The Volshonoks in Dubulti
This photograph, taken in Dubulti, Rīgas Jūrmala (Riga Seaside), on 9 June 1914, shows what appears to be a Volshonok family wedding. In the back row, the first figure to the right of the door is Alexander Siskind Volshonok, uncle to Berlin. In the second row from the back, the 5th and 6th figures are Ida (Berlin’s maternal aunt, née Volshonok) and her husband Yitzhak Samunov. In front of them is Berlin’s great-uncle Victor Avigdor Volshonok, with his daughter Zinaida on his knee, and to the right of the central couple possibly Berlin’s grandmother, Rodsia-Freude Volshonok, née Zuckerman. The building has not been identified, but it is not the synagogue that stands deserted in Dubulti today.