Corrections to The Soviet Mind
Corrections to the second edition
The second edition (2016) was completely revised throughout, and translations should be made from this edition, with the additional corrections listed below.
Page | Line | For | Read |
iii | last | visit | visit, |
vi | 10, 15 | The Isaiah | The Trustees of the Isaiah |
xl | last | 571, fols 328–43 | 562, fols 408–23 |
97 | 14–15 | [remove extra interlinerar space] | |
252 | col. 2, 2 | 37 | 37, 67, 68 |
253 | col. 1, Hayter | Hayter,William | Hayter, William |
Corrections to the first edition
Corrections to the paperback reprint of the first edition (2011)
Page | Line | For | Read |
ii | [update list of other titles] | ||
xl | note 1 | 2008] | 2008.] |
184 | 10 up | Ehrenberg, see Erenberg. | Ehrenburg, see Erenburg. |
back cover | 2nd quotation | Laqueur in Moscow | Laqueur, Moscow |
Corrections to the first edition (hardback, 2004)
Page | Line | For | Read |
ii | at bottom of text | [add after 2(?) lines’ space:] | For more information about Isaiah Berlin visit |
xv | 15 | life, his | life his |
xxvii | 4 up | website [...] written | website under ‘Unpublished work’. The minutes were written |
xxxiv | 3 | well repressed | well-repressed |
xxxv | 8–7 up | [presumably in a letter that does not survive] | [in a letter dated 16 August 1957] |
5 up | the title | the title [not suggested by Berlin] | |
3 up | [replace whole line with the following:] | On 4 September | |
2 up | cabled | cables | |
xxxvi | 1 | a pseudonym. Armstrong tells | a pseudonym, though this was exactly what Berlin himself had asked for. Armstrong replies on the same day, telling |
xxxvii | 18–26 | Three persons [...] Orlov. | [Thanks to information supplied by Vadim Zelenkov and others since the book was published it has been possible to add five further entries in this paperback edition.] |
xxxix | 11 | Soviet | Russian |
xl | 3 up | [add footnote cue after ‘Thus I salute her.’] | |
bottom of page | [add new footnote:] | [Pat Utechin died in 2008.] | |
45 | 5 | dandyish | the dandyish |
7 | broken tormented | broken, tormented | |
50 | 12 up | Andrea | Andreev |
73 | photo caption | [substitute new caption:] | Slip of paper on which Akhmatova’s telephone number, address and name were written down for Berlin (by Antonina Oranzhireeva) |
104 | n. 1, 3–4 | ‘rootless internationalists’ (‘wurzellos Internationalen’) | and others ‘a rootless international clique’ (see p. 118), |
118 | bottom of page | [add new uncued footnote, first and second lines full out:] | Supplementary note to p. 104: The quotation from Hitler on p. 104, note 1, came to light too late for me to fit in a full reference in the proper place. Hitler’s published remark is ‘Es ist eine wurzellose internationale Clique, die die Völker gegeneinander hetzt’ (‘It is a rootless international clique, which incites peoples against each other’). It occurs in a speech given on 10 November 1933, and published in Völkischer Beobachter (Berlin), 11 November 1933, pp. 1–2; quotation on p. 2. The context suggests that the reference is not to Jews alone (though they are certainly included), but also to liberal intellectuals and international businessmen generally. |
171 | 9 | better known | better-known |
175 | 1 | P. | Porfir´evich |
178 | after Berggolts | [insert new entry] | Berkovsky, Naum Yakovlevich (1901–72), popular Soviet professor of literature and an influential figure in Leningrad intellectual and artistic circles. His specialism was German romanticism, and he published a major study, Romantizm v Germanii (Romanticism in Germany, 1979), which was translated into German. He also wrote studies of contemporary Soviet literature as well as of the Russian classics and theatre. |
184 | 3 | she joined the Kirov ballet in 1930, | she trained under the great Soviet ballet teacher Agrippina Vaganova, and joined the Kirov (Mariinsky) Opera and Ballet in 1931, |
5 | Retiring | Retiring as a dancer | |
6 | was ballet | served as a senior ballet | |
1970, and in | 1970, and was a professor of the Vaganova Russian Ballet Academy. In | ||
185 | after Erenburg | [insert new entry] | Ermolaev, Aleksey Nikolaevich (b. 1910), Soviet ballet dancer and teacher. After completing his training at the Leningrad Choreographic School in 1926 he became a soloist at the Kirov Ballet, transferring to the Bolshoy Ballet in 1930. He became a leading exponent of the muscular, heroic style of Soviet ballet in roles such as Tibald in Romeo i Dzhul´etta (Romeo and Juliet), Evgeny in Mednyi vsadnik (The Bronze Horseman) and Li Shan-fu in Krasnyi mak (The Red Poppy). In 1939 he became a ballet master, staging the first Belorussian ballet, Solovei (The Nightingale). In 1968 he was appointed artistic director of the Leningrad Choreographic School; he was honoured as a National Artist of the USSR in 1970. |
198 | before Kuprin | [insert new entry] | Kon, Igor Semenovich (1928– ), eminent Soviet historian and sociologist, graduated from the Leningrad Herzen Pedagogical Institute in 1947 and worked at the Vologda Pedagogical Institute, regularly publishing articles on history and ethics in Voprosy filosofii (Questions of Philosophy); he had a particular interest in Chernyshevsky and Milton. His early historical studies were on the nature of the bourgeoisie in tsarist Russia, with titles such as Filosofskii idealism i krizis burzhuaznoi istoricheskoi mysli (Philosophical Idealism and the Crisis of Bourgeois Historical Thought, 1959), but he later turned his attention to ethics and sociology, with Sotsiologiya lichnosti (The Sociology of the Personality, 1967; published in the West as Personality and Culture: Communism and Society, 1967), and to sexuality in post-Communist Russia, with Seksualnaya kul´tura v Rossii (Sexual Culture in Russia, 1997). |
199 | in place of existing Lerner entry | [insert new entry] | Lerner, Nikolay Osipovich (1877–1934), Russo-Jewish son of an Odessan publisher, became a leading literary historian and critic. He studied law at the University of Novorossisk but went on to become a leading Russian specialist on Belinsky and Pushkin. He built up an enormously detailed knowledge of the life of Pushkin, publishing A. S. Pushkin, trudy i dni (A. S. Pushkin: Life and Times, 1903), and Proza Pushkina (Pushkin’s Prose, 1923). He also wrote many articles on the history of nineteenth-century Russian literature for journals such as Russkii arkhiv (Russian Archive) and Russkaya starina (Russian Antiquity), as well as the monograph Belinsky (1922). |
207 | 6 up | 1908–96 | 1908–85 |
211 | after Radek | [insert new entry] | Rakhlin, Gdaly (Gennady) Moiseevich (1906–67), leading Soviet-Jewish bookseller in Leningrad whose bookshops also functioned as informal literary salons. He regarded himself as a follower of the well-known nineteenth-century bookseller, Aleksandr Smirdin (1795–1857), who had been patronised by Pushkin, among other writers. From 1939 to 1949 Rakhlin ran Leningrad’s Writers’ Bookshop (on Nevsky Prospekt near Anichkov Bridge), which was frequented by many writers and poets, including Akhmatova. Some time in the 1930s Rakhlin was recruited as an informer by the NKVD to spy on the members of the literary intelligentsia who were his customers. In January 1949 he was arrested, charged with (among other things) spying for British intelligence. Until the autumn of 1955 he was imprisoned in the Gulag, in Komi ASSR, north-east of the Urals. From 1956 to 1967 he was the director of the bookshop – popular with Leningrad literary society – on Soyuza Pechatnikov Street, not far from the Mariinsky (at that time the Kirov) Theatre. In this period young poets, in particular Vladimir Vysotsky (1938–80) and Joseph Brodsky (1940–96), met in his apartment and gave impromptu readings of their work. |
215 | Shcherbakov entry, 3 up | colonel | colonel general |
223 | 12 | Dzhulietta | Dzhul´etta |
227 | 13 | [replace whole line with:] | in the IBVL, and the texts of the uncollected items appear on |
19 | Penguin | Penguin; 2nd ed., rev. Henry Hardy, glossary by Jason Ferrell, 2008 | |
228 | 8 | [add after this line] | Glossary of names by Jason Ferrell Concordance to the first edition |
230 | 3 up | [insert new entry before Carswell entry] | ‘Russian Thought and the Slavophile Controversy’, review of Andrzej Walicki, A History of Russian Thought (From the Enlightenment to Marxism) and The Slavophile Controversy, Slavonic and East European Review 59 (1981), pp. 572–86 |
1 up | [insert new entry after Carswell entry] | Letters to Andrzej Walicki, in Andrzej Walicki (ed.), Russia, Poland and Marxism: Isaiah Berlin to Andrzej Walicki 1962–1996 [Dialogue and Universalism 15 No 9–10/2005], pp. 53–173 | |
231 | Arkhipenko | P. | Porfir´evich |
Andrea | Andrea (writer) | Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich | |
jacket | back flap, between 7 and 5 up | [add extra line(s) in typesize of matter that follows:] | For more information about Isaiah Berlin visit |
jacket | back flap, 5 up | © | copyright |