Corrections to Karl Marx

The fifth edition (2013) was completely revised throughout, and translations should be made from this edition, with the additional corrections listed below. Those marked with an asterisk were written by Berlin in a copy of the fourth edition that came to light only in 2017, or stem from those corrections.

Page Line For Read
i 11 works are works are The Age of Enlightenment, [roman comma]
2–1 up is currently […] letters. a four-volume edition of his letters. He is co-editor of The One and the Many: Reading Isaiah Berlin (2007), editor of The Book of Isaiah: Personal Impressions of Isaiah Berlin (2009), and author of In Search of Isaiah Berlin: A Literary Adventure (2018).
ii 1 [insert new para above:] Alan Ryan is emeritus Professor of Politics at the University of Oxford. He was Warden of New College from 1996 to 2009, and is the author of On Politics and several works on J. S. Mill and the philosophy of the social sciences.
3 up The Postmodern Marx. The Postmodern Marx. His most recent books, which reflect a ‘political turn’ in Marxism studies, include Marx (2018) and Engels before Marx (2020), as well as a thirtieth anniversary edition of The Life and Thought of Friedrich Engels (2020).
2 up [insert below, centred:] <>
iii [add at end:] Affirming: Letters 1975–1997
iv [a frontispiece is available on request]
vi 9 The Isaiah The Trustees of the Isaiah
13 [insert line space after]
20 [insert new line below:] Reprinted with corrections 2023
xii 12 and more the verdict was unchanged the verdict was equally positive
xxvii note 1 267/167 268/1
xxx note 1, 1 E. H. [E. H.
note 1, 2 thereafter. thereafter.]
xxxi note 1, 4 Marxist’. Marxist.’
xxxvi caption is there there is
? is a mystery.
1 note 1, 2 §16 § 16
25 2 their father before them, his maternal grandfather
*49 9 parallel separate
*64 12–10 up joint work […] authors were […] by Bauer’s joint work (most probably composed by Bauer alone) […] authorship was […] with Bauer’s
* note 1 [delete existing note, and substitute the following:] Die Posaune des jüngsten Gerichts über Hegel den Atheisten und Antichristen: Ein Ultimatum (Leipzig, 1841); The Trumpet of the Last Judgement against Hegel the Atheist and Anti-Christ: An Ultimatum, ed. and trans. Lawrence S. Stepelevich (Lewiston, NY, 1989).
*66 13 1846 1845–6
* 8 up Moses Moritz
* 7 up [add note cue 2 after ‘Hess,’ and the following footnote:] 2 He later reverted to ‘Moses’, his original name.
70 12 book work
*84 2 closed virtual
91 19–22 Ruge […] 1844. Early in 1844 he published an introduction to his own draft critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right in the periodical he edited with Ruge, together with an essay On the Jewish Question.
130 note 3, 1 ibid., Anti-Dühring,
157 note 2 2–3 (on 158) rather than ‘Proletarians’. The original German text uses the term ‘Proletarier’ (often ‘Workers of the world’) rather than ‘Proletarians’. The original German reads ‘Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!’
188 92–last Substitute: Now, sickening as it must be to human feeling to witness those myriads of industrious patriarchal and inoffensive social organisations […] losing at the same time their ancient form of civilisation and their hereditary means of subsistence, we must not forget that these idyllic village communities […] had always been the solid foundation of oriental despotism, that they restrained the human mind within the smallest possible compass, making it the unresisting tool of superstition, enslaving it beneath traditional rules, depriving it of all […] historical energies. We must not forget the barbarian egotism which, concentrating on some miserable patch of land, had quietly witnessed the ruin of empires, the perpetration of unspeakable cruelties, the massacre of the population of large towns, with no other consideration bestowed upon them than on natural events, itself the helpless prey of any aggressor who deigned to notice it at all. […]
    England, it is true, in causing a social revolution in Hindostan, was actuated only by the vilest interests, and was stupid in her manner of enforcing them. But that is not the question. The question is, can mankind fulfil its destiny without a fundamental revolution in the social state of Asia? If not, whatever may have been the crimes of England she was the unconscious tool of history in bringing about that revolution.
*227 7–8 since the rate of ‘surplus value’ is determined solely by the latter. since the rate of profit is determined by living human labour, not by machinery.
228 19 in the West Western Europe
*232 9 He believed He attended lectures on popular science, especially those by his friend Ray Lankester. He believed
* note 2, 4 edition volume
* note 2, 5 identification of a letter sent identification, too long unexamined, of a letter probably sent
250 note 1 31/1. xxxi/1
252 5 Engels Engels (while Marx was alive)
*257 5–4 up Crompton, Henry Butler-Johnstone and Ray Lankester Crompton and Henry Butler-Johnstone, by the classical art historian Charles Waldstein and the biologist Ray Lankester
258 10 Marx described him He described Marx
270 note 1, 6 12/5 xvi/2
274 note 1, 2 KM5 KM4
280 8 up 22 xxix
note 2, 2 139–43, 145–6 130–7, 135–7
281 12 26 xxv–xxvi
283 13 32 5
284 10 metaphysical quasi-metaphysical
9 up 44 20
285 4 31 xxxi
286 5 up 40 20
288 note 1, 2 113 113–14
292 7–5 up the printed […] me/>. as searchable PDFs of the published volumes at <>, and in html form at <> (both versions give the numbering of the printed pages).
293 2 Viking Press Viking
301 Feuerbach The Preliminary Preliminary
303 historical materialism 112, 112, 135–6,
*304 Lankester 257 232, 257

Last updated 11 March 2025