Isaiah Berlin died on 5 November 1997. As Wolfson College’s Founder
President, he held office from 1966 to 1975.
The College came into existence in its present form, and under its present
name (it began as Iffley College), only as a result of his efficacy as
a fund-raiser and a charismatic inspirer of new institutional forms, traditions
and loyalties.
The generosity of the Foundations that financed the building and the
endowment of the College was in direct response to his personal involvement.
And the College’s unusually open and democratic structure, unique in Oxford,
is a vivid expression of his liberal and pluralist beliefs. If Wolfson
is especially unstuffy, multicultural and intellectually heterogeneous,
this is in large part his achievement, which was well captured by Joshua
Cherniss, an expert on Berlin, in a talk in 2002: ‘visit Wolfson, witness
its friendliness and openness, its lack of pretence and snobbery and cruelty,
its commitment to advancing and supporting learning, as well as the magnificence
of its settings – and you’ll see before you how Berlin made a tangible
and enduring difference’.
Even the glass-fronted rooms seem to bespeak his own memorable encapsulation
of the pluralist outlook:
'Life can be seen through
many windows,
none of them necessarily
clear or opaque, less or more distorting
than any of the others’