Corrections to Building: Letters 1960–1975

All the corrections listed are present in the Pimlico paperback edition (which should therefore be used for translations), except those in this colour, which should also be incorporated in future impressions and in translations. Corrections marked * apply only to the English-language edition.

Page Line For Read
i 11 Marx, Marx, The Age of Enlightenment, [roman commas]
11–8 up – including […] (2009). (co-)edited many other books by Berlin, including all those listed above, as well as the four-volume edition of his letters that the present volume inaugurates. He is co-editor of The One and the Many: Reading Isaiah Berlin (2007), editor of The Book of Isaiah: Personal Impressions of Isaiah Berlin (2009), and author of In Search of Isaiah Berlin: A Literary Adventure (2018).
last and
ii 1 By by
15 of Enlightenment of the Enlightenment
16 its Its
iv 12 The Isaiah The Trustees of the Isaiah
vii 1 ix x
2 xii viii
1–2 [invert]
ix 9 up Dmitry Dimitri
ix–xi [renumber as x–xii]
xi plate 27 unknown Stephen Grounds
xii [move to become viii–ix: centre diagram on viii and print list in two columns on ix]
xii [Add following entries and darken numbers in relevant vignettes:] 2. N. I. Mikhailov
6. Jesus, Simon Peter
11. Policeman and demonstrator, Jerusalem
12. Reinhold Niebuhr
16. Niccolò Paganini
25. Gracchus Babeuf
26. Dmitry Shostakovich
31. V. M. Garshin
32. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov
35. Brian Urquhart, Yitzhak Shamir
36. Apple-seller, Emily Davies, Elizabeth Garrett, J. S. Mill (Bertha Newcombe)
37. IB (back row, third from left) in India
47. Charles de Gaulle, Dwight D. Eisenhower (obscured)
51. Harry Levin
52. Pope Paul VI
54. Grand Choral Synagogue, St Petersburg
58. Thomas Balogh
59. Mesopotamian ruler, 3rd millennium BC
[no. 28] (right) with workers
[no. 50] [add at end:] with their wives
4 note 3 b. 1915 1915–2014
7 [delete note 4 and cue]
5 note 5 (b. 1922), great-grandson (1911–96), grandson
8 note 7, 1 b. 1927 1927–2019
10 note 2, 1 b. 1923 1923–2015
note 3, line 1 Anne Gilmour Anne Gilmour Fisher
11 note 2, 1 b. 1919 1919–2021
13 note 1, 1 b. 1925 1925–2015
note 5, 1 b. 1929 1929–2016
23 note 2, 1 b. 1917 1917–2016
28 note 3 b. 1920 1920–2014
34 note 3, 1 b. 1926 1926–2016
41 2–1 up [take over to 42]
note 4 ; for the […] overleaf. (for the ‘dead horse’ see also overleaf). Carr repeatedly targets Berlin’s writings on history in this work: see 38–40, 46/2, 70–1, 86–9, 93, 97, 121–3. Only at 111 is there a moment of agreement.
46 note 3, 1 b. 1933 1934–2023
58 note 3, 1 b. 1936 1936–2024
68 note 2, 1 b. 1934 1934–2021
note 3, 1 b. 1926 1926–2019
75 note 2, last [‘last judgement’] [“last judgement”]
82 note 3, 3 b. 1923 1923–2019
85 notes 6–9 [renumber text cues and notes as 1–4]
new note 1 b. 1930 1930–2020
new note 3, 1 b. 1923 1923–2005
89 note 2, 1 1986 1906
92 note 1, 1 b. 1936 1936–2015
96 note 1, 1 b. 1920 1920–2017
note 3, 1 b. 1923 1923–2015
102 note 2, 1 b. 1938 1938–2015
103 note 4, 4 Eliot Eliot, Malraux
note 5, 1 1993 93
104 note 3, 1 b. 1925 1925–2022
107 note 1, 1 b. 1924 1924–2020
109 note 3 b. 1927 1927–2015
109 note 5 [replace with:] Martin Gilbert (92/1). Gilbert and Richard Gombrich became good friends as undergraduates at Magdalen; when Gombrich later studied at Harvard on a Harkness Fellowship 1961–3, they undertook a road trip across America together.
110 note 3, 2 b. 1921 1921–1999
note 3, 4–5 née Joxe (b. 1929). Marianne Isabelle (1929–2020) née Joxe.
113 note 2, 3 b. 1926 1926–2015
115 note 4, 1 b. 1921 1921–2017
120 4 up Washington Washington chez Joe Alsop (2720 Dumbarton Street)
132 note 3, 1 b. 1912 1912–2017
136 note 1, 1 b. 1933 1933–2019
153 5 тoлко толко
155 note 3, 1 b. 1942 1942–2017
166 note 2, 1 [replace with:] 1925–2014
167 note 2, 1 b. 1925 1925–2014
181 note 4, 1 b. 1930 1930–2017
191 note 2, 1 b. 1929 1929–2017
199 note 1, 2–3 wife’s name was Mar(i)a (b. 1905/6) wife was Mara née Aronstamm (1902–88)
note 2, 1 b. 1928 1928–2021
note 3, 1 b. 1922 1922–2014
203 8 up [add note after ‘vivre,’:] ‘Sweetness of living’.
212 note 1, 1 b. 1920 1920–2021
223 note 1, 1 Burlington Burlington House
*225 14–13 up memo-rial memor-ial
228 note 2, 1–2 b. 1919 1919–2021
231 note 1, 1 Dmitry Dimitri
note 3, 1 b. 1924 1924–2017
234 note 6, 2 b. 1930 1930–2017
243 3–2 up [do not break ‘W. E.’]
247 17 up director head
252 note 1, 1 b. 1940 1940–2022
253 note 4, 1 b. 1917 1917–2015
254 note 1, 2 b. 1924 1924–2020
269 note 1, 1 author was probably the author
275 note 2, 4 up 10 April 1954 1 September 1953
281 note 2, 1 b. 1922 1922–2016
289 note 1, 1 b. 1930 1930–2021
303 note 2, 1 b. 1934 1934–2023
note 3, 1 b. 1928 1928–2023
306 7 up his this
311 note 2, 1 b. 1927 1927–2019
then and now [delete]
320 note 1, 1 b. 1924 1924–2017
note 7, 1 b. 1932 1932–2019
321 note 1, 1 b. 1922 1922–2013
323 note 3, 1 b. 1926 1926–2018
note 5, 1 b. 1930 1930–2021
333 note 2 b. 1919 1919–2019
335 note 1, 3 up Series B, vol. 2 Series B
341 note 2, 1 b. 1921 1921–89
342 note 2, 1 b. 1921 1921–89
358 5 postcard manuscript postcard
362 note 3, 1 b. 1933 1933–2017
367 note 4, 1 b. 1928 1928–2016
368 note 1, 1 b. 1923 1923–2018
370 note 4, 1 b. 1916 1916–2013
373 note 2, 5 1966 1965
note 2, last b. 1933 1933–2018
377 note 2, 1 b. 1921 1921–2016
379 note 2, 2 b. c.1923 b. 1923
390 note 1, 4 b. 1915 1915–2017
400 note 4 b. 1917 1917–2018
403 note 3, 1 b. 1939 1939–2018
416 note 4, 1 b. 1925 1925–2016
417 note 1 [substitute the following:] The title of a 1937 tract by Stephen Spender, calling for internal reform of the USSR along more liberal lines; published in London by Victor Gollancz’s Left Book Club.
note 2, 1 b. 1929 1929–2020
418 12 [if?] [if]
14 who, by this time were, I think who by this time were, I think,
note 1, 1 b. 1929 1929–2021
419 4 up peace and the whole peace and [a solution to] the whole
432 note 1, 7 is are
438 note 4, 1 b. 1916 1916–2015
439 4 mediaeval medieval
454 note 2, 1 b. 1928 1928–2020
note 3, 1 b. 1937 1937–2022
458 note 1, 1 b. 1919 1919–2016
460 note 5 [add at end:] Poem without a Hero, third dedication, line 18: cf. L1 597. See also 599 below.
468 note 2, 1 b . 1914 1914–2014
469 12 [carbon] [delete]
470 8 [Isaiah] Isaiah
481 note 2, 1–2 Emperor of Germany German Emperor
485 note 1, 1–2 director […] 2010 chief editor, New Left Books, 1969–74
490 9 isskustva iskusstva
502 note 1, 1 b. 1937 1937–2020
507 note 1, last 599 600
519 note 1, 1 b. 1910 1910–2015
note 2, 1 b. 1926 1926–2019
558 note 2, 1 1953 1952
564 note 4, 2 1997 1974
571 note 1, 1 b. 1932 1932–2023
573 note 1, 1 b. 1925 1925–2011
574 note 1, 1 b. 1925 1925–2011
588 note 1, 1 b. 1922 1922–2015
note 2, 1 b. 1927 1927–2022
592 note 2, 1 b. 1920 1920–2020
595 note 4, 1 b. 1923 1923–2015
598 note 1, 2 sung sang
note 1, 5 [close up two spaces in URL]
599 note to p. 68, 1 b. 1932 1932–2014
note to p. 162, 3 b. 1925 1925–2013
[add after note on p. 424:] p. 460 [addition to note 5] IB confuses Cinque with A Sweetbriar in Blossom, whose second poem speaks (lines 4–6) of ‘the cigar’s blue smoke, / And the mirror in which, as in clear water, / You could now be reflected’: cf. Poem without a Hero, part 1, chapter 1, ‘The White Hall’, lines 3–6.
611 15 Albergo Rome for a day (planned but not confirmed); then Albergo
614 after 12 April entry [insert new entry:] 24 April     Lectures on ‘Expressionism in the Eighteenth Century: A New Aesthetic and Social Doctrine’ at Ohio State University
618 after line 4 [insert new entry:] 30 September     Tenure of Chichele chair ends
622 after line 2 [insert new entry:] 8 & 9 March     Lectures at Princeton
625 2–3 Gauss Seminars Christian Gauss Seminars in Criticism
631 Berlin, Aline, 1 b. 1915 1915–2014
633 Brock, 1 b. 1920 1920–2014
Brock, 2 up b. 1921 1921–2020
640 Silvers, 1 b. 1929 1929–2017
642 Walicki, 1 (b. 1930 in Warsaw), (1930–2020), born in Warsaw
643 White, 1 Gabriel (b. 1917), Gabriel (1917–2016) né Weisberger,
651 Ashcroft Dame Peggy Peggy
657 Bundy director head
660 Elvin 596 596
661 *Gerschenkron, Alexander [take over ‘528’]
Gilbert, Felix [delete entry]
Gilbert, Martin 92 92, 105
662 Gretton 596 596
665 Jacobs 485 485, 524
666 Lambert 596 596
667 Levi 596 596
669 Murari […] [delete entry]
Nabokov, Claude Thérèse Thérèse Thérèse Marianne Isabelle
670 Obolensky Dmitry Dimitri
675 Simmons, John […] 171 171, 296
679 White, Morton Gabriel Gabriel (né Weisberger)

Last updated 18 February 2025

Some additional letters that have come to light since publication are posted separately.