3; repr. as ‘The Rationality of Value Judgements’ in CC2
95b (in paraphrase) Contributions to John Keep and Liliana Brisby (eds), Contemporary History in the Soviet Mirror (London, 1964: George Allen and Unwin), 40–1, 89, 220, 330
95c‘Olga Ivinskaya’ (letter), Observer, 15 March 1964, 11
95d‘Lord Marks’, contribution to ‘The Death of Lord Marks’, Jewish Observer and Middle East Review, 11 December 1964, 37
96Contribution to Julian Huxley (ed.), Aldous Huxley (London, 1965: Chatto and Windus), 144–53; repr. as ‘Aldous Huxley’ in PI
97Contribution to Ian Kemp (ed.), Michael Tippett: A Symposium on his 60th Birthday (London, 1965: Faber), 62–3; repr. as ‘The Depth of Michael Tippett’ in 299
98‘Herder and the Enlightenment’, in Earl R. Wasserman (ed.), Aspects of the Eighteenth Century (Baltimore, 1965: Johns Hopkins Press), 47–104 (‘the most interesting and valuable essay in [the] collection […] we must be grateful that Sir Isaiah’s lucid exposition and gift for suggestive comparisons make Herder’s thought seem so attractive and exciting’, The Times Literary Supplement, 24 November 1966, 1101; ‘an overpowering virtuoso performance’: [Walter Kaufman,] The Times Literary Supplement, 2 January 1976, 14); repr. as ‘J. G. Herder’, Encounter 25 no. 1 (July 1965), 29–48, no. 2 (August 1965), 42–51; repr. in revised form in VH, PSM and TCE; trans. Spanish
98a (with H. L. A. Hart) ‘Postgraduate Studies in Oxford’, in University of Oxford, Commission of Inquiry [‘The Franks Commission’]: Evidence, part 11, Individuals (Oxford, 1965: Oxford University Press), 12–16
99‘Sulla teoria del Vico circa la conoscenza storica’ (a much expanded version of ‘Appendix: On Vico’s Epistemology’ in 79), Lettere italiane 17 (1965), 420–31; repr. as ‘Appendice sulla teoria del Vico circa la conoscenza storica’ in Vittore Branca (ed.), Sensibilità e razionalità nel settecento (Florence, 1967: Sansoni); repr. in revised form as ‘Vico’s Theory of Knowledge and its Sources’ in VH and TCE
100‘Montesquieu and Burke’, review of C. P. Courtney, Montesquieu and Burke (Oxford, 1963: Blackwell), Modern Language Review 60 no. 3 (July 1965), 449–52
101‘A Great Russian Writer’, review of Osip Mandelstam, The Prose of Osip Mandelstam: The Noise of Time; Theodosia; The Egyptian Stamp, trans. and ed. Clarence Brown (Princeton, 1965: Princeton University Press), New York Review of Books, 23 December 1965, 3–4; repr. in SM
101a‘The Thought of de Tocqueville’, review of Jack Lively, The Social and Political Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville (Oxford, 1962: Clarendon Press), History 50 (1965) no. 169, 199–206
102Introduction to Marc Raeff (ed.), Russian Intellectual History (New York/Chicago/Burlingame, 1966: Harcourt, Brace and World; Hassocks, 1978: Harvester; New York, 1978: Humanities Press), 3–11; repr. as ‘Russian Intellectual History’ in POI
103Preface to H. G. Schenk, The Mind of the European Romantics (London, 1966: Constable; New York, 1969: Doubleday; Oxford, 1979: Oxford University Press), xiii–xviii; repr. as ‘The Essence of European Romanticism’ in POI; trans. Japanese, Spanish
104‘L. B. Namier: A Personal Impression’, in Martin Gilbert (ed.), A Century of Conflict, 1850–1950: Essays for A. J. P. Taylor (London, 1966: Hamish Hamilton); repr. in Encounter 27 no. 5 (November 1966), 32–42 (letter, 28 no. 1 (January 1967), 92), Journal of Historical Studies 1 (1967–8), 117–36, and PI
104a (with Mary McCarthy and others) ‘The Founders’ (letter), Time, 16 September 1966, 20
105‘The Great Blood Libel Case’, review of Maurice Samuel, Blood Accusation: The Strange History of the Beiliss Case (New York, 1966: Knopf), Jewish Chronicle Literary Supplement, 23 December 1966, iii–iv; repr. as ‘The Beiliss Case: Prelude to Revolution’ in Midstream 13 no. 2 (February 1967), 66–72
106‘New Ways in History’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 21 April 1966, 347; repr. at B 275–7
106aEndorsement of Walter Kaufmann, Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary, on the jacket of the UK edition (London, 1966: Weidenfeld and Nicolson) and the cover of the US paperback edition, Hegel: A Reinterpretation (New York, 1966: Anchor Books); repr. on Walter Kaufmann, Discovering the Mind (New York, 1980: McGraw-Hill), vol. 1, Goethe, Kant and Hegel
Walter Kaufmann is among the very few living philosophers who seem to me to understand both Hegel’s thought and the world in which he lived and for which he wrote. Professor Kaufmann is a man of exceptionally wide and scrupulous learning, vivid historical imagination, critical acumen and an enviable capacity for writing clear, lively and readable prose. He has in this, as in his other books, succeeded in removing a large accumulation of misunderstanding and misinterpretation, has breathed new life into Hegel’s central doctrines, and so made it difficult for the most sceptical not to see that beneath the academic system-builder there was a most audacious, profound and devastating, at times wildly turbulent, thinker.
107Contribution to Cecil Woolf and John Bagguley (eds), Authors take Sides on Vietnam (New York, 1967: Simon and Schuster), 20–1; repr. as ‘Taking Sides on Vietnam’ at B 601–2
107a (with others) ‘Issues behind the Oxford Fund’, (letter), The Times, 7 July 1967, 9d
107b (with others) ‘Victor Gollancz’ (letter), The Times, 1 August 1967, 9c
108Introduction to Alexander Herzen, My Past and Thoughts: The Memoirs of Alexander Herzen, trans. Constance Garnett (London, 1968: Chatto and Windus; New York, 1968: Knopf; ed. and abridged by Dwight Macdonald, New York, 1973: Knopf; London, 1974: Chatto and Windus; Berkeley, 1982: University of California Press), 25 pp.; repr. as ‘The Great Amateur’, New York Review of Books, 14 March 1968, 9–18 (see also 111c below), as ‘Herzen and his Memoirs’ in AC, in Robert B. Silvers, Barbara Epstein and Rea S. Hederman (eds), The First Anthology: 30 Years of The New York Review of Books (New York, 1993: New York Review of Books), and in PSM; trans. German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish
108a‘A Great Benefactor’ [Isaac Wolfson], Rehovot 5 no. 1 (Summer 1968), 18–21
109‘Richard Pipes on Young Lenin’, comment on Richard Pipes, ‘The Origins of Bolshevism: The Intellectual Evolution of Young Lenin’, in Richard Pipes (ed.), Revolutionary Russia (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1968: Harvard University Press), 52–9
110‘The “Naivety” of Verdi’, Hudson Review 21 (1968), 138–47; repr. from Atti del I congresso internazionale di studi verdiani, 1966 (Parma, 1969: Istituto di Studi Verdiani), 27–35; repr. in About The House 3 no. 1 (March 1969), 8–13, New Republic, 6 October 1979, 30–4, Ernani (opera programme) ([Cardiff, 1979]: Welsh National Opera) (abridged), William Weaver and Martin Chusid (eds), The Verdi Companion (London, 1980: Gollancz), Opera 31 (1980), 128–35, and AC; trans. French, German, Japanese
111‘The Role of the Intelligentsia’, Listener 79 (1968), 563–5; repr. in Derwent May (ed.), Good Talk 2: An Anthology from BBC Radio (London, 1969: Gollancz), and POI
111a‘Books of 1968: A Personal Choice’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year: A Personal Choice’, Observer, 22 December 1968, 17a
111bContributions to an LSE conference (19–21 May 1967) published as ‘To Define Populism’, Government and Opposition 3 no. 2 (1968), 137–79 at 140, 173–8; a complete transcript of the proceedings of the conference, including more material by IB, is in the library of the LSE under the title ‘London School of Economics Conference on Populism, May 20–21, 1967: Verbatim report’, shelfmark HN 17 C74
111c (with Martin A. Miller) Herzen’s Circle, New York Review of Books, 20 June 1968 (see also 108 above)
111d‘G. L. Seidler’, foreword to G. L. Seidler, The Emergence of the Eastern World: Seven Essays on Political Ideas (Oxford etc., 1968: Pergamon), ix
112 Four Essays on Liberty (revised reprints of 37, 54, 71, 74, with a new introduction) (London and New York, 1969: Oxford University Press); repr. in Liberty (252); trans. Albanian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croat, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian
- Reviews
- Bayón, J., Revista de Occidente, February 1970, 240
- Blair, J. A., Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 9 no. 2 (September 1970), 266–8
- Howe, Irving, review essay, Harper’s, August 1970, 93–8
- Powell, Enoch, ‘Concepts of Liberty’ (also reviews Edward Goodman, A Study of Liberty and Revolution), Books and Bookmen 20 no. 8 (May 1975), 23–4; solves problem of free will in 3 sentences
- Wischke, Mirko, review of Ramin Jahanbegloo, Den Ideen die Stimme wiedergeben: Eine intellektuelle Biographie in Gesprächen; Freiheit: Vier Versuche; and Der Magus des Nordens: J. G. Hamann und der Ursprung des modernen Irrationalismus (German translations of CIB, FEL and MN), Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 51 no. 2 (April 1998), 141–5
113Foreword to Michael Yudkin (ed.), General Education: A Symposium on the Teaching of Non-Specialists (Harmondsworth, 1969: Allen Lane/Penguin), 9–20; repr. as ‘General Education’ in Oxford Review of Education 1 (1975), 287–92, and POI; trans. Japanese
113a‘The Hazards of Social Revolution’, in Aaron W. Warner, Dean Morse and Thomas E. Cooney (eds), The Environment of Change (New York and London, 1969: Columbia University Press), 1–27 (includes a short discussion between IB and I. I. Rabi on the rationality of science); described as a ‘Summary of Remarks’, this text, under the title ‘The Lessons of History’, was in fact heavily corrected by IB before publication; repr. with revisions as ‘The Lessons of History’ in Joshua L. Cherniss and Steven B. Smith (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Isaiah Berlin (Cambridge etc., 2018: Cambridge University Press)
114‘A Note on Vico’s Concept of Knowledge’, in Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Hayden V. White (eds), Giambattista Vico: An International Symposium (Baltimore, [1969]: Johns Hopkins Press), 371–7; repr. in New York Review of Books, 24 April 1969, 23–6, and AC trans. Spanish
- Review
- ~ Noether, Amiliana P., review of Tagliacozzo and White, American Historical Review 76 no. 2 (April 1971), 476–9
115‘One of the Boldest Innovators in the History of Human Thought’ (Vico), New York Times Magazine, 23 November 1969, 76–100; repr. in Ben Seligman (ed.), Molders of Modern Thought (Chicago, 1970: Quadrangle Books), and POI; trans. Spanish
115a‘Vico’, on this site; lecture delivered at the Italian Institute, London, 6 May 1969
116‘Reply to Orsini’, Journal of the History of Ideas 30 no. 1 (January–March 1969), 91–5: a reply to G. N. G. Orsini, ‘Feuerbach’s Supposed Objection to Hegel’, ibid., 85–90; abstract in the Philosopher’s Index 3 (1969), 138
116a‘Books of 1969: A Personal Choice’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year: A Personal Choice’, The Observer, 21 December 1969, 17
117‘Schiller and Kant on Freedom’, foreword to R. D. Miller, Schiller and the Ideal of Freedom: A Study of Schiller’s Philosophical Works with Chapters on Kant (Oxford, 1970: Clarendon Press), v
118‘Benjamin Disraeli, Karl Marx, and the Search for Identity’, in Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England 22 (1968–9) (London, 1970: Jewish Historical Society of England); repr. in Midstream 16 no. 7 (August-September 1970), 29–49, and AC; trans. French, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Spanish
119‘Chaim Weizmann as Exilarch’, first published as ‘Weizmann as Exilarch’ in Chaim Weizmann as Leader (Jerusalem, 1970: Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 13–21; trans. Hebrew
- Review
- Reinharz, Jehuda, review of Chaim Weizmann as Leader, American Jewish Historical Quarterly 60 no. 1 (September 1970), 110–13
120Sir Maurice Bowra, 1898–1971 (Oxford, [1971]: Wadham College), 10 pp.; repr. as ‘Memorial Address in St Mary’s’ in Hugh Lloyd-Jones (ed.), Maurice Bowra (London, 1974: Duckworth), and as ‘Maurice Bowra’ in PI
121‘Georges Sorel’, Creighton Lecture, The Times Literary Supplement, 31 December 1971, 1617–22; repr. in expanded form in Chimen Abramsky (ed.), Essays in Honour of E. H. Carr (London, 1974: Macmillan), 3–35, and AC; trans. Hebrew, Spanish; see also 132
121a‘The Rise of Modern Irrationalism’, Benjamin Rush Lecture, 4 May 1971, Washington, DC
122‘The Question of Machiavelli’, New York Review of Books, 4 November 1971, 20–32; repr. of part of ‘The Originality of Machiavelli’, in Myron P. Gilmore (ed.), Studies on Machiavelli (Florence, 1972: Sansoni), 149–206; repr. in the Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series in Political Science, No 68813, and as Appendix II in Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince on The Art of Power (London, 2007: Duncan Baird Publishing), 222–61; full version repr. in John Dunn and Ian Harris (eds), Machiavelli (Cheltenham and Lyme, 1997: Edward Elgar), vol. 2, AC and PSM and trans. Lithuanian, Portuguese, Russian
123‘Randolph Churchill’, published as ‘Randolph’ in Kay Halle (ed.), Randolph Churchill: The Young Unpretender (London, 1971: Heinemann), 278–9
124‘Tchaikovsky and Eugene Onegin’, Glyndebourne Festival Programme Book 1971, 58–63; repr. in 299, and as ‘Tchaikovsky, Pushkin and Onegin’ in Musical Times 121 (1980), 163–8, and Eugene Onegin (Oxford University Opera Club programme) ([Oxford], 1992)
124a (with others) ‘George Seferis’ (letter), New York Review of Books, 16 December 1971, 42
124b‘The Nerve-Wracking Sect’ (‘Sir Isaiah Berlin OM replies to a letter from the Editor’), Jewish Chronicle, 12 November 1971, 35
125 Fathers and Children: Turgenev and the Liberal Predicament, Romanes Lecture (Oxford, 1972: Clarendon Press; repr. with corrections 1973), 61 pp.; repr. in New York Review of Books, 18 October 1973, 39–44, 1 November 1973, 22–9, 15 November 1973, 9–11, as introduction to Ivan Turgenev, Fathers and Sons, trans. Rosemary Edmonds (Harmondsworth, 1975: Penguin), and in RT; excerpted as ‘The Liberal Predicament’ in Dialogue 11 no. 4 (1978), 90–5; trans. Japanese, Russian; see also 138
- Reviews
- [Freeborn, Richard,] ‘The Liberal Dilemma’, The Times Literary Supplement, 22 December 1972, 1553
- Kelly, A. M., ’ “Fathers and Children” ’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 26 January 1973, 94 (followed by a reply from Freeborn)
- Walker, Angus, Modern Language Review, 477–8
126 Zionist Politics in Wartime Washington: A Fragment of Personal Reminiscence, Yaacov Herzog Memorial Lecture (Jerusalem, 1972: Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 61 pp.; excerpted in Barnet Litvinoff (ed.), The Essential Chaim Weizmann: The Man, the Statesman, the Scientist (London, 1982: Weidenfeld and Nicolson); originally to have been reprinted in PI, but IB changed his mind; repr. in F; trans. Hebrew
127Foreword to Friedrich Meinecke, Historism: The Rise of a New Historical Outlook, trans. J. E. Anderson (London, 1972: Routledge and Kegan Paul), ix–xvi; repr. as ‘Meinecke and Historicism’ in POI
128‘The Bent Twig: A Note on Nationalism’, Foreign Affairs 51 (1972), 11–30; repr. in James F. Hoge, Jr, and Fareed Zakaria (eds), The American Encounter: The United States and the Making of the Modern World, Essays from 75 Years of ‘Foreign Affairs’ (New York, 1997: Basic Books), and CTH; trans. Arabic, French, German, Hungarian, Spanish
129‘Jacob Herzog’, Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1972, 28, 43 (as ‘Dr Jacob Herzog’); repr. as ‘Yaacov Herzog: a Tribute’ as preface to 126 and in Misha Louvish (ed.), A People that Dwells Alone: Speeches and Writings of Yaacov Herzog (London, 1995: Weidenfeld and Nicolson); trans. Hebrew
130‘Giambattista Vico’, Listener 88 (1972), 391–8; repr. as ‘Giambattista Vico: Man of Genius’ in TCE2; trans. Spanish
131‘History as We Would Like It’, contribution to ‘The Judgements of History: A Symposium’, Worldview 15 no. 7 (July 1972), 15–19 at 16
131a‘A Welcome to Roy Jenkins’, introductory remarks for Roy Jenkins, British Foreign Policy since 1945 (7th Thank-Offering to Britain Fund Lecture, 28 March 1972, British Academy, London) (Oxford, 1972: Oxford University Press for the British Academy), 3
132‘Sorel’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 14 January 1972, 40; cf. 121
132a (with others) ‘In Memory of Cecil Roth’ (letter), Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1972, 21
132b ‘Machiavelli’, reply to Kenneth Burke in ‘An Exchange on Machiavelli’ (letters), New York Review of Books, 6 April 1972, 35–6 at 36
132c‘A Sympathiser with Zionism’ (letter to the editor, published in Hebrew translation), Ha’aretz, 17 November 1972, 26; response to Nathan Yellin-Mor
133‘Austin and the Early Beginnings of Oxford Philosophy’, in Isaiah Berlin and others, Essays on J. L. Austin (Oxford, 1973: Clarendon Press), 1–16; repr. in PI; trans. German
134‘The Counter-Enlightenment’, Dictionary of the History of Ideas (New York, 1968–73: Scribner’s), vol. 2 (1973), 100–12; repr. in AC and PSM; trans. Estonian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian
135‘Israel: A Nation Among Nations’, first published as ‘A Nation Among Nations’, Jewish Chronicle, Colour Magazine, 4 May 1973, 28–34; excerpted as ‘Israel at 25’ in Jerusalem Post, 18 May 1973, magazine supplement, 7
136‘The Foundation of Wolfson College, Oxford’, first published as ‘Notes on the Foundation of Wolfson College’, Lycidas [the magazine of Wolfson College] 1 (1973), 2–4
137‘Mr Hamilton Fish Armstrong’ (supplementary obituary), The Times, 28 April 1973, 16g
138‘Fathers and Children’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 12 January 1973, 40b–c; cf. 125
138a‘Books of 1973’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year’, Observer, 16 December 1973, 33a–b
139 The Divorce between the Sciences and the Humanities, 2nd Tykociner Memorial Lecture (Illinois, 1974: University of Illinois), 34 pp.; repr. in Salmagundi no. 27 (Summer/Fall 1974), 9–39, Robert Boyers and Peggy Boyers (eds), The Salmagundi Reader (Bloomington, 1983: Indiana University Press), CTH and PSM; trans. Italian, Polish
139a‘The Senate Foreign Relations Committee’ (Dispatch no. 292, British Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, London, 19 April 1943), in Thomas E. Hachey (ed.), ‘American Profiles on Capitol Hill: A Confidential Study for the British Foreign Office in 1943’, Wisconsin Magazine of History 57 no. 2 (Winter 1973–4), 141–53; in note 3 on p. 142 Hachey charmingly describes HF as ‘a fictional work’
139bProbable unattributed contributions to T. E. Hachey (ed.), Confidential Dispatches: Analyses of America by the British Ambassador, 1939–45 (Evanston, Illinois, 1974); IB’s disclaimer in a letter of 4 June 1974 to Arthur Schlesinger should not necessarily be taken at face value:
I have seen Mr Hachey’s book, and it contains only long despatches – not the weekly political summary which I used to have a hand in – I think I must have had something to do with these other things too, but not so very much – they must have been composed by people in my ‘section’ and I must have read them and passed them on, as my own were read and passed on by my superiors, William Hayter, Michael Wright and suchlike. At any rate, I recognised very little in them, and thought them not wildly interesting. Nor are my despatches, for that matter. If anyone digs them out and publishes them or any part of them, disappointment and boredom will ensue: such reputation as I acquired as a result of them will evaporate immediately.
140‘A Tribute to Arthur Lehning’, contribution to Arthur Lehning in 1974 (Leiden, 1974: Brill), 3 pp.
141‘Charles E. Bohlen’: ‘Mr C. E. Bohlen: Close Study of Soviet Leaders’ (supplementary obituary), The Times, 11 January 1974, 16h
141a‘Raimund von Hofmannsthal’: ‘Mr Raimund von Hofmannsthal’ (supplementary obituary), The Times, 26 April 1974, 20f–g; repr. in Christiane Zimmer and others, Raimund von Hofmannsthal: A Rosenkavalier 1906–1974, ed. Ivan Moffat (Reinbek, 1975: Rowolt), 27–8
141b‘Byron the Romantic’, contribution to ‘From Missolonghi to Apsley House: A Reappraisal of Byron’ (edited transcript of a radio discussion, ‘Byron: Poet or Myth?’, presented by Christopher Ricks and Hallam Tennyson, Radio 3, 5 May 1974), Listener 91 no. 2355 (16 May 1974), 623–6 at 623, 626
141c‘My Favourite Books in Childhood’, contribution to ‘I Remember, I Remember’, The Times Literary Supplement, 6 December 1974, 1370; repr. ibid., 11 November 2016, 38
141d‘The Russian Concern for “History” ’, contribution (excerpt from ‘The Russian Preoccupation with History’) to ‘Out of the Year’, Listener 92 no. 2386 (19 and 26 December 1974), 830a
142 John Petrov Plamenatz, 1912–1975 (Oxford, [1975]: All Souls College), 12 pp.; repr. in PI
142a‘Avraham Harman’, foreword to Dov Noy and Issachar Ben-Ami (eds), Studies in the Cultural Life of the Jews in England, presented to Avraham Harman on his sixtieth birthday (Jerusalem, 1975: Magnes Press, the Hebrew University), 7
143‘L’apoteosi della volontà romantica: la rivolta contro il tipo di un mondo ideale’, Lettere italiane 27 (1975), 44–68; original English version, ‘The Apotheosis of the Romantic Will: The Revolt against the Myth of an Ideal World’, published in CTH, repr. in PSM and trans. Latvian, Spanish
144‘Performances memorable – and not so memorable’, Opera 26 (1975), 116–20; repr. in 299
145Presidential Address to the British Academy, 1975, Proceedings of the British Academy 61 (1975), 71–81
146Speech at the Official Opening of Wolfson College, Oxford, 12 November 1974, Lycidas 3 (1975), 3–6
146a (unattributed) ‘Sir John Wheeler-Bennett’ (obituary), The Times, 10 December 1975, 19f–h
147‘Sir John Wheeler-Bennett’ (supplement to 146a), The Times, 13 December 1975, 16g
147a (with others) ‘Writers and the Closed Shop’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 25 April 1975, 441 (front cover)
148 Vico and Herder: Two Studies in the History of Ideas (London, 1976: Hogarth Press; New York, 1976: Viking; New York, 1977: Vintage Books; London, 1980: Chatto and Windus; London, 1992: Hogarth Press) (revised versions of 79, 98 and 99, with a new introduction); repr. in revised form in TCE; trans. Catalan, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese
- Reviews
- Kelley, Donald, ‘Conoisseurs of Causes’, The Times Literary Supplement, 9 July 1976, 839
- Kessler, Eckhard, Journal of Philosophy 75 no. 5 (May 1978), 264–70
- Luckett, Richard, ‘A Saving Grace’, Spectator, 13 March 1976, 21
- MacIntyre, Alasdair, Listener 95 (1976), 251
- Momigliano, A., ‘On the Pioneer Trail’, review article, The New York Review of Books, 11 November 1976
- Ryan, Alan, ‘Inside Knowledge’, New Statesman, 27 February 1976, 261
- Scouten, A. H., Comparative Literature Studies 15 (1978)
- Struever, Nancy S. (also reviews James H. Stam, Inquiries into the Origin of Language: The Fate of a Question), MLN 91 no. 6 (December 1976), 1625–7
- Swoboda, Wolfram, New Boston Review 2 no. 2 (Fall 1976), 14; very critical
149Contribution to John Jolliffe (ed.), Auberon Herbert: A Composite Portrait (Tisbury, 1976: Compton Russell), 9–14; repr. as ‘Auberon Herbert’ in PI
150‘Vico’s Philosophy of Imagination’: ‘Comment on Professor Verene’s Paper’ [Donald Phillip Verene, ‘Vico’s Philosophy of Imagination’, Social Research 43 (1976), 410–26], Social Research 43 (1976), 426–9; repr. in Giorgio Tagliacozzo and others (eds), Vico and Contemporary Thought (London, 1976: Macmillan); trans. Spanish
150a‘Go There to Find Your Identity’, Jewish Chronicle, 16 April 1976, supplement on 50th anniversary of the Friends of the Hebrew University, i–ii
151Presidential Address to the British Academy, 1976, Proceedings of the British Academy 62 (1976), 85–94
152‘Vico and the Ideal of the Enlightenment’, Social Research 43 (1976), 640–53; repr. in Giorgio Tagliacozzo and others (eds), Vico and Contemporary Thought (London, 1976: Macmillan), and in AC without last section, ‘The Workings of Providence’ (which is repr. in TCE2); trans. Italian, Polish, Spanish
152aLetter dated 11 July 1973 to Douglas Villiers, in Douglas Villiers (ed.), Next Year in Jerusalem: Jews in the Twentieth Century (New York, 1976: Viking; London, 1976, Harrap), 106 (a response to Arthur Koestler, ‘The Vital Choice’, ibid., 98–105); repr. at B 538–9
152b‘Vico’s Doctrines’ (letter), History Today 26 no. 12 (December 1976), 829–30; a crushing reply to a review of VH by Joanna Hodge
153Sir Harry d’Avigdor Goldsmid, 1909–1976 ([London, 1977]: privately printed), 6 pp.; memorial address, West London Synagogue, Berkeley Street, LONDON W1, 8 February 1977
153a‘Mstislav Rostropovich’, contribution to Mstislav Rostropovich: 50th Birthday Gala Concert, concert programme for Rostropovich’s 50th birthday concert at the Royal Festival Hall, 6 March 1977
154‘Hume and the Sources of German Anti-Rationalism’, in G. P. Morice (ed.), David Hume: Bicentennial Papers (Edinburgh, 1977: Edinburgh University Press), 93–116; repr. in AC
155‘Old Russia’, review of Marvin Lyons, Russia in Original Photographs 1860–1920, ed. Andrew Wheatcroft, and Kyril FitzLyon and Tatiana Browning, Before the Revolution: A View of Russia under the Last Tsar, The Guardian, 24 November 1977, 14
156Presidential Address to the British Academy, 1977, Proceedings of the British Academy 63 (1977), 1–11
156a‘Arendt and Baring’, contribution to ‘Reputations Revisited’, The Times Literary Supplement, 21 January 1977, 66
156bSelected Writings (London, 1978–80: Hogarth Press; New York, 1978–81: Viking): items 157, 158, 166 and 167 were originally published under this series title; in later editions this collective identity was dropped
- Review
- Kołakowski, Leszek, ‘Entre l’utopie et la raison’, Le Débat, 1980 no. 1 (May 1980), 130
157 Russian Thinkers, ed. Henry Hardy and Aileen Kelly, with an introduction by Aileen Kelly (London, 1978: Hogarth Press; New York, 1978: Viking; Harmondsworth and New York, 1979: Penguin) (reprints of 30, 44, 56, 57, 76, 82, 125); trans. Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese (in part), Polish, Portuguese, Spanish
- Reviews
- Hingley, Ronald, ‘Narcissists’, Spectator, 7 January 1978, 20
- Kempski, Jürgen von, review of Russische Denker (German trans.), Merkur 36 no. 4 (April 1982), 417
- Marko, Kurt, review (in English) of Russische Denker (German trans.), Studies in Soviet Thought 26 no. 1 (July 1983), 77–80
- Muchnic, Helen, ‘ The Undefeated’, New York Review of Books, 15 June 1978, 21–4
- Young, George M., Jr, ‘Isaiah Berlin’s Russian Thinkers’, Review of Politics 41 no. 4 (October 1979), 596–8
- West, Rebecca, Sunday Telegraph, 15 January 1978, 14
- Zeldin, Mary-Barbara, Russian Review 38 no. 3 (July 1979), 364–5; highly critical of the editors (on grounds rejected by IB in a letter to one of them)
2nd ed., revised by Henry Hardy, glossary by Jason Ferrell (London etc., 2008: Penguin Classics)
158 Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays, ed. Henry Hardy, with an introduction by Bernard Williams (London, 1978: Hogarth Press; New York, 1979: Viking; Oxford, 1980: Oxford University Press; New York, 1981: Penguin; London, 1999: Pimlico; Princeton, 1999: Princeton University Press) (reprints of 25, 35, 36, 64, 77, 81, 85, 93); trans. Italian, Japanese (in part), Spanish
- Reviews
- Quinton, Anthony, ‘Idea-Systems’, Spectator, 23 September 1978, 61
2nd. ed., foreword by Alasdair MacIntyre (Princeton, 2013: Princeton University Press); adds an appendix containing reprints of 22, 95a, 161a, 171 (in part), 217, 219, the first draft of 229 (275), and letters on the genesis of the book (277)
159 Decline of Utopian Ideas in the West, in Seio yutopia-shiso no suitai (with introductory speeches by Hidemi Kon, President of the Japan Foundation, and Professor Kanichi Fukuda, and a Japanese translation of the lecture) ([Tokyo], March 1978: Japan Foundation), 20 pp.: no. 6 in the Japan Foundation’s series of pamphlets publishing guest lectures); repr. in J. M. Porter and Richard Vernon (eds), Unity, Plurality and Politics: Essays in Honour of F. M. Barnard (London and Sydney, 1986: Croom Helm), and CTH; trans. Arabic, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Spanish
160‘Sitting for Derek Hill’, introduction to Derek Hill: Portraits (London, 1978: Marlborough Fine Art), 3
160a‘A Note on the Beginnings of Cultural History’: ‘Comments’ (on Abraham Kaplan, ‘Historical Interpretation’, in the same volume), in Yirmiahu Yovel (ed.), Philosophy of History and Action (Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1978: Reidel; Jerusalem, 1978: Magnes Press, The Hebrew University), 38–40
160b‘Marx’s Kapital and Darwin’, Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (1978), 519; abstract in the Philosopher’s Index: An International Index to Philosophical Periodicals 12 no. 3 (Fall 1978), 87
161‘El nacionalismo: descuido del pasado y poder actual’, Diálogos 14 no. 6 (November/December 1978), 10–17; original English version, ‘Nationalism: Past Neglect and Present Power’, published in Partisan Review 46 (1979), 337–58, AC and PSM; trans. Bulgarian, Catalan, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian
161aOpening contribution to panel discussion, ‘Is a Philosophy of History Possible?’, in Yirmiahu Yovel (ed.), Philosophy of History and Action (Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1978: Reidel; Jerusalem, 1978: Magnes Press, The Hebrew University), 219–40 at 219–25; repr. in CC2
162Presidential Address to the British Academy, 1978, Proceedings of the British Academy 64 (1978), 1–9
163‘Vico’s Cyclical History’: ‘Corsi e Ricorsi’, review of Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Donald Phillip Verene (eds), Giambattista Vico’s Science of Humanity (Baltimore, 1976: Johns Hopkins University Press), Journal of Modern History 50 no. 3 (September 1978), 480–9
164‘Tolstoy Remembered’, review of Tatyana Tolstoy, Tolstoy Remembered, New Review 5 no. 2 (Autumn 1978), 3–7
165‘Mr Nicholas Nabokov’ (obituary), The Times, 15 April 1978, 16g–h
166 Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas, ed. and with a bibliography by Henry Hardy, with an introduction by Roger Hausheer (London, 1979: Hogarth Press; New York, 1980: Viking; Oxford, 1981: Oxford University Press; New York, 1982: Penguin; London, 1997: Pimlico; Princeton, 2001: Princeton University Press) (reprints of 58, 75, 108, 110, 114, 118, 121, 122, 134, 139, 152, 154, 161); trans. Catalan, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese (in part), Polish, Serbian, Spanish
- Reviews
- Bobbio, Norberto, ‘Il liberalismo di Isaiah Berlin’, Rivista storica italiana 92 (1980), 612–20
- Chapman, M. C., Studies in Soviet Thought 22 no. 2 (February 1983), 123–8; extremely laudatory
- Delannoi, Gil, review of Éloge de la liberté and À contrecourant: essais sur l’histoire des idées (French translations of FEL and AC), Esprit, March–April 1989, 201–3
- Foot, Michael, ‘A Gallery of Socialist Outsiders’, Tribune, 27 July 1979, 6
- Lieberson, Jonathan, and Sidney Morgenbesser, ‘The Questions of Isaiah Berlin’; Sidney Morgenbesser and Jonathan Lieberson, ‘The Choices of Isaiah Berlin’: New York Review of Books, 6 March 1980, 38–42, and 20 March 1980, 31–6; the second article also reviews Alan Ryan (ed.), The Idea of Freedom: Essays in Honour of Isaiah Berlin (Oxford, 1979: Oxford University Press)
- Lu Jiande, ‘Berlin: In Defence of Plural Values’ (in Chinese), review of the Chinese trans., Global Times, 26 May 2003, 22
- Moran, Michael, History of European Ideas 1 no. 2 (1981), 185–90: recommended, and endorsed by IB
- Munz, Peter (also reviews 2 other books), Historian 44 no. 1 (November 1981), 85
- Shklar, Judith, New Republic, 5 April 1980, 32–35
- Storr, Anthony, ‘Many Answers’, Spectator, 9 June 1979, 21–2
- Wischke, Mirko, review of German trans., Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 41 no. 3 (January 1993), 599–600
2nd ed., foreword by Mark Lilla (Princeton, 2013: Princeton University Press); adds an appendix containing relevant letters (278); foreword repr. as ‘Isaiah Berlin Against the Current’, New York Review of Books, 25 April 2013
166a‘Einstein and Israel’, New York Review of Books, 8 November 1979, 13–18; repr. of major part of contribution to Gerald Holton and Yehuda Elkana (eds), Albert Einstein: Historical and Cultural Perspectives, the Centennial Symposium in Jerusalem (Princeton, 1982: Princeton University Press), 281–92; repr. in Anthology: Selected Essays from Thirty Years of The New York Review of Books ([New York, 1993]: New York Review of Books), and PI; trans. Hebrew, Russian
166b‘Professor Scouten on Herder and Vico’, Comparative Literature Studies 16 no. 2 (June 1979), 141–5
166c‘Lydia Chukovsky on Anna Akhmatova’, note on Lidiya Chukovsky, Zapiski ob Anna Akhmatovoi [Notes about Anna Akhmatova], vol. 1, 1938–1941 (Paris, 1976), in ‘In absentia: Some Books of the Year’, The Times Literary Supplement, 23 November 1979, 4
166d‘Who Invented the Intelligentsia?’, letter to Adam Podgórecki in appendix to Adam Podgórecki, ‘Procreation of Social Values: “Intelligentsia of All Countries, Unite” ’, in Adam Podgórecki and Maria Łoś, Multi-Dimensional Sociology (London, Boston and Henley, 1979: Routledge and Kegan Paul), 315–18 at 315–16
166e (with Lord Donaldson and Sir Claus Moser) ‘The Death of Walter Legge’ (letter), Financial Times, 27 March 1979, 27
167 Personal Impressions, ed. Henry Hardy, with an introduction by Noel Annan (London, 1980: Hogarth Press; New York, 1981: Viking; Oxford, 1982: Oxford University Press; New York, 1982: Penguin) (reprints of 32, 51, 60, 70, 72, 92, 96, 104, 120, 133, 142, 149, 166a, together with 169); trans. Hebrew (in part), Italian (in part), Japanese (in part), Lithuanian, Portuguese, Spanish
- Reviews
- Collini, Stefan, ‘Dream of the Seventh Dominion’ (also reviews Norman Rose, Lewis Namier and Zionism), London Review of Books, 4 December 1980, 19–20
- Jacoby, Russell, ‘Isaiah Berlin: With the Current’ [review of RT, CC, AC, PI], Salmagundi 55 (Winter 1982), 232–41
- Owen, John E., Journal of Thought 17 no. 2 (Summer 1982), 109–11
- Quinton, Anthony, ‘The Liberal Mind’, Encounter, May 1981, 83–5
- Storr, Anthony, ‘Portrait Gallery’, Spectator, 15 November 1980, 17–18
- Taylor, A. J. P, ‘Commemorations’, Observer, 9 November 1980; repr. in A. J. P. Taylor, British Prime Ministers and Other Essays, ed. Chris Wrigley (London, 1998: Allen Lane The Penguin Press), 353–5
- Wasiolek, Edward, ‘Isaiah Berlin’s Personal Impressions’, Chicago Review 33 no. 1 (Summer 1981), 99–101
2nd ed. (London, 1998: Pimlico; Princeton, 2001: Princeton University Press); adds reprints of 172, 194a, 195, 198, 214; trans. Chinese, German
- Review
- Gunn, J. W. ‘Isaiah Berlin: How Much is Too Much?’, review of PI2 and RR, Clio 32 no. 1 (2002), 61–86
3rd ed., foreword by Hermione Lee (Princeton, 2014: Princeton University Press; with added subtitle, Twentieth-Century Portraits, London, 2018: Pimlico); adds the original English text of 203e and reprints of 177c, 179, 181b, 188a, 191, 192, 192a, 203f, 215, 220, 222; trans. Chinese, German
168‘Pass the Port’, story in Pass the Port Again: The Best After-Dinner Stories of the Famous (London, 1980: Christian Brann), 21
168a‘The Incompatibility of Values’, in Melvin Kranzberg (ed.), Ethics in an Age of Pervasive Technology (Boulder, 1980: Westview Press), 32–3
168b‘Virtue and Practicality’, in Melvin Kranzberg (ed.), Ethics in an Age of Pervasive Technology (Boulder, 1980: Westview Press), 193
169‘Meetings with Russian Writers in 1945 and 1956’, in PI; trans. French (in part), Spanish (in part), Russian
Shortened version, ‘Conversations with Russian Poets’ (given as a Bowra Lecture), The Times Literary Supplement, 31 October 1980, 1233–6, and (with additions, as ‘Conversations with Akhmatova and Pasternak’ (this version repr. in PSM, SM and Robert B. Silvers (ed.), The Company They Kept, vol. 2, Writers on Unforgettable Friendships (New York, 2011: New York Review Books)), New York Review of Books, 20 November 1980, 23–35; excerpted as ‘Anna Akhmatova: A Memoir’ in The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova, trans. Judith Hemschemeyer, ed. Roberta Reeder (Somerville, Massachusetts, 1990: Zephyr Press), vol. 2, and in the one-volume edition (Somerville, Massachusetts, 1992: Zephyr Press; 2nd. ed., Boston, Massachusetts, 1994: Zephyr Press; Edinburgh, 1994: Canongate Press); trans. Dutch, Hebrew, German, Polish; the following opening paragraph of the lecture as delivered was omitted from the published text:
I must begin by thanking the Warden and Fellows of Wadham for inviting me to take part in this distinguished series of lectures – the Bowra Lectures, of which, I gather, this is to be the last. My subject – an account of my two visits to the Soviet Union after the war, and in particular my meetings with two poets of genius – owes a great deal to Maurice Bowra. It was his deep and lifelong fascination with Russian poetry, especially the poetry of the twentieth century, that first led me, in my last year as an undergraduate, to read modern Russian poets, some of whom had, earlier, been mere names to me. He took a particular interest in the poets of the turbulent years immediately before and after the Revolution: both the survivors of the Symbolist movement which had begun in the 1890s, and the younger poets – Mayakovsky, Gumilev, Akhmatova, Pasternak, Tsvetaeva, Khlebnikov, Mandel'shtam – who pursued different paths and were at the height of their creative powers during and after the First World War. He loved them all, and his enthusiasm communicated itself to me, over the many years of our friendship. Consequently, when the British Embassy in Moscow reported that it was short-handed, especially in the matter of officials who knew Russian, and it was suggested that I might fill a gap for four or five months, I accepted this offer eagerly, mainly, I must admit, because of my great desire to learn about the condition of Russian literature and art, about which relatively little was known in the West at that time. I owe Maurice Bowra a deep debt of gratitude in this respect, as in many others, and I am glad of this opportunity of acknowledging it.
170‘Note on Alleged Relativism in Eighteenth Century European Thought’, British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 3 (1980), 89–106; repr. with revisions in L. Pompa and W. H. Dray (eds), Substance and Form in History: A Collection of Essays in Philosophy of History (Edinburgh, 1981: University of Edinburgh Press), and CTH; trans. Italian, Polish
171‘On Philosophy’, Good Book Guide 8 (Spring 1980), 10; repr. (in part) in CC2
171a‘Jacob Talmon’: ‘A Tribute to my Friend’, Forum on the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel no. 38 (Summer 1980), 1–4; ; repr. as Foreword to Jacob L. Talmon, Mission and Testimony: Political Essays, ed. David Ohana (Brighton, 2015: Sussex Academic Press), ix–xiii; trans. Hebrew
172‘Upon Receiving the Jerusalem Prize’, Conservative Judaism 33 no. 2 (Winter 1980), 14–17; repr. as ‘The Three Strands in My Life’, Jewish Quarterly 27 Nos 2–3 (Summer/Autumn 1979), 5–7, and in PI2; trans. Russian
172a‘Books of 1980’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year’, Sunday Times, 7 December 1980, Weekly Review, 33
172bContribution to [Evangeline Bell Bruce (ed.),] David K. E. Bruce (Salisbury, 1980: Michael Russell), 12–13
173‘The Hedgehog and the Fox Continued’ (letter), New York Review of Books, 9 October 1980, 44; repr. in HF2; cf. 44
173a‘Teddy Kollek’: For Teddy Kollek ([Jerusalem, 1981]: The Jerusalem Foundation), 7 pp.
174Introduction and unattributed contributions to H. G. Nicholas (ed.), Washington Despatches 1941–45: Weekly Political Reports from the British Embassy (London, 1981: Weidenfeld and Nicolson; Chicago, 1981: Chicago University Press), vii–xiv; introduction repr. in F
- Review
- Schlesinger, Jr., Arthur, ‘Washington at War’, New York Review of Books, 17 December 1981, 52
175Translation, with Introduction, of Ivan Turgenev, A Month in the Country (London, 1981: Hogarth Press; New York, 1982: Viking; Harmondsworth, 1983: Penguin)
176Reply to Hans Aarsleff, ‘Vico and Berlin’, London Review of Books, 5–18 November 1981, 7–8; letter, 3–16 June 1982, 5
177‘Russian Thought and the Slavophil Controversy’, review of Andrzej Walicki, A History of Russian Thought (From the Enlightenment to Marxism) and The Slavophile Controversy, Slavonic and East European Review 59 no. 4 (October 1981), 572–86; trans. Russian
177a‘Books of 1981’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year: A Personal Choice’, Observer, 6 December 1981, 25
177b‘Plea for a Library’ (letter), Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1981, 16
177cContributions to Sandra Martin and Roger Hall (eds), Where Were You? Memorable Events of the Twentieth Century (Toronto etc., 1981: Methuen), 119–20 (Pearl Harbor), 183–4 (Cuban Missile Crisis), 206–7 (Assassination of John F. Kennedy), 220 (Russian Revolution), 227–8 (Six-Day War); repr. as ‘Where Was I?’ in PI3; excerpts from first, second, third and last contributions trans. Spanish
177d‘How Russian and English Lines Can Get Crossed’ (letter), Guardian, 19 February 1981, 12g–h
177e‘In Einstein’s Opinion’ (letter), Observer, 24 May 1981, 16a–b
178‘A New Journal for the History of Ideas’: ‘A Letter from Sir Isaiah Berlin’, Intellectual History no. 1 (November 1982), 3
179‘Mrs Salome Halpern’ (obituary), The Times, 17 May 1982, 12; repr. in PI3
180‘Roman Jakobson’: ‘Prof. Roman Jakobson’ (supplementary obituary), The Times, 31 July 1982, 10g–h; cf. 184d
181‘Giambattista Vico and Cultural History’, in Leigh S. Cauman and others (eds), How Many Questions? Essays in Honor of Sidney Morgenbesser Indianapolis, 1983: Hackett), 474–97; repr. in CTH; trans. Polish, Russian
181a‘The Conscience of Israel: A Tribute to Yishayahu Leibowitz’: ‘The Conscience of Israel’ (trans. Hebrew by Edna Margalit), Ha’aretz, 4 March 1983, 18
181b‘Maynard and Lydia Keynes’, in Milo Keynes (ed.), Lydia Lopokova (London, 1983: Weidenfeld and Nicolson), 170–3; repr. in PI3
182‘The Gentle Genius: Turgenev in His Letters’: ‘The Gentle Genius’, review of Turgenev’s Letters, selected, trans. and ed. A. V. Knowles, New York Review of Books, 27 October 1983, 23–33
183‘I Am Not Against Progress’: ‘Isaiah Berlin et le progrès’ (letter), Le Monde Dimanche, 3 July 1983, ii
184‘Reply to Robert Kocis’, Political Studies 31 (1983), 388–93; repr. in CTH2
184a‘Books of 1983’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year’, Sunday Times, 11 December 1983, 39
184b (with others) ‘Charges Against KOR Repudiated’ (letter), The Times, 2 March 1983, 13
184c‘Maurice Baring’s Tinker’s Leave’, contribution to Linda Sternberg Katz and Bill Katz, Writer’s Choice: A Library of Rediscoveries (Reston, Virginia, 1983: Reston Publishing Company), 7
184d‘Roman Jakobson’, contribution to Morris Halle and Paul E. Gray (eds), A Tribute to Roman Jakobson 1896–1982 (Berlin, 1983: Mouton), 69; cf. 180
185 ‘A New Woman in Russia’, review of John Carswell, The Exile: A Life of Ivy Litvinov, Sunday Times, 6 May 1984, 41
186‘Mozart at Glyndebourne Half a Century Ago’, in John Higgins (ed.), Glyndebourne: A Celebration (London, 1984: Cape), 101–9; repr. as ‘Mozart at Glyndebourne since 1934’ in 299
187‘Immanuel Jakobovits’, foreword to Sir Immanuel Jakobovits, ‘If Only My People …’: Zionism in My Life (London, 1984: Weidenfeld and Nicolson), ix
187aEndorsement (printed on back cover) of Alexander Herzen, Who Is to Blame? A Novel in Two Parts, trans. and ed. Michael R. Katz (Ithaca and London, 1984: Cornell University Press)
Herzen’s novel played a significant part in the intellectual ferment of the 1840s. It is an important book in social and moral terms, and wonderfully expressive of Herzen’s personality.
This is derived from this longer text:
Herzen’s Who Is To Blame?, whatever its merits as a novel, played a significant part in the intellectual ferment of the 1830s and 1840s in Russia. The great critic Belinsky acclaimed it not for its literary merit but for its social content; and, indeed, it throws a sharper light on the ‘accursed questions’ which tormented the early Russan intelligentsia than a good many theoretical discussions. For this reason, I should like to commend the initiative of Professor Katz in publishing this translation, with a historical and critical discussion of the novel, its author and his times, which in my view constitutes a significant addition to the history of the Russian revolutionary movement.
188‘Hugh Casson’, tribute to Sir Hugh Casson, RA (the magazine for the Friends of the Royal Academy) no. 5 (December 1984), 27
188a‘Nahum Goldmann (1895–1982): A Personal Impression’, in William Frankel (ed.), Survey of Jewish Affairs 1983 (Rutherford/ Madison/Teaneck, 1985: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London/Toronto, 1985: Associated University Presses), 238–43; excerpted in Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1985, 25; repr. as ‘Nahum Goldmann’ in PI3
189‘On Vico’ [reply to Perez Zagorin, ‘Vico’s Theory of Knowledge: A Critique’, Philosophical Quarterly 34 no. 134 (January 1984), 15–30], Philosophical Quarterly 35 no. 140 (July 1985), 281–90; abstract in the Philosopher’s Index 19 no. 4 (Winter 1985), 74b
189a‘Terence Prittie’, contribution to ‘Terence Cornelius Farmer Prittie, 15 December 1913 – 28 May 1985, In Memoriam’, Britain & Israel, August 1985, [1]
190‘The Cost of Curing an Oyster’, Jerusalem Post, 10 February 1986, 8; excerpted from a speech accepting the Nahum Goldmann Cultural Medal in January 1986 at a World Jewish Congress meeting in Jerusalem; trans. Russian (in part)
191‘Martin Cooper: In Memoriam’, in programme for memorial concert by Lindsay String Quartet, 29 June 1986, 2 pp.; repr. as Foreword to Martin Cooper, Judgements of Value: Selected Writings on Music, ed. Dominic Cooper (Oxford, 1988: Oxford University Press), and as ‘Martin Cooper’ in PI3
192‘Memories of Brief Meetings with Ben-Gurion’, Jewish Quarterly 33 (1986) no. 3 (123), 6–9; repr. in PI3
192a‘A Personal Tribute to Adam von Trott (Balliol 1931)’, Balliol College Annual Record 1986, 61–2; repr. in F and as ‘Adam von Trott’ in PI3
192b‘A Personal View of Super-Titles’, in Glyndebourne Touring Opera 1986 (programme) ([Glyndebourne, 1986: Glyndebourne Festival Opera]), 54–6; repr. in About The House 7 no. 8 (Spring 1987), 8–9, Translation Ireland 15 no. 1 (Spring 2001), 14–15, as ‘Titlemania: A Voice in Favor’ in Opera News 54 no. 16 (May 1990), 6–7, and as ‘Surtitles’ in 299
192c‘On Yitzhak Sadeh’ (in Hebrew translation), Davar, 5 September 1986, 17; incorporated into 214; trans. Russian
192d‘Spender’s Journals’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 7 March 1986, 247
193‘J. P. Plamenatz’: ‘Plamenatz, John Petrov (1912–1975)’, in Lord Blake and C. S. Nicholls (eds), The Dictionary of National Biography 1971–1980 (Oxford, 1986: Oxford University Press), 671–3; minor subeditorial revisions in The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, 2004: Oxford University Press) and online in 2008
193a (with others) ‘Polish-Jewish Studies’ (letter), New York Review of Books, 30 January 1986, 44
194Contribution to ‘Greetings’, Secular Humanistic Judaism no. 1 (February 1986), 2
194aForeword to Neil Cornwell, The Life, Times and Milieu of V. F. Odoyevsky 1804–1869 (London, 1986: Athlone Press), ix–x
194b‘David Cecil (1902–1986)’, in Reports for1985–86 and 1986–87 (List of Fellows and Members for 1987) (London, [1987]: Royal Society of Literature), 34–41; repr. in Hannah Cranborne (ed.), David Cecil: A Portrait by his Friends (Stanbridge, 1990: Dovecote Press) (as ‘A Close Colleague’s Assessment’) and in PI2
195‘Edmund Wilson at Oxford’, Yale Review 76 (1987), 139–51; repr. in New York Times Book Review, 12 April 1987, 1, 40–2 (in part), Kai Erikson (ed.), Encounters (New Haven/London, 1989: Yale University Press), Guardian, 12 October 1989, 25, 47, John Patrick Diggins (ed.), The Liberal Persuasion: Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and the Challenge of the American Past (Princeton, 1997: Princeton University Press), and PI2; trans. Italian, Spanish
195aContribution to ‘Books of the Year: Who read what in 1987?’, Sunday Times, 29 November 1987, Books, 14
195b‘He Thinks When He Plays’ (letter), Financial Times, 22 December 1987, 19; on Alfred Brendel; repr. at A 331
195cForeword to Ada Rapoport-Albert and Steven J. Zipperstein (eds), Jewish History: Essays in Honour of Chimen Abramsky (London, 1988: Peter Halban), ix
196 On the Pursuit of the Ideal (Turin, 1988: Giovanni Agnelli Foundation), 16 pp.; repr. in New York Review of Books, 17 March 1988, 11–18, Christopher Gowans (ed.), Moral Disagreements: Classic and Contemporary Readings (London, 2000: Routledge), CTH and PSM; excerpted as ‘The Idea of Pluralism’ in Walter Truett Anderson (ed.), The Truth about the Truth: De-confusing and Re-constructing the Postmodern World (New York, 1995: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam; retitled The Fontana Postmodernism Reader, London, 1996: Fontana Press), under its original title in Joanne B. Ciulla, The Ethics of Leadership (Belmont, CA, 2003: Thomson/Wadsworth), 266–8, and briefly in David Taffel, Nietzsche Unbound: The Struggle for Spirit in the Age of Science (St Paul, Minnesota: Paragon House), xxviii–xxix; trans. Arabic, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish (in part), Thai
197‘Dorothy de Rothschild’ (obituary), Independent, 12 December 1988, 28
197a‘Israeli Solution’ (letter), Independent, 28 September 1988, 19
197b‘Wybór listów od Isaiaha Berlina’ (letters to Beata Polanowska-Sygulska, translated into Polish, with commentary by the recipient), in Beata Polanowska-Sygulska, Filozofia wolnosci Isaiaha Berlina (Krakow, 1988: Wydawnictwo Znak), 170–206: some repr. in A
198‘Writers Remembered: Virginia Woolf’, Author 100 (1989), 96–7; repr. in PI2
198bContribution to Academy of St Martin in the Fields 1959–1989, 30th anniversary booklet (London, 1989: Academy of St Martin in the Fields)
198cContribution to David Pryce-Jones (ed.), George Weidenfeld: A Seventieth Birthday Tribute (n.p., [1989]: privately printed), 7
George Weidenfeld is a unique figure in our society. His inexhaustible vitality, imagination, love and dissemination of culture in all its manifestations, famously generous hospitality, and capacity for taking and giving pleasure, make him excellent company and a most life-giving force. This, I think, would be universally acknowledged. I must add that I find most sympathetic his lifelong, unswerving loyalty to the state of Israel. On all these grounds I am happy to salute him. Long may he continue to add to the gaiety of nations and the enjoyment of civilised people in all the quarters of the globe.
199 The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas, ed. Henry Hardy (London, 1990: John Murray; New York, 1991: Knopf; London, 1991: Fontana Press; New York, 1992: Vintage Books; Princeton, 1998: Princeton University Press; London, 2003: Pimlico) (reprints of 73, 128, 159, 170, 181, 196, together with 200 and the original English version of 143); trans. Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish
- Reviews
- Anderson, Perry, ‘England’s Isaiah’, London Review of Books, 20 December 1990, 3–7 (letter in reply by Noel Annan ibid., 24 January 1991, 4; reply to Annan by Anderson, 7 February 1991, 4); repr. in Anderson’s A Zone of Engagement (London, 1992: Verso), 230–51
- Carr, Raymond, ‘There Can Be No Final Solution’, Spectator, 27 October 1990, 27–8
- Harris, Roger, ‘Berlin Asserts History is Born of Great Ideas’, The Star-Ledger (Newark, New Jersey), 31 March 1991, § 4, 18
- Himmelfarb, Gertrude, ‘[A Century of Stories … and of] Terrible Truths’, New York Times Book Review, 24 March 1991, 1, 30–1
- Ignatieff, Michael, ‘The Ends of Empathy’, New Republic, 29 April 1991, 31–7
- Honneth, Axel, European Journal of Philosophy 1 no. 1 (April 1993), 98–101; constructive
- Jamieson, T. John, ‘A Joseph de Maistre Revival’ (also reviews other books), Modern Age 38 no. 4 (Fall 1996), 392–8 at 393, 395, 397, 398
- Meilaender, Gilbert, ‘The One and the Many’, First Things no. 18 (December 1991), 47–9; religious reservations
- Pompa, Leon, Philosophical Quarterly 41 no. 165 (October 1991), 500–2
- Scialabba, George, ‘No Word for Utopia?’, Dissent, Fall 1991, 599–600
- Warnock, Mary, ‘Incompatible Ideals’, RSA Journal, January 1991, 939; recommended
2nd ed., foreword by John Banville (Princeton, 2013: Princeton University Press; London, 2013: Pimlico); adds an appendix containing reprints of 28, 184, 204, 258a, and letters (279) on Maistre and on nationalism
200‘Joseph de Maistre and the Origins of Fascism’ (started in the 1940s[?]; completed 1960), in CTH, 91–174; repr. in slightly shortened form in New York Review of Books, 27 September 1990, 57–64, 11 October 1990, 54–8, 25 October1990, 61–5; trans. Polish, Russian, Spanish (in part)
200aContribution to The Evolution of the Symphony Orchestra: History, Problems and Agenda (London, 1990: Weidenfeld and Nicolson), 123–5
200bContribution to Robert B. Silvers ([New York], 1990: The New York Review of Books)
201Contribution to ‘The State of Europe: Christmas Eve 1989’ in Granta 30 (Winter 1990) [New Europe!], 148–50; repr. in the Guardian, 20 February 1990, 19; repr. in Twenty-One: The Best of Granta Magazine (London and New York, 2001: Granta Books) and as ‘The Survival of the Russian Intelligentsia’ in SM; trans. German, Italian
201aContribution (on Mozart) to Vita (published by Merian) 1 no. 1 (October 1990), 16
201bContribution to programme insert on Garrett Drogheda ([London, 1990: Royal Opera House])
201c (with others) ‘An Open Letter On Anti-Armenian Pogroms in the Soviet Union’ (letter), New York Review of Books, 27 September 1990, 66
202 Contribution to ‘Boris Pasternak’ (letters), The Times Literary Supplement, 16–22 February 1990, 171
202a‘No Conservative’, reply to letter from Samson B. Knoll on Herder, New York Review of Books, 20 December 1990, 78
202b‘Der Vetter aus Oxford’ (Yehudi Menuhin), in Jutta Schall-Emden (ed.), Weder Pauken noch Trompeten: Für Yehudi Menuhin (Munich/Zurich, 1991: Piper), 30–32
203Foreword to Anatoly Nayman, Remembering Anna Akhmatova, trans. Wendy Rosslyn (London, 1991, Peter Halban), vii
203aLetter to Antonio Verri, in Antonio Verri (ed.), Vico e il pensiero contemporaneo (Lecce, [1991]: Milella), vi–vii
203b (with others) ‘The Detention of Sari Nusseibeh’ (letter), Independent, 4 February 1991, 18
203c (with others) ‘The Detention of Sari Nusseibeh’ (letter), New York Review of Books, 7 March 1991, 4
203d‘Position on the Chair’ (letter), Observer, 23 June 1991, 42
203e‘Alexander and Salome Halpern’ (in Russian translation), in a Russian collection: Mikhail Parkhomovsky (ed.), Jews in the Culture of Russia Abroad: Collected Articles, Publications, Memoirs and Essays, vol. 1, 1919–1939 (Jerusalem, 1992: M. Parkhomovsky), 229–41; repr. in Mikhail Parkhomovsky and Andrey Rogachevsky (eds), Russian Jews in Great Britain: Articles, Publications, Memoirs and Essays [Russian Jewry Abroad, vol. 2] (Jerusalem, 2000: Mikhail Parkhomovsky); abstract: ‘These are Berlin’s memoirs about Salomea Andronikova, one of the prominent figures in a pre-revolutionary circle of Russian poets, artists and musicians, about her husband Alexander Halpern, a lawyer and a Zionist, and about Anna (Niouta) Kalina, an art critic and radio journalist who lived with the Halperns in their London home’; original English text published in PI3
203f ‘The Early Years’, in Freda Silver Jackson (ed.), Then and Now: A Collection of Recollections (Oxford, 1992: Oxford Jewish Congregation), 15–18; repr. as ‘Jewish Oxford’ in PI3
204‘Reply to Ronald H. McKinney, “ Towards a Postmodern Ethics: Sir Isaiah Berlin and John Caputo” [Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (1992), 395–407]’, Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (1992), 557–60; repr. as ‘Reply to Ronald H. McKinney’ in CTH2; abstract (drafted by Henry Hardy, amended by Berlin) in the Philosopher’s Index 27 no. 1 (Spring 1993), 85a:
In correcting some misunderstandings of his position, Berlin clarifies his own ethical views. His empirically based conception of common human values sets a minimum standard of tolerable life, and thus a limit to the range of conflicting moral and cultural options open to men and societies. Everyone is entitled to resist whatever falls outside this wide, variegated ‘human horizon’. Berlin sharply distinguishes pluralism and relativism, and rejects all a priori views of value. He explains his attitude to those who reject humanity’s shared values. He suggests when such dissenters should be regarded as deranged, and when as criminal.
205Introduction to Founders and Followers: Literary Lectures given on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the London Library (London, 1992: Sinclair-Stevenson), xi–xv
206Introduction to programme for concert given to celebrate the inauguration of Israel’s new Supreme Court Building, November 1992, 2 pp.
207Letters to Conor Cruise O’Brien in Conor Cruise O’Brien, The Great Melody: A Thematic Biography and Commented Anthology of Edmund Burke (London, 1992: Sinclair Stevenson), 612–15, 617–18
208‘Mixing It’ (letter), Oxford Magazine, Noughth Week, Hilary Term 1992, 8
209‘No Trace of Roguery’ (letter), Spectator, 11 January 1992, 22
209a (unattributed) ‘Professor H. L. A. Hart’ (obituary), The Times, 24 December 1992, 13
210Contribution to feature on the literary canon, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 24 January 1992, 16
211Appreciation of David Patterson, Centre Piece [Newsletter of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies] No 10 (November 1992), 2
211aComment in Charles C. Brown, Niebuhr and His Age: Reinhold Niebuhr’s Prophetic Role and Legacy (Philadelphia, 1992: Trinity Press International), i
212 The Magus of the North: J. G. Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism (1965), ed. Henry Hardy (London, 1993: John Murray; New York, 1994: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; London, 1994: Fontana Press); excerpted as ‘The Magus of the North’ in New York Review of Books, 21 October 1993, 64–71 (letter, 18 November 1993, 68); repr. in TCE with Foreword to the German edition; trans. French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish; excerpt trans. French, German, Italian, Spanish
- Reviews
- Deragon, S., review of Le Mage du Nord, critique des Lumières: J. G. Hamann (1730–1788) (French trans.), Dialogue 38 no. 2 (Kingston, Ontario and Montreal, 1999), 426–7
- Lilla, Mark, ‘The Trouble with the Enlightenment’, London Review of Books, 6 January 1994, 12–13
- Spivey, Nigel, ‘Where Did He Come from, Where Did He Lead To?’, Spectator, 11 December 1993, 37
- Traverso, E., review of Le Mage du Nord (French trans.), Quinzaine Litteraire 742 (1998), 23
- Wischke, Mirko, review of Ramin Jahanbegloo, Den Ideen die Stimme wiedergeben: Eine intellektuelle Biographie in Gesprächen; Freiheit: Vier Versuche; and Der Magus des Nordens: J. G. Hamann und der Ursprung des modernen Irrationalismus (German translations of CIB, FEL and MN), Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 51 no. 2 (April 1998), 141–5
212a‘England’s Mistaken Moralist’ (G. E. Moore in Principia Ethica), contribution to ‘Speaking Volumes’, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 15 October 1993, 20
213‘A Reply to David West’, Political Studies 41 (1993), 297–8
214‘Yitzhak Sadeh’, Midstream 39 no. 4 (May 1993), 20–24; repr. in PI2; trans. Russian; cf. 192c
215Contribution to Sir Isaiah Berlin and others, Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart 1907–1992: Speeches Delivered at Memorial Ceremony on 6 February 1993 ([Oxford, 1993]: privately printed), 1–8; repr. in Jenifer Hart, Ask Me no. More: An Autobiography (London, 1998: Peter Halban), and as ‘Herbert Hart’ in PI3; trans. Japanese
215aContribution (on books read during 1992) to Misuzu 35 no. 1 (January 1993), 49
215bContribution to tenth anniversary CD booklet for Music at Oxford ([Oxford, 1993: Music at Oxford])
216‘La rivoluzione romantica: una crisi nella storia del pensiero moderno’, in Isaiah Berlin, Tra la filosofia e la storia delle idee: la società pluralistica e i suoi nemici – intervista autobiografica e filosofica, ed. Steven Lukes (Florence, 1994: Ponte alle Grazie), 97–122; original English version, ‘The Romantic Revolution: A Crisis in the History of Modern Thought’, published in SR and trans. Dutch, German
216a‘A Message to the Twenty-First Century’ (acceptance speech at the University of Toronto, 25 November 1994): in part, as ‘Beware the One True Answer’, Globe and Mail (Toronto), 26 November 1994, A18 (‘Quote of the Day’, A1: ‘There are men who will kill and maim with a tranquil conscience under the influence of the words and writings of some of those who are certain that they know how perfection can be reached’); in full, New York Review of Books, 23 October 2014, 37; repr. in Ariel Levy (ed.), The Best American Essays 2015 (Boston and New York, 2015: Mariner [Houghton Mifflin Harcourt]), 31–4, and A; trans. Italian, Thai
217 (with Bernard Williams) ‘Pluralism and Liberalism: A Reply’ (to George Crowder, ‘Pluralism and Liberalism’, Political Studies 42 (1994), 293–303), Political Studies 42 (1994), 306–9; repr. as ‘Pluralism and Liberalism’ in CC2
218Introduction to Joseph de Maistre, Considerations on France, ed. Richard A. Lebrun (Cambridge, 1994: Cambridge University Press), xi–xxxiv
- Review
- Crossley, Ceri, review of Maistre, Modern Language Review 90 no. 4 (October 1995), 1010–11
219Introduction to James Tully (ed.), Philosophy in an Age of Pluralism: The Philosophy of Charles Taylor in Question (Cambridge etc., 1994: Cambridge University Press), 1–3; repr. as ‘The Philosophy of Charles Taylor’ in CC2
220Contribution to Brian Harrison (ed.), Corpuscles: A History of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in the Twentieth Century, Written by Its Members (Oxford, 1994: Corpus Christi College), 44–50; repr. as ‘Corpuscle’ in PI3
220aContribution to ‘Brushes with Genius’ (meetings with Picasso), Independent on Sunday, 6 February 1994, Sunday Review, 25
220bContribution to ‘Classics of Our Time’, Sunday Telegraph, 2 January 1994, Review, 8
220cContribution to ‘Referred Pleasures: Fifteen writers celebrate their favourite reference books’, The Times Literary Supplement, 22 April 1994, 13
220dTribute to Sir Neville Marriner, in souvenir programme for his 70th birthday concert, 5 April 1994, Royal Festival Hall (London, 1994: Academy of St Martin in the Fields)
221‘Liberty’, in Ted Honderich (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Oxford, 1995: Oxford University Press), 485–7; repr. in POI and L
222Contribution to ‘Remembering Stephen’ (a tribute to Stephen Spender), Index on Censorship 25 no. 5 (October 1995), 10–11, 13–14; repr. as ‘Stephen Spender’ in PI3 and at A 509–14
222a (with Andrzej Walicki) ‘Sir Isaiah Berlin do Andrzeja Walickiego’ (letters from IB to AW, translated by Magda Pietrzak-Merta and Tomasz Merta, with comments by AW), Res Publica 82/83 (double issue, July/August 1995), 101–116; some repr. in B and A
223 (with Robert Grant) ‘Tolstoy and Enlightenment: An Exchange’, Oyster Club no. 6 (Spring/Summer1995), 13–16
224‘Nin Ryan’ (obituary), Independent, 10 February 1995, 16
225Foreword to ‘... from the fruits of her labour she planted a vineyard.’, Essays on the Role of Private Philanthropy in Israel to Mark the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Dorothy de Rothschild, 7 March 1995 ([Jerusalem], 1995: Yad Hanadiv), 9–10
226Contribution (on Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago) to ‘On the Shelf’, Sunday Times, 7 November 1995, section 7 (‘Books’), 9
227 The Sense of Reality: Studies in Ideas and their History, ed. Henry Hardy, with an introduction by Patrick Gardiner (London, 1996: Chatto and Windus; New York, 1997: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; London, 1997: Pimlico) (a revised reprint of 38 together with the original English version of 216 and seven other previously unpublished essays, 228 and 230–5); trans. Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish
- Reviews
- Allen, Jonathan, South African Journal of Philosophy 17 no. 2 (1998), 173–7; particularly recommended
- Richmond, Sarah, ‘Getting Real’, Jewish Quarterly, Summer 1997, 74–5
2nd ed., foreword by Timothy Snyder (Princeton, 2019: Princeton University Press); adds an appendix comprising 272 and 294
228‘Artistic Commitment: A Russian Legacy’ (1962; revised), in SR, 194–231; trans. Russian
229‘Berlin’, in Thomas Mautner (ed.), A Dictionary of Philosophy (Oxford, 1996: Blackwell; reissued with revisions as The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy, London etc., 1997: Penguin), 51–2 (Penguin, 67–9); see also 275
230‘Kant as an Unfamiliar Source of Nationalism’ (1972), in SR, 232–48
231‘Marxism and the International in the Nineteenth Century’ (1964), in SR, 116–67; trans. Russian
232‘Philosophy and Government Repression’ (1953), in SR, 54–76
233‘Political Judgement’ (1957), in SR, 40–53; repr. as ‘On Political Judgement’ in New York Review of Books, 3 October1996, 26–30; trans. German, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish
234‘Rabindranath Tagore and the Consciousness of Nationality’ (1961), in SR, 249–66
235‘The Sense of Reality’ (1953), in SR, 1–39; trans. Italian, Russian
235aContribution to ‘Why be Jewish?’, The UJS Haggadah (London, 1996: The Union of Jewish Students), 68
236Supplementary obituary note on Lydia Chukovskaya, Guardian, 9 February 1996, 13
236a‘A Flick Back’ (letter), Guardian, 21 March 1996, 18
236b‘No Smoking in Class’ (letter), Sunday Telegraph, 2 June 1996, 30
236c (with others) ‘Solidarity with Turkish Writers’ (letter), Independent, 31 May 1996, 17
236dLetter to Carlos-Enrique Ruiz, 17 October 1996, declining his invitation to contribute to Aleph on its 30th anniversary, Aleph no. 100 (January–March 1997), 28
237 The Proper Study of Mankind: An Anthology of Essays, ed. Henry Hardy and Roger Hausheer, foreword by Noel Annan and introduction by Roger Hausheer (London, 1997: Chatto and Windus; New York, 1998: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; London, 1998: Pimlico) (reprints of 32, 44, 54, 60, 71, 77, 81, 93, 98, 108, 122, 134, 139, 143, 161, 169 (New York Review of Books version) and 196, with a concise bibliography of Isaiah Berlin’s writings by Henry Hardy); trans. Bosnia, Bulgarian (in part), Catalan, Croatian (in part), Finnish (in part), Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish
- Reviews
- Castello Branco, José Tomaz, ‘Liberdade e pluralismo’, review of the two-volume Portuguese trans., Nova cidadania no. 3 (Winter 1999/2000), 63–7
- Cherniss, Joshua, review of FIB and PSM, History of European Ideas 31 (2005), 512–17
- Mayos, Gonçal, ‘Isaiah Berlin: un gran clàssic finalment traduït’, review of Catalan trans. by Laia Font and Dolors Udina, El veritable estudi de la humanitat: una antologia d’assaigs (Barcelona, 2009: Editorial Empúries), Caràcters: segona època no. 51 (April 2010), 19
- Ryan, Alan, ‘Wise Man’ (also reviews Michael Ignatieff’s biography), New York Review of Books, 17 December 1998, 29–37
- Worsthorne, Peregrine, ‘Abandoning a Low Profile’, Spectator, 8 March 1997, 34–5
2nd ed., foreword by Andrew Marr (London, 2014: Vintage)
237a‘Literature and Art in the RSFSR’ (1945) (Russian Translation by Galina Andreeva of part of ‘A Note on Literature and the Arts in the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic in the closing months of 1945’, in Public Record Office FO 371/56725), Kulisa NG [supplement to Nezavisimaya gazeta] no. 2 (December 1997), 4–5 (published by Nina Koroleva; repr. with cuts restored in Zvezda, 2003 No 7 [July], 126–42); full text published as ‘Litteratura i iskusstvo v Rossii pri Staline’, trans. L. Lakhuty, in Istoriya svobody: Rossiya (Moscow, 2001: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie); English original published (with one passage cut) as ‘The Arts in Russia under Stalin’, New York Review of Books, 19 October 2000, 54–63, and (in full) in SM; trans. Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish (in part)
237b‘Sir Thomas Armstrong (1898–1994)’, in Christ Church 1996 [Oxford, 1997: Christ Church], 72–3, and in Rosemary Rapaport (ed.), Thomas Armstrong: A Celebration by His Friends (Oxford, 1998: Thames Publishing), 40–1
238Contribution to ‘Books of the Century’, Sunday Telegraph, 9 February 1997, Sunday Review, 12
238aContribution (on his favourite images) to RA (The Royal Academy Magazine) no. 57 (Winter 1997), 62
239Letters to Rocco Pezzimenti in Rocco Pezzimenti, The Open Society and its Friends, with letters from Isaiah Berlin and the late Karl R. Popper (Leominster/Rome, 1997: Gracewing/Millennium Romae), 173–8, 182–4
239a‘Israel and the Palestinians’ (16 October 1997), Ha'aretz, 7 November 1997, 1 (published within an article announcing IB’s death); original English text published in A
240‘My Intellectual Path’ (with 241, under the joint title ‘The First and the Last’), New York Review of Books, 14 May 1998, 53–60; repr. in The First and the Last (New York, 1999: New York Review Books; London, 1999: Granta), POI and L (in part); excerpted as ‘One Man’s Pursuit of Perfection’, Guardian, 9 October 1999, A5; trans. Chinese (with the mistaken title ‘My Academic Path’) in the book for which it was written, Ouyang Kang (ed.), Dangdai yingmei zhuming zhexuejia xueshu zishu [The Academic Self-Statements of Contemporary British and American Distinguished Philosophers] (Beijing, 2005: The People’s Press), 47–70; also trans. Catalan, Italian, Latvian (in part), Spanish, Vietnamese
- Review of FL
- Eagleton, Terry, ‘All Souls Can’t Speak to All Souls’ (also reviews Richard Hoggart, Last Things), The Times Higher Education Supplement, 25 February 2000, ??; repr. as ‘Isaiah Berlin and Richard Hoggart’ in id., Figures of Dissent: Critical Essays on Fish, Spivak, Žižek and Others (London, 2003: Verso), 104–8
241‘The Purpose Justifies the Ways’ (1922) (with 240, under the joint title ‘The First and the Last’), New York Review of Books, 14 May 1998, 52–3; repr. in Du, December 1998, 22–4, The First and the Last (New York, 1999, New York Review of Books; London, 1999: Granta) and L; trans. Catalan, German, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese
241a‘A Turning-Point in Political Thought’, Common Knowledge 7 no. 3 (Winter 1998), 186–214; repr. in L as ‘The Birth of Greek Individualism: A Turning-Point in the History of Political Thought’; trans Spanish
242Foreword to Jenifer Hart, Ask Me No More: An Autobiography (London, 1998: Peter Halban), xi–xviii
242a (with Fred S. Worms) ‘From Abraham to Washington: Extracts from an Unpublished Correspondence’, Jewish Quarterly 45 (1998/9) no. 4 (172), 32–6; repr. as ‘Zionism and Sir Isaiah Berlin’ in Ariel: The Israel Review of Arts and Letters 110 (1999), 47–54; two letters repr. in part in A
242b‘A Letter to Elizabeth Bowen’ (1933), Oxford Magazine 156 (Eighth Week, Trinity Term, 1998), 8–9; repr. at F 70–3
242ced. with Herman Branover and Zeev Wagner, The Encyclopedia of Russian Jewry: Biographies A–I (Northvale, NJ, 1998: Jason Aronson)
243 The Roots of Romanticism, the A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, 1965, ed. Henry Hardy (London, 1999: Chatto and Windus; Princeton, 1999: Princeton University Press; London, 2000: Pimlico); excerpted in The The Times Literary Supplement on The Romantics ed. Michael Caines and Alan Jenkins (London, 2005: The Times Literary Supplement), 1–2, 125–126; trans. Dutch, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Serbo-Croat, Spanish, Turkish
- Reviews
- Bowie, A., Radical Philosophy 97 (1999) 44–5
- Dunachie, Findlay, ‘Isaiah Berlin Lectures on Liberty and Romanticism’, review of FIB and RR, blog, 14 September 2004
- Gunn, J. W. ‘Isaiah Berlin: How Much is Too Much?’, review of PI2 and RR, Clio 32 no. 1 (2002), 61–86
- Mackillop, Ian, ‘Isaiah Berlin: Modest Grandee’, London Magazine, 1 February 1999, 50–5
- McLynn, Frank, ‘The Mouse Roars’ New Statesman, 19 April 1999, 47–8; dismissive
- Perry, Seamus, Wordsworth Circle 31 no. 4 (Fall 2000), 179–80; recommended (‘the sweep and energy of the thing is wonderful; it makes its belated appearance in Romantic criticism like some great ruined wonder from before the flood’, 80, concluding words)
- Schmidt, J., Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 no. 3 (2000), 451–2
- Xu Youyu, ’Bolin lun Langmanzhuyi: jinian Bolin danchen yibaizhounian’ [‘Berlin on Romanticism: In memory of Berlin at His Centenary’], Shanghai Review of Books, in Dongfang Zaobao [Dongfang Daily (the eastern daily)], 8 February 2009
Xu was a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Science. He studied at Wolfson College, Oxford, 1986–88 under Michael Dummett, but did not meet IB. In the review he claims that for Chinese intellectuals and general readers , IB‘s novelty and strong influence consist in his distinction between negative and positive liberty. He disagrees with IB at some points – for example, he does not think Kant was one of the fathers of Romanticism. But he applauds the fact that so many Chinese translations of IB’s books have been published in the new century, because in his opinion, thanks to these translations, Chinese readers can get to know the whole range of IB’s thought, and at the same time deepen their understanding of Western civilisation by studying IB.
2nd. ed., foreword by John Gray (Princeton, 2013: Princeton University Press); adds an appendix containing letters (280) on the Mellon Lectures
- Review
- Neth, Michael J., ‘The Afterlives of an Ideal: Isaiah Berlin on the Romantic Movement’, European Legacy 22 no. 4 (2017), 472–9
244‘La reputacion de Vico’, trans. by Enrique Bocardo Crespo of review of Peter Burke, Vico, in Pablo Badillo O’Farrell and Enrique Bocardo Crespo (eds), Isaiah Berlin: la mirada despierta de la historia (Madrid, 1999: Tecnos), 17–18; original English version, ‘The Reputation of Vico’, published in New Vico Studies 17 (1999), 1–5, and repr. in TCE2
244a‘Una testimonianza di Isaiah Berlin’, in Franco Ratto (ed.), All’ombra di Vico: testimonianze e saggi vichiani in ricordo di Giorgio Tagliacozzo (Via Cellini, 1999: Sestante)
245 The Power of Ideas, ed. Henry Hardy (London, 2000: Chatto and Windus; Princeton, 2000: Princeton University Press; London, 2001: Pimlico) (reprints of 27, 43, 52, 54a, 55, 62, 63, 65, 78, 85, 102, 103, 111, 113, 115, 127, 221, 240, together with 248); trans. German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
2nd. ed., foreword by Avishai Margalit (Princeton, 2013: Princeton University Press); adds an appendix containing 94a, 260 and 273a
246 Three Critics of the Enlightenment: Vico, Hamann, Herder, ed. Henry Hardy (London, 2000: Pimlico; Princeton, 2000: Princeton University Press) (reprints of 148, with revisions to the Vico material, and 212, with the English original of the Foreword to the German edition); trans. Chinese, Greek
2nd. ed., foreword by Jonathan Israel (Princeton, 2013: Princeton University Press; London, 2013: Pimlico); adds an appendix containing reprints of 130, ‘The Workings of Providence’ from 152, 244, a passage on Hamann’s origins excluded from 212 (274), and letters (281) on Vico and Hamann
247‘Herzen: A Preacher of the Truth’, in Giovanna Calebich Creazza, Aleksandr Ivanovic Herzen: profezia e tradizione (Naples, 2000: CUEN), 39–40
248‘The Search for Status’ (talk based on part of 71), in POI, 195–9
249Letter to Anand Chandavarkar on Keynes and anti-Semitism, in Anand Chandavarkar, ‘Was Keynes anti-Semitic?’, Economic and Political Weekly, 6 May 2000, 1619–24, at 1623; repr. in part at A 490–2
250‘A Visit to Leningrad’ (1945), The Times Literary Supplement, 23 March 2001, 13–15; repr. in F and SM; trans. Catalan, Italian, Russian (in part)
250a‘A Sense of Impending Doom’ (1935; original title ‘Literature and the Crisis’), The Times Literary Supplement, 27 July 2001, 11–12
250b‘The State of Psychology in 1936’ (1936), on this site: draft version published as ‘The State of Psychology in 1936’ in History and Philosophy of Psychology 3 no. 1 (2001), 76–83; final version partly published as ‘Addendum on Psychology in 1936’, History and Philosophy of Psychology 19 no. 1 (2018), 43–50
250c‘Notes on Prejudice’ (1981), New York Review of Books, 18 October 2001, 12; repr. in L, in Robert B. Silvers and Barbara Epstein (eds), Striking Terror: America’s New War (New York, 2002: New York Review Books), and, as ‘Notes on Prejudice and Fanaticism’, Australian Financial Review, 12 October 2001, Review section, 4; trans. Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai
250dLetter and memorandum to David Ben-Gurion (23 January 1959; in Hebrew translation) in Eliezer Ben Rafael, with Yosef Gorny and Shalom Ratzbi (eds), Zehuyot Yehudiyot: Teshuvot hakhmei Yisrael le-Ben-Gurion (Sede Boqer, 2001: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press), 160–6; repr. (in English) in Eliezer Ben Rafael (ed.), Jewish Identities: Fifty Intellectuals Answer Ben Gurion (Leiden/Boston, 2002: Brill), 168–76, as Isaiah Berlin and David Ben-Gurion, ‘Religion, Identity, and the State’, New Republic, 1–15 January 2007, 23–8, as ‘ “Who Is a Jew?” – Professor Isaiah Berlin’s Memorandum to the Prime Minister of Israel, 23 January 1959’, Israel Studies 13 no. 3 (Fall 2008), 170–7, and in E; the letter was also included, in its original English form, in two earlier mimeographed pamphlets – the first of these (untitled) was produced by the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem in 1959, and not continuously paginated; the second appeared in 1969 under the title Miqra’a be-inyan ‘Mi Yehudi’: Qovets teshuvot shel hakhmei Yisrael ve-nispahim [‘A Reader on “ Who Is a Jew?” : A Collection of Answers by Jewish Intellectuals, with Appendices’] (Berlin’s letter is on pp. 78–82)
251 Freedom and its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty (1952; ‘brilliant broadcast lectures’: [E. H. Carr,] The Times Literary Supplement, 9 January 1953, 25), ed. Henry Hardy (London, 2002: Chatto & Windus; Princeton, 2002: Princeton University Press; London, 2003, Pimlico); lecture on Helvétius excerpted as ‘The Art of Being Ruled: Helvétius, Happiness and the Scientists’, The Times Literary Supplement, 15 February 2002, 14–16; lecture on Saint-Simon excerpted and abridged as ‘Henri de Saint-Simon’, Romulus, June 2002, 16–21; trans. Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian
- Reviews
- Cherniss, Joshua, ‘Philosophers and Freedom: 6 Essays by Isaiah Berlin’, Oxonian Review of Books 2 no. 2 (Hilary 2003 [misdated variously Michaelmas or Hilary 2002]), 10–12
- Cherniss, Joshua, review of FIB and PSM, History of European Ideas 31 (2005), 512–17
- Dunachie, Findlay, ‘Isaiah Berlin Lectures on Liberty and Romanticism’, review of FIB and RR, blog, 14 September 2004
2nd. ed., foreword by Enrique Krauze (Princeton, 2014: Princeton University Press); adds an appendix containing draft material for ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’ (see 282, 283)
252 Liberty, ed. Henry Hardy, with an essay on ‘Berlin and His Critics’ by Ian Harris (Oxford and New York, 2002: Oxford University Press) (revised edition of Four Essays on Liberty (253), with other writings on liberty: reprints of 221, 241a, 240 [excerpts], 241 and 250c, together with 254); trans. Chinese, Italian, Korean, Polish, Spanish
253‘Five Essays on Liberty’, ed. Henry Hardy (second edition of 112, with reprint of 93 added), in L
254A Letter to George Kennan (1951), in L; repr. as ‘A Letter to George Kennan: On Human Dignity’, New Republic, 28 January 2002, 23–6
254aLetters to Robert Craft in his An Improbable Life: Memoirs (Nashville, 2002: Vanderbilt University Press)
254bLetter to Beata Polanowska-Sygulska (24 February 1986), trans. into Polish by Beata Polanowska-Sygulska, Przeglad Polityczny no. 54 (2002), 120–3
254c‘Isaiah Berlin aan Marion en Felix Frankfurter’ (letter of 7–8 December 1934), trans. into Dutch by Jan Willem Reitsma, Nexus 37 (2003), 177–85; English original at F 104–10
255 Flourishing: Letters 1928–1946, ed. Henry Hardy (London, 2004: Chatto & Windus; London, 2005); published in the USA as Letters 1928–1946 (New York, 2004: Cambridge University Press); see also online supplement and ‘What about Daphne? Correspondence with H. G. Nicholas 1942–1945’, a special additional supplement, both on this site
256 The Soviet Mind: Russian Culture under Communism, ed. Henry Hardy, foreword by Strobe Talbott (Washington, 2004: Brookings Institution Press; paperback reprint with corrections 2011) (reprints of 237a, 250, 101, 169 [shortened version], 257, 259, 46, 258, 67–8, 201)
- Reviews
- Ferrell, Jason, Slavic and East European Journal 49 no. 4 (Winter 2005), 684–5
- Watson, George, ‘The Failure of History’, The Times Higher Education, 5 November 2009, 38, 40–1 (incorporates a review)
2nd ed. (Washington, 2016: Brookings Classics, Brookings Institution Press); adds 287 and 288
257‘Boris Pasternak’ (1958), in SM, 85–9
258‘Four Weeks in the Soviet Union’ (1956), in SM, 119–29
258a‘A Letter on Human Nature’ (1986), part of a letter to Beata Polanowska-Sygulska, New York Review of Books, 23 September 2004, 26; repr. in CTH2 (as ‘Letter to Beata Polanowska-Sygulska on Human Nature’) and at A 278–81
259‘Why the Soviet Union Chooses to Insulate Itself’ (1946), in SM, 90–7
260‘Woodrow Wilson on Education’ (1959), Oxford Magazine, no. 225, Noughth Week, Trinity Term 2004, 3–8; repr. forthcoming in Research in Comparative and International Education 7 no. 3 (2012); repr. in POI2
261Contribution (written 1 March 1991) to Jean Moorcroft Wilson and Cecil Woolf (eds), Authors Take Sides on Iraq and the Gulf War (London, 2004: Cecil Woolf Publishers), 106–7:
I was in favour of armed force.
Unless there are very long, very patient, very skilful and painful negotiations between governments, minorities etc. until at least the rudiments of a possible solution emerge, a general conference could not succeed in arriving at anything like ‘lasting peace and stability in the Middle East’.
262 (unattributed, and with posthumous revisions) ‘Sir Stuart Hampshire’ (obituary), The Times, 16 June 2004, 32 (56 in tabloid edition)
263Part of a letter (28 June 1958) to Rowland Burdon-Muller, in Lewis Owens, ‘“ Like a Chemist from Canada” : Shostakovich in Oxford 1958’, DSCH Journal no. 21 (July 2004), 20–6, at 24–5; repr. at E 637–41
263a (with Charles Blattberg) ‘An Exchange with Professor Sir Isaiah Berlin’
264 (with Meyer Schapiro) ‘Isaiah Berlin and Meyer Schapiro: An Exchange’ (on Bernard Berenson: includes unsent letter from IB to Encounter, 21 January 1961 [repr. at B 25–7], and letter from IB to Shapiro, 13 February 1961), Brooklyn Rail, September 2004, 14–15
265Letters to Andrzej Walicki in Andrzej Walicki (ed.), Russia, Poland and Marxism: Isaiah Berlin to Andrzej Walicki 1962–1996[Dialogue and Universalism15 no. 9–10/2005], 53–173; some repr. in B and A; reviewed by Lesley Chamberlain in The Times Literary Supplement, 10 March 2006, 22
265aLetter of 16/17 June 1981 to Lidiya Chukovskaya in E[lena] Ts[ezarevna] Chukovskaya (ed.), ‘ “Skolko lyudei! – I vse zhivye”: otzyvy chitatelei o Zapisak ob Anne Akhmatovoi Lidii Chukovskoi’ [‘ “So many people! – And all alive!”: Readers’ Responses to Lidiya Chukovsky’s Notes on Anna Akhmatova’], Znamya 2005 no. 8, 165–6; English translation of excerpt at A 622
266 Political Ideas in the Romantic Age: Their Rise and Influence on Modern Thought, ed. Henry Hardy, with an introduction by Joshua L. Cherniss (London, 2006: Chatto and Windus; Princeton, 2006: Princeton University Press); trans. Italian, Portuguese; excerpt trans. Spanish
- Review
European Legacy 12 no. 5 (August 2007), 607–9
2nd. ed. (Princeton, 2014: Princeton University Press); adds an appendix containing the delivery text of ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’ (284)
267 (with Beata Polanowska-Sygulska) Unfinished Dialogue, foreword by Henry Hardy (New York, 2006: Prometheus Books); excerpts trans. Polish
- Review
- Szacki, Jerzy
268 (in Spanish translation) ‘Dos cartas sobre México’ [‘Two letters on Mexico’ (excerpts)], Letras Libres, December 2007, 70–1; English original of excerpts from one letter at B 356–7
269‘What Is Freedom?’, Romulus 2008: Freedom, 2
270 Enlightening: Letters 1946–1960, ed. Henry Hardy and Jennifer Holmes (London, 2009, Chatto and Windus; London, 2011: Pimlico); letter of 28 June 1958 to Rowland Burdon-Muller repr. as ‘Shostakovich at Oxford’, New York Review of Books, 16 July 2009, 22–3 (see also item 263 above), and in facsimile in Stephen Hebron, Marks of Genius: Masterpieces from the Collections of the Bodleian Libraries (Oxford, 2014: Bodleian Library Publishing), cat. 80, 237–41 at 238–41; other extracts in Prospect, June 2009, 80; see also online supplement, ιMore Enlightening’
- Review
- Herman, David, ‘The Two Faces of Isaiah’, review of E and BI, Salmagundi Nos 166–7 (Spring–Summer 2010), 224–36
- Vermes, Geza, review of E and BI, Journal of Jewish Studies 61 no. 2 (Autumn 2010), 346–8
271Letters to Lydia Chukovskaya, in Elena Chukovskaya (ed.), ‘“... esli by vdrug pozvonil Evgenii Onegin ili Taras Bul´ ba”: perepiska sera Isaii Berlina s Lidiei Chukovskoi’ [‘“... if you have suddenly been phoned by Eugene Onegin or Taras Bulba”: The Correspondence of Sir Isaiah Berlin and Lydia Chukovskaya’], Novyi Mir 2009 no. 12 (December 2009), 148–72; English translations of parts of some letters in B and A
272‘The End of the Ideal of the Perfect Society’ (1975), in Jorge Geraldo Ramírez, Isaiah Berlin: utopía, tragedia y pluralismo (Medellín, 2010: Fondo Editorial Universidad Eafit), 12–83 (English text facing the editor’s Spanish translation); improved English text repr. in SR2
272a‘M. Henri Heine’ (poem written in 1928), in Arie M. Dubnov, Isaiah Berlin: The Journey of a Jewish Liberal (London, 2012: Palgrave Macmillan), 48, with extensive commentary (48–52)
273Building: Letters 1960–1975, ed. Henry Hardy and Mark Pottle (London, 2013: Chatto and Windus; London, 2016: Pimlico); letter of 17 October 1962 to Aline Berlin repr. as ‘The Important Young Man’, New Republic, 11 February 2013, 53–4; see also online supplement
- Reviews
- Glancy, Jonathan, Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 2013
- Crace, John, ‘Building: Letters 1960–1975 by Isaiah Berlin – digested’ (spoof letter), The Guardian, 8 July 2013, G2, 20
273a‘Democracy, Communism and the Individual’, in POI2
274‘Hamann’s Origins’ (1965), in TCE2
275‘My Philosophical Views’ (1996; first draft of 229), in the appendix to CC2
276 (Extracts from) letters to Leon Edel, R. Errera, the editor of the New York Review of Books, Lincoln Schuster, H. Paul Simon, Shiela Sokolov Grant and Edmund Wilson, in the appendix to HF2
277‘Made of Wax after All’: (extracts from) letters to Henry Hardy on whether to publish what became 158, in the appendix to CC2
278 (Extracts from) letters to Joseph Alsop, Jean Floud and A. J. P. Taylor on Machiavelli, to Omar Haliq on Moses Hess and Zionism, to Sidney Morgenbesser on pluralism, freedom and determinism, and to Sidney Hook on various topics, in the appendix to AC2
279Letters to Alain Besançon and Piero Gastaldo on Joseph de Maistre, and to Geert Van Cleemput on nationalism, in the appendix to CTH2
280 (Extracts from) letters to P. H. Newby, Helen Rapp and John Walker on his Mellon Lectures, in the appendix to RR2
281Letters to Quentin Skinner on Vico, and to Gwen Griffith Dickson and Mark Lilla on Hamann, in the appendix to TCE2
282Five early drafts of ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’; the first and third drafts, and parts of others, are incorporated into the appendix to FIB2
283‘ “Two Concepts of Liberty”: Early Texts’, incorporating some of 282 (q.v.), in FIB2
284‘The Concise “Two Concepts of Liberty”: What Isaiah Berlin Said on 31 October 1958’ (delivery text of IB’s inaugural lecture), in PIRA2
286Affirming: Letters 1975–1997, ed. Henry Hardy and Mark Pottle (London, 2015: Chatto and Windus; London, 2017, Pimlico); extracts in The Times Literary Supplement (‘Among Important Persons: Isaiah Berlin Looks Back’, 21 & 28 August 2015, 14–16) and the New York Review of Books (‘The Unique Qualities of Joe Alsop’, 8 October 2015, 38, 40); excerpts trans. Spanish; see also online supplement and ‘More Explaining: Isaiah Berlin on His Own Ideas’, a special additional supplement, both on this site
- Reviews
- Bogdanor, Vernon, ‘Prophet of the open society’, Daily Telegraph, 24 October 2015, 30
- Brown, Craig, ‘Poison pen of world’s snootiest man’, Daily Mail, 12 October 2015
- Collini, Stefan, ‘The ultimate insider who loved to talk’, Guardian, 5 September 2015, 9
- Davenport-Hines, Richard, ‘Never Again’, The Times Literary Supplement, 14 October 2015, 3–4
- Ffrench, Andrew, ‘Real man of letters’, Oxford Times, 1 October 2015, 57
- Gray, John, ‘Notes on Liberty’, Literary Review, September 2015, 11–12
- Green, Simon, ‘The Prophet Isaiah in his Letters’, Standpoint, January–February 2016
- Herman, David, ‘In His Own Words’, Jewish Quarterly, Winter 2015, 56–61; a fuller version is available online
- Herman, David, ‘Thinking by Post’, New Statesman, October 2015, 49
- Kelly, Duncan, Financial Times, 16 October 2015
- McLaughlin, Brendan, Oldie, October 2015, 61
- O'Malley, J. P., Prospect, 17 September 2015
287‘Marxist versus Non-Marxist Ideas in Soviet Policy’ (1952), in SM2
288‘Communism: Summary of Mr Berlin’s Speech’ (late 1940s), in SM2
289 (in Chinese translation) Letter to Harry Jaffa, 24 May 1992, about the difference between Berlin’s views and those of Leo Strauss, translated and with a commentary by Ma Hualing, Dushu [Reading] 2017 no. 3 (March), 73–82; the English original is available on this site
292 ‘Three Years: Culture and Politics in the Mid Twentieth Century’ (36a, 44a, 46b, 295), on this site
294 ‘A Great Russian Critic: Vissarion Grigor'evich Belinsky’ (1962), in SR2
295 Political review of 1951, unpublished section of 46b, now 1951 section I in 292
296 Letters to David Carver and Edward Crankshaw, in Paolo Mancosu, ‘P.E.N. International, Isaiah Berlin, and the Ivinskaya Case’, in his blog Inside the Zhivago Storm
297 ‘Four Lectures on Russian Historicism’, transcripts of four versions of a talk (U34, B37a, B42a, B53), on this site; U34 trans. Chinese
298 ‘The Israel Letters’ (letters to Bob Silvers from the New York Review of Books archive), ed. David Herman, Jewish Quarterly, May 2021, 67–87; letters repr. in B+ and A+
298a Memoir of Lady Patricia Douglas, in A+
299 ‘Isaiah Berlin on Music’, a compilation of all IB’s music criticism, broadly defined, comprising ‘Music Chronicle’ (1930–2: 2b, 6, 7, 12, 13, 19c, 21b, 21c, 23c, 29), ‘Five Musical Books’ (1934–8: 16, 17, 18, 23b, 23), ‘Gramophone Notes’ (1936–40: 18a, 21a, 23a, 26a, 46a), ‘On Opera’ (34c, 89, 124, 144, 186, 192b) and ‘The Depth of Michael Tippett’ (97)
300 Minutes of the Oxford University Philosophical Society, 30 May 1937 to 5 June 1938, Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, MS. Top. Oxon. e. 369/1, fols. 55r–57r, 63v–65r
301 Minutes of the Jowett Society, Michaelmas Term 1930, Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, MS. Top. Oxon. d. 391, fols. 105–8
1 Letter to Noel Annan, 29 May 1971, the day after the award of the Order of Merit to Berlin was announced in The Times (28 May 1971, 1e, 2e–f). King’s College Archives, University of Cambridge, NGA/4/7A. [back]
2 In ‘Literary Style in England and America’, Books on Trial 14 no. 2 (October 1955): see The Essays, Articles and Reviews of Evelyn Waugh, ed. Donat Gallagher (London, 1983: Methuen), 479–80. [back]
3 For an informal account of how this bibliography came to be compiled, and of the genesis of the project of which it formed a part, see my ‘Editing Isaiah Berlin’s Writings’, British Book News, January 1978, 3, 5, repr. in Lycidas (the magazine of Wolfson College, Oxford) no. 7 (1978–9), 34–54. [back]
4 It would be unhelpful, though, to press these exclusions to the point of not mentioning (a) that a number of the broadcasts, including the 1965 Mellon Lectures, ‘Some Sources of Romanticism’, can be heard at the National Sound Archive in London; (b) that an important volume of conversations exists (first published in a French translation in 1991): Ramin Jahanbegloo, Conversations with Isaiah Berlin (London, 1992: Peter Halban; New York, 1992: Scribner’s; London, 1993: Phoenix). [back]