Corrections to Henry Hardy, In Search of Isaiah Berlin

The original 2018 I.B.Tauris hardback was reprinted by Tauris Parke in 2019 with these corrections:

Page Line For Read
vii 2 up Biographical Glossary Select Biographical Glossary
xi 6 War and Peace Tolstoy’s War and Peace
7 up (SR 195) (SR2 247)
xii 10 my copy-editor Sarah Terry Jayne Parsons, who succeeded her, my copy-editor Sarah Terry, my typesetter Alex Billington, my proofreaders
Martin Liddy and Robina Pelham Burn, and my publicists James Beedle and Clare Kathleen Bogen
18 Serena Moore the late Serena Moore
1 4 [move footnote cue 1
to end of next line,
after ‘1932’]
12 4 (SR 224) SR 284
53 9 up last sentence about penultimate sentence above
62 9 early in 1974 […] in 1974
86 6–5 up – the only […]
89 6 was worth was [sc. is] worth
141 5 [SR 74] [SR2 92]
Plate 5 2 [replace existing URL with:]
170 7 up (SR 47, 46; cf. SR 24) (SR2 59, 57; cf. SR2 29–30)
173 14 up an option possible
174 2 hair hair or feathers
175 19 asserted asserted, if not in these specific terms
177 13 (SR 172) (SR2 219)
18 (SR 178) (SR2 226)
179 1 self-government self-direction, self-government
208 16 (SR 19) (SR2 24)
274 note 39 Source mislaid Morton White to HH, 27 February 1979
277 17 is due […] in 2019 appears on the cover of the second edition of SR
285 1 Biographical Glossary Select Biographical Glossary
303 2 (A555) (A 555)

The paperback (Tauris Parke, 2020) contained these further corrections:

Page Line For Read
vii 4 up [add new line:] Appendix: A Posthumous Letter to Berlin  269
3–1 up 269 285 287 273 289 291
ix 5 [add new line:] Berlin shaving in a mirror held by Prudence Pelham, 1936  270
last Media Media; 270 E. C. Hodgkin
xii 3 up 2018 2018
last [add new note:] † The appendix was added in the paperback edition (2020).
269 (new 273) [Insert appendix and
repaginate rest of
284 (new 288) [add endnotes
to appendix]
Index [increase by 4 all
numerals from 269 to
303 (new 307) [move to previous
page and delete last
4 blank pages]

In any future reprints the following corrections should be made:

Page Line For Read
233 13 (CTH 11) (CTH2 11)
22 (CTH 79) (CTH2 82))
24 (POI 12) (POI2 14))
(old 283)
note 6, 6 (CTH 85) (CTH2 88)
note 6, 8 (CTH 82) (CTH2 85)