Gaby Cohen’s conversations with Isaiah Berlin
Edited by Henry Hardy

Gavriel (‘Gaby’) Cohen (1928–2021) was an Israeli historian who served in the Knesset for the Alignment and Labor Party from 1965 to 1969.
Cohen joined the Palmach in 1946 and fought in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. In 1949 he was one of the founders of Palmachim, a coastal kibbutz some ten kilometres south of Tel Aviv, leaving to study history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1951–4 and 1956–8. He joined the Ahdut haAvoda branch of the political party Mapam in 1953, staying with Ahdut haAvoda when it split from Mapam in 1954. He married Batya Barlas in 1955. From 1959 to 1962 he studied for a DPhil – supervised by Elizabeth Monroe (1905–86) – on ‘British Policy in Palestine from the Second World War to the end of the Israeli War of Independence’ at St Antony’s College, Oxford (making further visits in later years), but did not complete the degree. It was probably during his first visit to Oxford that he met IB. From 1962 he taught history at Tel Aviv University (where he was awarded a PhD), becoming an associate professor in 1976, the year in which he published two books based on his doctoral research at Oxford, Churchill and Palestine 1939–1942 (Jerusalem, 1976: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Publications) and The British Cabinet and the Question of Palestine, April–July 1943 (Tel Aviv, 1976: Tel Aviv University). He was Dean of the Humanities Faculty 1983–7. Thereafter he became a member of Israel’s Council for Higher Education.
In 1987–9 Cohen held a series of thirty conversations with IB in the UK, presumably with a view to writing an account of IB’s life and opinions. Illness unfortunately prevented him from executing this plan, but the conversations had been recorded and transcribed, and thanks to the generous help of his daughter Ya'alah it is now possible to make these revealing conversations public.
The transcripts made for Cohen by Donna Shalev, Judy Friedgott and Edna Gill are in the process of being edited by Henry Hardy for greater ease of reading. The recordings are bedevilled by a great deal of simultaneous speaking; in particular, what Cohen is saying while IB is talking is often inaudible, partly because the microphone is closer to IB. Many repetitions, false starts, fillers and garblings, and a few sensitive remarks, are being amended or cut. Some so far indecipherable words/phrases are indicated by ‘[?]’, preceded by a space when no provisional transcription is offered, not preceded by a space when the uncertainty afflicts the preceding conjectured word(s). The recordings are posted with twice-enhanced treble and normalised speed (Cohen’s cassette player ran a little fast) to facilitate decipherment. Corrections are welcome.
Links to transcripts [in progress] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23| 24| 25| 26
Links to recordings [in progress] 1A | 1B | 1C ‖ 2A | 2B | 2C ‖ 3A | 3B ‖ 4A | 4B ‖ 5 ‖ 6A | 6B ‖ 7 ‖ 8A | 8B ‖ 9 ‖ 10A | 10B ‖ 11A | 11B ‖ 12A | 12B ‖ 13A | 13B ‖ 14 ‖ 15A | 15B ‖ 16A | 16B ‖ 17A | 17B ‖ 18A | 18B ‖ 19A | 19B | 19C ‖ 20A | 20B | 20C ‖ 21A | 21B ‖ 22A | 22B ‖ 23A | 23B ‖ 24A | 24B ‖ 25A | 25B ‖ 26A | 26B

A story about the cassettes
A (very) short story in Hebrew by the Israeli author Aner Shalev, husband of Donna Shalev, one of the transcribers (‘Cassettes’, in his 1996 collection Overtures, 144–5), re-imagines the process of transcription, speaking of ‘the deep bass of the mysterious man from the cassettes’ and relating, entirely realistically, how the same word sometimes had to be played twenty times until the transcriber was completely sure of it. A translation of the story by Ya'alah Cohen may be read here.
Quoting from the conversations
All quotations from, and references to, the conversations should use the transcripts (where available) and not the recordings. Permission for any public use (online or in print or speech) must be sought from the Trustees of the Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust, and credited thus: ‘Quoted by courtesy of the Trustees of the Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust, © Ya’alah Cohen, the Trustees of the Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust and Henry Hardy 2023–2025’.
The recommended bibliographical reference is: ‘Gaby Cohen’s Conversations with Isaiah Berlin’ (The Isaiah Berlin Virtual Library, 2023–2025,, accessed [date]). References to individual conversations should add the relevant details in the form ‘No. 7, p. 23.’
Selected topics
Conversation No. 1 | 4–6 October 1987
Recording 1A | 1B | 1C
- Origin of interest in Russia
- Interest in opponents
- America
- New Dealers
- Churchill
- Time & Tide
- European exiles
- Freud & psychoanalysis
- Opera
- Early maturity
- Teachers at St Paul’s School
- W. F. R. Hardie
- Herbert von Karajan
- Heroes
- Solomon Rachmilevich
- The Schalits
- International Centre for Peace in the Middle East
- Raymond Carr
Conversation No. 2 | 26 October 1987
Recording 2A | 2B | 2C
- Dorothy Hodgkin
- John Crowfoot
- Nicholas (‘Nicko’) Henderson
- Jock Colville
- Gay Marggesson
- Henry Hardy
- Reaction to America
- Liberation at Oxford
- Post-war FO offer
- Guy Burgess
- Richard Crossman
- Jews at Oxford
- 1940 trip to US with Burgess
- John Foster
- Constantine Oumansky
- Harold Nicolson
- New York
- Sailing from Lisbon to New York
- Seeing/meeting Aline Strauss
- Hans Halban
- Schooldays
- Corpus Christi, Oxford
- Leonard Schapiro
- IB’s parents and money
- Bernard Spencer
- Oxford Outlook
- Arthur Calder-Marshall
Conversation No. 3 | 15 November 1987
Recording 3A | 3B
- Staff of Middle East Centre, St Antony’s College, Oxford
- Avi Shlaim
- Benno Tzadi
- Nazi–Zionist relations
- Susan Zuccotti and Yehuda Bauer
- Marshall Pétain
- Alan and Nibby Bullock
- Alastair Horne
- Family attitude to religion
- Hasidism
- German Jews in Riga
- Russian Jews in Riga
- Riga’s unofficial ghetto (Red Dvina)
- The Schalits
- Riga chocolate-makers
- The Volshonoks
- Eating kosher
- Zionism
- Ben-Zion Eshel (Lansky)
- Bored by the Talmud
- Hannah Podzius
- Chayetta Berlin
- Yitzhak Sadeh’s wedding
- Andreapol
- Famous Yiddish joke
- Katzenellenbogen
- Moses Finley
- Return to Riga
- Anti-Semitism on the train
- Bribes
- Marie and Mendel Berlin
- Surbiton
- Early schooldays
- Babes in the Wood
- The kosher butcher
- Zionist meeting in the Kensington basement
- Kadima
- The Creditors
- Bialik and Emerson
Conversation No. 4 | 26 November 1987
Recording 4A | 4B
- Andreapol
- Attitude of Jews to churches and priests
- Berlin’s Gentile friends in Petrograd
- Seeing the February Revolution in Petrograd
- The policeman dragged off for lynching
- Attitude of Berlin’s family to the first Revolution
- Holidays in Staraya Russa
- The October Revolution
- Synagogues in Petrograd
- The Rogatchover
- Mordehai Dubin
- Abraham Harkavy
- Leonard Schapiro in Pavlovsk
- Yitzhak Sadeh
- The Beilis case
- Pronaitis and Shmakov
- Maurice Samuel’s book on Beilis
- V. A. Malakov
- Gentiles in Andreapol
- Anglomania, Anglophilia and anti-Semitism
- Sadeh’s wedding
- Yitzhak Sadeh’s wedding and subsequent life
- Sadeh’s ugly wife (Berlin’s aunt Evgenia)
- Zionist songs
- Tabenkin, Gromyko
- Meeting Sadeh in 1947
Conversation No. 5 | 27 November 1987
Recording 5
- Herbert Hart and the Katzenellenbogens
- Marie and Mendel Berlin and pressure on IB to study
- IB not a scholar
- Professor Kupfer in Riga, 1920
- Cramming for exams
- IB’s poor command of Hebrew and German
- Unimportance to IB of his Hasidic background
- Beit Rabi
- The Lubavitcher Rebbes
- Gentile and Jewish friends at St Paul’s
- The Goldbergs
- Halpern, Ettinghausen [Eytan]
- Rabbi Shem Tob Gaguine
- Emil Marmorstein and sex
- Duschinsky [Duchin]
- The Gasters
- Marmorstein and Kedourie
Conversation No. 6 | 10 December 1987
Recording 6A | 6B
Conversation No. 7 | 24 December 1987
Recording 7
- Shortage of historians of ideas in England
- No. English intelligentsia
- The Church of England
- Writing about Karl Marx
- Karl Marx
- Vittorio Strada
- Unoriginality of Russian ideas
- French versus German and English imperialism
- Herder and nationalism
- IB’s closest friends
- Freddie Ayer
- Mary Fisher
- The Lynds
- Shiela Grant Duff
- Marrying a goya
- IB’s self-belittling temperament
- His wish not to influence people
Conversation No. 8 | 8 February 1988
Recording 8A | 8B
- Relationship with Chaim Weizmann
- Desmond Morton
- Ralph Wigram
- Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism
- IB and the upper classes
- Clarissa Churchill
- Richard Williams-Thompson, The Palestine Problem
- Julian Oxford
- Mells Manor
- Bernard Fergusson
- Waddesdon and the Rothschilds
- The Club and the Other Club
- Ronald Tree
- Ditchley
- ‘They’ll kill you in the end.’
- Ernest Bevin
Conversation No. 9 | 17 February 1988
Recording 9
- Talking to Chaim Weizmann
- Talking Russian
- New immigrants to Israel in the 1970s
- Patricia Blake and Max Hayward
- B. C. Gillinson
- The newspapers on Israel
- Weizmann’s politics and his views on immigrants
- ‘There is no bridge between Washington and Pinsk’
- Herzl and Ahad Ha'am
- Ahad Ha'am’s three major issues
- IB’s anticlericalism
- IB’s attitude to Hasidism
- IB’s unbelief (but acceptance of the religious urge)
- The Pope
Conversation No. 10 | 18 February 1988
Recording 10A | 10B
- Julian Asquith
- Churchill and Eden
- Chaim Weizmann and the West
- Jews not having gardens
- Weizmann’s character
- Josef Cohn, Ernst Bergman
- Ben-Gurion, Sde Boker, Eilat
- Sharett’s declined invitation to IB to join the Jewish Agency
- IB’s talks to trainee diplomats in Israel
- IB offered job in Foreign Office after war
- Two groups of anti-appeasers
- Nahum Goldmann
- IB (as a child) first meets Ben-Gurion in London; subsequent meetings
- Ben-Gurion/Ben Cohen anecdote
- Artur Lurié
- Meeting Jabotinsky
- Richard Kahn
- Teddy Kollek
- Ben-Gurion in Oxford
- Maistre on war
- Ben-Gurion’s Bible class
Conversation No. 11 | 22 February 1988
Recording 11A | 11B
- British Information Services
- The US labour movement
- American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- US union leaders
- John L. Lewis, Jay Lovestone, Communism
- Lucy Lang, Forverts
- Syndicalism
- Why IB was transferred from New York to Washington
- R. H. Tawney in Washington; the telegrams
- A Jewish army
- Israel Sieff and the transfer of Arabs from Palestine
- British attitude to Zionists; Lord Bearstead
- Alexander Halpern
- Hereditary honorary citizens
- Mark Wolff
- The Humanitarian Trust, Michael Pollack, Matthew Ginsburg
- The Hebrew University in 1934
- Einstein and Magnes
- Redcliffe Salaman, Philip Hartog
- Academic refugees in Oxford
Conversation No. 12 | 13 March 1988
Recording 12A | 12B
- Philosophy in Oxford in the 1920s and 1930s
- The (high) status of philosophy in Oxford
- Other subjects at Oxford
- Ernst Cassirer
- History of philosophy versus philosophy
- Philosophy and rot
- Philosophical orthodoxy
- Hegelian idealists
- The Locke Prize
- John Plamenatz
- The Aristotelian Society, the Jowett Society, the Oxford University Philosophical Society
- The philosophy BPhil and DPhil
- J. L. Austin
- Hugo Bergmann
- Leon Roth and Jean Fayard’s Oxford and Margaret
- Continental philosophy
- Voting in elections: the candidates to be MP for Oxford
- How IB voted in general elections
- The Union debate on King and Country: Joad versus Hogg
- National politicians at All Souls and their guests: Dawson on Mussolini
- Men who were and were not elected to All Souls before, with and after IB
- Saul and Sol Adler
- Appeasers and anti-appeasers
- The abdication of Edward VIII
- Wykehamists, Etonians and socialism
Conversation No. 13 | 6 July 1988
Recording 13A | 13B
- IB’s last visit to Russia, March 1988, with Alfred Brendel
- Soviet reaction to IB’s 1947 broadcast on Belinsky and his 1960 introduction to Venturi
- Brendel’s concerts in Moscow and Leningrad
- Likachev and his encounter with Gorbachev
- Visit to Sakharov and Elena Bonner; their attitude to Akhmatova
- Status of Akhmatova in the USSR
- Origin of Akhmatova’s Requiem
- Her Poem without a Hero
- Michael Straight publishes story of AA and IB in New Republic
- Akhmatova’s reaction to IB’s marriage, as told to Elena Chukovskaya
- Akhmatova’s 1965 visit to Oxford and her reaction to Headington House
- IB’s immortality in Russian literature
- Zhirmunsky’s account of the poems by Akhmatova relevant to IB
- Visit to Lydia Chukovskaya
- Herzen and Lenin
- The Herzen Museum in Moscow
- Zoya Tomashevskaya
- Pasternak’s birthday party: Voznesensky, Yevtushenko, Richter
- The man on the plane: Lenin a Kalmuck
- Constitutions, change and monism
- Origins of monism/pluralism: intellectual, moral, psychological
- Fichte and William James on philosophical beliefs and temperament
- The Roman Empire and Christianity
- The dogmatic, monistic nature of Communism
- Gorbachev not a pluralist
- Why IB didn’t read Freud
- The Church of England
- Not understanding what ‘God’ means
- The irrelevance of theology
- The interest of religion and the narrowness of bone-dry atheists
- Catholics in Oxford
- Father D’Arcy
- The absence of anti-Semitism at Oxford
- Quintin Hogg and the Nazis
- Crossman a left-wing Nazi
Conversation No. 14 | 11 July 1988
Recording 14
- Which countries are anti-Semitic?
- Was there a Russian emigration to England?
- Other Russian Jewish families
- The annual ORT ball
- Russian friends
- Ivan Bilibin
- Anna Kallin
- The Pasternak sisters
- George Katkov
- Oskar Kraus and the Brentano archive
- Dimitry Obolensky
- Alexander Halpern, Leo Istorik
- IB’s strange retention of Russian
- His ‘Menshevik’ accent
- Nicolas Nabokov
- Irena Baruch Wiley’s salon
- Jasper Ridley and family
- Michael Ignatieff and family
- Various experts on Russia
- Aline Berlin and her Russian connections: the Ginzburgs/Gunzburgs/de Gunzbourgs
- Horace Gunzburg, Pierre de Gunzbourg
- The Deutsch de la Meurthe family
- Reading Russian books
- IB’s differing abilities in other languages
Conversation No. 15 | 17 September 1988
Recording 15A | 15B
- Science and maths at school
- Incomprehension of economics
- Marxists and Communists in Oxford: the Pink Lunch
- Scientists IB knew in Oxford
- The case against sociology
- Getting to know T. S. Eliot
- The Criterion
- Eliot visits Oxford
- After Strange Gods and Eliot’s alleged anti-Semitism: ‘Jewish Slavery and Emancipation’
- Exchange with Koestler
- Exchange with Eliot
- Eliot on IB’s ‘torrential eloquence’
- Letters stolen from All Souls
- IB’s attitude to anti-Semites
- Eliot and the YMHA
- The effect of the creation of the state of Israel on anti-Semitism
Conversation No. 16 | 18 September 1988
Recording 16A | 16B
- A book for Shimon Peres
- The London Library and Herzen
- IB’s talk on Belinsky
- Noel Annan and his book on British ideas
- The intelligentsia as a Russian phenomenon
- No British intelligentsia
- Boborykin, Turgenev, Annenkov and ‘The Remarkable Decade’
- Bloomsbury
- Annan’s introduction to Personal Impressions
- The letters stolen from All Souls: Bernard Berenson
- IB’s meetings with Berenson
- Berenson and Wilde
- Berenson and Yiddish
- IB’s letter to Berenson about taking ship from Naples
- Two kinds of Jews
- Hasidim versus misnagdim
- Wykehamists versus Etonians
- Smooth Wykehamists versus shaggy Wykehamists
- IB’s preference for Etonians and hasidim
- ‘The hasidim are Etonians, the mitnagdim are Wykehamists’
- The Oxford Chabad and IB
- Yehudi Menuhin, IB’s cousin
- The 1961 Tagore Conference in New Delhi
- Humayun Kabir
- Tagore as the Indian Ahad Ha’am
- Aldous Huxley in India
- Other Indians IB knew
- IB on Japanese culture
- Beaverbrook’s offer of a job to IB and his refusal
- IB’s talk on America and England in The Listener
- Reply in the Evening Standard
- IB’s other meetings with Beaverbrook
Conversation No. 17 | 22 September 1988
Recording 17A | 17B
- Adam von Trott’s story (at some length)
- Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff meets Marx
- IB’s attitude towards non-Western civilisations: Japan, India
- Aldous Huxley
- ‘Jewish Slavery and Emancipation’ and why IB didn’t reprint it
- Keith Joseph, Arthur Koestler, T. S. Eliot
- Namier on the Jews
- T. S. Eliot and Wilhelm Busch
- Busch’s ‘Naturgeschichtliches Alphabet’
- Korney Chukovsky
- IB’s piece on Tippett
Conversation No. 18 | 24 September 1988
Recording 18A | 18B
- Trevor-Roper and R. C. K. Ensor on Munich in The Spectator
- IB and Trevor-Roper
- Trevor-Roper and L. B. Namier
- IB’s childhood meeting with Russian Zionists
- IB on Namier
- The Oxford Professorship of International Relations
- Agnes Headlam-Morley
- Namier’s attack on Harold Beeley
- Namier’s wife (Iulia de Beausobre)
- Namier and the Zionist Executive
- The Regius chair and Harold Macmillan: lunch with the Cholmondeleys
- A. J. P. Taylor and Namier
- John Wheeler-Bennett
- Norman Stone, Ian Christie
- IB’s pseudonymous articles in Foreign Affairs; ‘O. Utis’ and Polyphemus
- Desert Island Discs and Man of Action: IB’s record choices
- What IB would choose in 1988; Alfred Brendel and Schubert
Conversation No. 19 | 1 October 1988
Recording 19A | 19B | 19C
- Reply to Geoffrey Wheatcroft, The Independent, 1988
- Letters from Lionel Bloch and Karen Wald
- Reprise of record choices discussed in previous conversation
- Record choices IB would make in 1988
- Meeting Alfred Brendel; Brendel’s views on other pianists
- Good and bad musical works; good and bad singers
- Russian music; Spanish composers
- Translation of Russian works
- Musical candidates for honorary Oxford degrees
- Musical friends
- IB’s music criticism in the Oxford Outlook
- Raymond Aron; Stanford conference on First International, 1964
- Sartre and his works
- Meeting Marcuse in Israel
- Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno; The Treasure of Indian Joe
- Meeting Habermas: conversation on the C18th; Habermas shocked by IB’s line
- The history of ideas: attitudes of Herbert Hart and Stuart Hampshire
- Talking to Herbert and Stuart
- IB ‘too amused by the world as it is’ for Stuart
- Not reading Freud; Namier and psychoanalysis
- Namier, graphology and Harold Beeley
- IB’s lack of interest in himself
- Writing about Marx and Freud
- Meeting Freud in 1938
- Freud, Mrs Freud and religion
- Robert Hollitscher
Conversation No. 20 | 6 October 1988
Recording 20A | 20B | 20C
- Reaction of IB’s friends to his ideas: Stuart Hampshire
- Hampshire’s reticence, his disapproval of IB’s philosophical and political views
- The failure of socialism
- Joining Europe: Herbert Hart, Douglas Jay
- Mandrake in the Sunday Telegraph on IB’s letter in The Independent
- The Jerusalem Foundation
- ‘Political Ideas in the Twentieth Century’
- Respect for Herbert Hart’s views
- Schlesinger, Morgenbesser, Wollheim
- IB’s enemies: Raymond Postgate, Robert Kee, Marshall Cohen
- Attacks on Historical Inevitability: Christopher Dawson, Henry Fairlie, John Lewis
- Enemies continued: Hans Aarsleff, Anthony Arblaster, Bernard Crick
- Envy of IB
- Criticism of IB: Amartya Sen, Charles Taylor
- Deutscher’s enmity; IB’s scotching of his application for a post at Sussex; Black Dwarf attack
- Christopher Hitchens
- IB’s opinion of Deutscher
- Jock Balfour on Deutscher
- The Hodgkins
- Reason for envy of IB: Max Beloff, Leonard Schapiro
- Oliver Chandos and the St James’s Club
Conversation No. 21 | 16 October 1988
Recording 21A | 21B
- Critics and enemies suite et fin
- Determinists (the Stoics – Cleanthes; Christopher Hill, Braudel, the École des Annales, Morton White) and anti-determinists (Epicurus, Kant, William James, Renouvier, John Stuart Mill, Campbell, H. A. L. Fisher, Trevor-Roper)
- Explanation is causal explanation
- Sidney Morgenbesser; Chuck Taylor; Bertell Ollman and the Class Struggle board game; Marshall Berman
- The left at Wolfson College: Michael Chanan, Freeman, the General Meeting
- Attack on the Sheldonian; IB’s refusal to support sending Freeman down
- The demand to see the files on students
- The Hart report and the resulting commission
- Academic controversies: Bhutto, Thatcher; Herbert Hart’s lack of political sense
- All Souls and the dispute over the use of its surplus funds
- IB’s opposition to the rejection of Kreisel
- Gentleman scholars
- IB’s hostility to social studies: ‘Sociology cannot be done by very clever people […] nor can political science.’
- Nozick, Mill, Weber, Marx, Tocqueville
- J. M. Thompson, The French Revolution
- The transformation of historiography by the French Revolution
- The Blunt affair at the British Academy: Plumb, Robbins
- Where does one draw the line? (Grounds for expulsion from the Academy.)
- Motion that the discussion should proceed no further
- Motion to proceed to the next item succeeds
- IB’s participation in University elections: Jenkins versus Heath; Macmillan
- The origins of Wolfson College: boredom with his chair, letter from Wheare
- Meeting with the fellows of Iffley College: entitlement and the revolt of the pariahs
- The Conference of Colleges
- Creation of Iffley and St Cross: Kits van Heyningen, Charles Coulson
- Coulson’s conditions; invitation to IB
- Reasons for accepting
- Wolfson to be a base for scientists
- Offer of Wardenship of Nuffield in 1953
- IB consults widely, rejects offer of Nuffield despite advice to accept
- IB’s father advises against Nuffield on his deathbed
Conversation No. 22 | 29 October 1988
Recording 22A | 22B
- ‘Jewish Slavery and Emancipation’ (reprise)
- Use of metaphors by IB in lectures and writings: how IB prepares lectures
- The paradox of lecturing: precision versus ham acting
- The spontaneity of the metaphors
- How IB prepares his published work
- IB’s mistakes: an example in The Hedgehog and the Fox
- Tracking references for IB’s collections of essays
- The forthcoming fifth volume of essays [CTH]
- The introducers of the collections: Aileen Kelly, Bernard Williams, Roger Hausheer
- IB’s distaste for disciples
- Noel Annan
- IB’s relationships with his students: not a very encouraging tutor
- Supervising graduates
- IB’s attitude to social sciences (reprise)
- No first-class way of writing about political institutions
- IB’s attitude to sociology: two kinds of sociology, descriptive and grand
- The great sociologists studied other disciplines: Montesquieu, Marx, Saint-Simon, Fourier, Burckhardt, Weber, Durkheim
- Sociology is either common sense disguised in quasi-scientific language, or gobbledygook (e.g. Parsons)
- Raymond Aron, Kenneth Wheare, John Morley, Bagehot, Herzen as highly competent publicists
- The Chichele chair: why IB applied
- IB discards his lecture notes, losing huge quantities of writing
- A professor of politics should be involved in contemporary issues: the Vietnam War
- IB happy at All Souls in the 1930s: the governing class there – Leo Amery, Donald Somervell
- The dreariness of New College dons, with exceptions: Cecil, Crossman, Cox, Casson, Smith
- Wardens Adams and Sumner of All Souls
- All Souls after the war
- Edward Bridges; his resignation
- Bridges’ support for the Foreign Office against Churchill
- Churchill and the Cabinet Commission on Palestine policy in 1943 (GC’s specialist subject)
- Churchill wrote the conclusions
- Members of the Commission: Morrison, Amery, Dick Law, Oliver Stanley, Archibald Sinclair
- Cranborne
Conversation No. 23 | 5 December 1988
Recording 23A | 23B
- All Souls and New College continued (and muddled)
- IB unhappy in New College in 1932; happier in 1938, when he succeeded Crossman; left in 1950 to stop teaching philosophy
- All Souls no longer an Establishment club in 1950
- People at All Souls and New College after the war
- Stuart Hampshire’s affair with Renée Ayer: Keith Feiling’s abortive intervention; Adams blocks research fellowship
- Hampshire’s war career; Noel-Baker
- Hampshire succeeds IB at new College, later swaps with Ayer in London, still later moves to Princeton
- Relations between Ayer and Hampshire
- Changing social attitudes to adultery
- IB’s reasons for leaving All Souls for Wolfson; lack of interest in contemporary political issues; Vietnam War; Kreisel
IB’s courtship of Aline Halban
- Saw Aline on ship to US in 1941
- Brief meetings in New York
- Reason for marriage
- Parties on 1948 boat to New York
- Developments in the early 1950s; telephone conversation overheard by Halban; Aline breaks things off
- IB throws party at All Souls; secret assignations; episode at a chemist’s shop
- Letter from IB to the Halbans in Deauville torn up and stuck together
- IB confronts Halban at Headington House: weekly meetings with Aline arranged
- End of the Halbans’ marriage; ‘After that all was well’
- IB proposes marriage and is accepted; wedding in Hampstead Synagogue
- IB’s previous loves: Rachel Walker, Hilda Averbach
- Patricia de Bendern; she offers marriage; IB refuses
- Patricia marries Herman Hornak; his polygamous ménage
- Clarissa Avon attacks IB’s London life
- Penelope Felkin and Freddie Ayer; his identical letters to Penelope and Patricia
- Affair with unnamed woman (Jenifer Hart) from 1950
- IB fails to tell Jenifer about marriage to Aline
- James Joll
- IB’s father Mendel on Aline
- Mendel’s death; his opposition to Nuffield
- The differences between Mendel and his wife Marie
- Mendel’s funeral; IB declares himself to Aline in car on journey to Oxford
- Marie and her sister Ida on Aline: Aline not Gemütlich
- Gemütlichkeit in various languages; examples of persons with the quality
- Marie’s strong character
- Aline’s parents
Conversation No. 24 | 16 December 1988
Recording 24A | 24B
- Aline, her relatives, and Judaism
- Aline’s brother, Philippe de Gunzbourg
- Aline’s father, Pierre de Gunzbourg
- Aline’s upbringing and sense of mixed French identity
- The Fould-Springers
- Loss of friends after marriage: Mary Fisher/Bennett
- IB’s lack of rapport with the French
- The Mitfords; Nancy’s insult to IB
- The offer of a knighthood: Harold Macmillan
- Lunch with Lady Cholmondeley
- Advice on the knighthood from friends
- Renée Hampshire and Stuart’s knighthood
- Marie Berlin and IB’s knighthood
- IB offered peerage by Thatcher, and declines
- The Order of Merit: IB escapes abroad
- Aline’s children
- IB’s relations with other children: ‘up to the age of about eight or nine they’re a lot like animals, automata’
- IB as a godfather
- IB and the Brendel children
- IB’s family background
- Yishayahu Berlin and Chayetta Schneerson
- The first three Rebbes of the Lubavitch dynasty
- IB’s grandmother Fruma
- IB’s grandfather Dov Ber Zuckerman/Berlin
- Yishayahu’s timber business
- Andreapol′
- General Zvegintsov
- IB’s paternal grandmother, Shifra Fradkin
- Shifra’s father, the Lubliner Rav
- The Rogatchover
- Yehudi Menuhin
- Why the Lubavitcher didn’t try to exploit IB’s Hasidic lineage
- The 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe: the Messiah?
- IB’s life lacks Damascene intellectual conversions
Conversation No. 25 | 31 December 1988
Recording 25A | 25B
- IB’s life lacks Damascene intellectual conversions (contd)
- Effect of meeting Henry M. Sheffer
- Contradiction in IB’s Weltanschauung between Humean empiricism and Herderian cultural belonging
- Childhood Zionist roots of IB’s Herderian beliefs
- Zionism too multifaceted to analyse, and ‘I’m not a creative ideologist’
- IB doesn’t believe in Jewish culture, ethics, morality, philosophy
- Jewish mysticism, Gershom Scholem
- Attitude to religion
- Reason for Zionism
- What went wrong in Palestine/Israel in the C20th?
- Attitude to the Arabs rooted in Pale of Settlement attitude to Russian peasants
- Partition as virtue or necessity
- Failure to engage with the Arab problem
- ‘I am by nature a drifter’
- Change in judgement of people: Freddie Ayer
- IB’s attachment to his ideas
- His holistic judgement of people based in their expressions and voices
- His confidence in his judgement of people, which is not linked to their views
- Decency (compatible with being boring)
- Gershom Scholem
- German Jews
- Friends in the US
- Intolerance, patience
- Enemies and personal attacks
- E. H. Carr, Karl Popper, Richard Wollheim
- Dinner with Nicko Henderson; Lady Falkender
- Dinner with Parviz C. Radji
- Lady Falkender in Radji’s diary: IB a phoney
- Russell Jacoby, Anthony Arblaster, Raymond Postgate
- IB’s move to the right
- Change in attitude to late-C19th Russian revolutionary terrorists
- The generation of 1968 academics
- Creating a new philosophy
Conversation No. 26 | 8 January 1989
Recording 26A | 26B
- Spontaneous use of metaphors by IB (recap: see no. 22)
- ‘Thinking is to relate, to classify, to symbolise, to interpret.’ Also to analyse? Not always.
- IB’s division of his life into ten-year periods: Oxford ‘a complete abandonment of Jewish life’
- Transition from super-academic to socialite
- Sumner and IB’s return to All Souls after the war; Kennan and IB’s Harvard lectureship
- The (non-)role of intellectuals in politics: America, France, Germany, England; Woodrow Wilson, Salazar …
- The periodisation of history: the distinct character of successive centuries
- Russian studies in Oxford: Shukman, Willetts, Hayward, Smith, Obolensky
- Funeral arrangements for Halina Willetts and Richard Ellmann
- Russianists with cultural background: Mark Elvin and his relatives
- Motivation for and (lack of) reaction to ‘Does Political Theory Still Exist?’
- Strong reaction to ‘Historical Inevitability’ and ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’
- Lack of reaction to ‘Political Ideas in the Twentieth Century’
- ‘Social scientists would give me up as a bad job’
- ‘[T]here is no major political theorist in the twentieth century’: Mao? Popper?
- ‘If [Popper]’s a major thinker, then I am too. That won’t do.’
- ‘Which one of my articles, my books, do I think anything of?’
- ‘Historical Inevitability’; the Agnelli Lecture; the pieces on Herzen
- Ideas of permanent value: ‘[U]ltimate values are not compatible. Therefore the idea of a perfect society is incoherent.’
- Core ideas: political liberalism and pluralism
- ‘I’m quite a clear writer’; ‘I expound rather obscure thinkers with a certain clarity’
- ‘Herder is really about Zionism’
- ‘I don’t like influencing people’; ‘I never felt that somebody followed in my footsteps’
- Influence on Rawls
- ‘My ideas always appear very obvious to me’; ‘Surely the idea that some values are incompatible with others is self-evident’
- Claim by Popper to have anticipated IB’s pluralism; Popper’s vanity
- Making mistakes about the importance of events: the Moscow trials; Hiroshima and Nagasaki – ‘Big weapon, worse than the others’
- The Nuremberg trials: David Daube
- Indian independence
- The 1945 Labour victory
- UN call for the partition of Palestine, 1947
- Those who were for and against partition
- Walks with Beeley on Hampstead Heath
- The War of Independence: IB writes to Amery
- The declaration of the state of Israel
- The 1956 Sinai campaign
- Suez
- Relations with Macmillan; it was he who thought of bringing the Israelis in over Suez; approach to Churchill
- Why Clarissa Avon hates Macmillan
- Ben-Gurion: ‘Eden is no good. Treacherous, weak.’
Conversation No. 27 | 15 January 1989
- [to come]
Conversation No. 28 | 20 January 1989
- [to come]
Conversation No. 29 | 27 January 1989
- [to come]
Conversation No. 30 | 28 January 1989
- [to come]
First posted 4 May 2023; last updated 14 February 2025
Thanks to Howard Atherton of Apex Technology Ltd for conversion of Cohen’s original 5.25-inch floppy disks, and to Norman Solomon for generous help with Jewish topics and Hebrew matter