Isaiah Berlin’s long-time BBC Third Programme Producer, Anna Kallin
Despite its title, this list includes, for convenience, a small number of recordings that were not broadcast.
All the recordings are listed in a single chronological sequence by date of first transmission (or date of recording, where there was no transmission or transmission date is not known).
Broadcasts included (primarily) because they are about IB rather than because they are by him (or contain contributions by him) are asterisked.
Not so far included are several recordings of IB dictating drafts of his work, and a number of unpublished interviews: details of this material are available at the BLSA, where copies of the compiler᾿s edited transcripts of the recordings are also held.
Recordings (where they survive) of these broadcasts are gradually being added to Oxford University’s library of podcasts as copyright (which lasts for 50 years from the date of broadcast) expires. Recordings so far included are marked with a § preceding their title. Other recordings (mainly of unpublished lectures) are also to be found in the same repository. A number of broadcasts are also available on the present website: see links below.
- Review of David Footman, The Primrose Path
- First transmission: 8.55 pm 17/12/46 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 20 minutes [5 minutes Radio Times]
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
2Belinsky (1810–1848)
- Talk
- First transmission: 7.05 pm 25/6/47 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Publication: ‘The Man Who Became a Myth’, Listener 38 (1947), 23–5 = Bibliography 27
3The Anglo-American Predicament
- Talk
- First transmission: 8.45 pm 21/9/49 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Publication: ‘The Anglo-American Predicament’, Listener 42 (1949), 518–19 and 538 = Bibliography 31
4England in a Two-Power World
- Discussion with two other speakers, commissioned by the Lowell Institute Cooperative Broadcasting Council
- Recording date: 21/3/49
- First transmission: 9.30 pm 22/3/49
- Series: Crossroads of the Future
5Don Giovanni in Aix-en-Provence
- Talk
- Recording dates: 30/8/49, 26/1/50 (the original tape was accidentally destroyed, so IB had to re-record the talk in a mobile van in Oxford, on the day it was broadcast)
- First transmission: 9.25 pm 26/1/50 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 30 minutes [20 minutes Radio Times]
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
6Freedom and its Betrayal
- Lectures
- 1 Claude Adrien Helvétius
- 2 § Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- 3 Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762–1814)
- 4 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831)
- 5 [Comte de] St Simon (1760–1825)
- 6 De Maistre (1754–1821)
- Recording dates: ?, 16/9, ?, ?, ?, ?/52
- First transmission: 9.30 pm 29/10, 9.40 pm 5/11, 9.15 pm 12/11, 9.30 pm 19/11, 9.40 pm 26/11, 9.30 pm 3/12/52 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: each c.55 minutes (No 2 51 minutes 11 seconds, Nos 4 and 5 perhaps c.60 minutes)
- Repeat(s): 3/11, 10/11, 18/11, 25/11, 1/12, 8/12/52 BBC Third Programme (all at 6.00 pm); 9.50 pm 2/5, 9.55 pm 9/5, 9.45 pm 16/5, 9.35 pm 23/5, 9.35 pm 30/5, 9.55 pm 13/6/53 BBC Third Programme
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: No 2 onlyBBC Sound Archives LP23384–6; BLSA Tape T10145W; podcast; on this website
- Publication
7History as an Excuse
- Shortened and revised version of ‘History as an Alibi’, first Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture
- Recording date: 4.15 p.m. 8/7/53 (SLO 31667)
- First transmission: 9.05 pm 15/7/53 BBC Third Programme (one talk)
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Repeat(s): 6 pm 20/7/53 BBC Third Programme (one talk); 6, 13, 20/10/53 (three talks, in Hebrew)
- Series: Treasury of the Mind
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: no
- Publication: full lecture, Historical Inevitability, Auguste Comte Memorial Trust Lecture No 1 (London, 1954: Oxford University Press) = Bibliography 54
8A Marvellous Decade 1838–1848
- Northcliffe Lectures for 1954 (1 and 4 re-recorded for BBC)
- 1 The Young Intellectuals
- 2 Belinsky: The Impact of Western Ideas
- 3 Belinsky: The Original Contribution of the Russian Intelligentsia
- 4 § Alexander Herzen: His Opinions and Character
- Recording dates: ?, ?, ?, 16/12/54
- First transmission: 9.00 pm 26/1, 9.00 pm 2/2, 8.50 pm 9/2, 9.05 pm 16/2/55 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: each 60 minutes
- Repeat(s): 6.00 pm 28/1, 6.20 pm 7/2, 6.20 pm 15/2, 6.00 pm 22/2/55 BBC Third Programme
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives (except 2)
- Recording: No 4 onlyBBC Sound Archives LP23384–6; BLSA Tape T10145R; podcast (cut from 1 hour 15 mins to 41 mins); cut version and full version on this website
- Publication: ‘A Marvellous Decade’ = Bibliography 57:
- 1 ‘1838–48: The Birth of the Russian Intelligentsia’, Encounter 4 No 6 (June 1955), 27–39
- 2 ‘1838–48: German Romanticism in Petersburg and Moscow’, Encounter 5 No 11 (November 1955), 21–9
- 3 ‘Belinsky: Moralist and Prophet’, Encounter 5 No 12 (December 1955), 22–43
- 4 ‘Herzen and the Grand Inquisitors’, Encounter 6 No 5 (May 1956), 20–34
- (whole series reissued in RT)
9President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- Talk (10th anniversary of FDR’s death)
- First transmission: 8.25 pm 12/4/55 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 25 minutes
- Repeat(s): 10.30 pm 20/4/55 BBC Third Programme
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Publication: ‘Roosevelt through European Eyes’, Atlantic Monthly 196 No 1 (July 1955), 67–71; as ‘President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’, Political Quarterly 26 (1955), 336–44 = Bibliography 60
10[Historical Inevitability:] The Role of Great Men in History
- Unscripted discussion with Lords Hailsham and Russell
- Recording date: 22/5/56
- First transmission: 4.15 pm 23/10/56 BBC General Overseas Service
- Repeat: 2.15 pm 29/10/56 BBC General Overseas Service
- Duration: 28 minutes 13 seconds
- Series: London Forum
- Presenter: Edgar Lustgarten
- Transcript (including the words in [ ] above): BBC Written Archives
- Publication: ‘London Forum’, London Calling, 31 January 1957, 3–4, 10 = Bibliography 68a
11The Father of Russian Marxism: G. V. Plekhanov (1856–1918)
- Talk (centenary of Plekhanov’s birth)
- First transmission: 9.10 pm 11/12/56 BBC Third Programme
- Duration : 15 minutes
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BLSA Tape T10780W and on this website
- Publication: ‘The Father of Russian Marxism’, Listener 56 (1956), 1063–4, 1077 = Bibliography 65
12Political Judgement
- Talk
- First transmission: 9.05 pm 19/6/57 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Repeat(s): 6.30 pm 16/8/57
- Series: Thinking about Politics (No 6 of 7)
- Producer: T S Gregory
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BLSA Tape T10780W, and on this website
13§ A Fire at Sea
- Introduction to and translation of a short story by Turgenev
- First transmission: 10.00 pm 23/7/57 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Repeat(s): 10.00 pm 26/12/57 BBC Third Programme, 9.50 pm 16/1/59 BBC Third Programme, 19/10/59 BBC Home Service (‘Today “Today’s Voices”’); 10.05 pm 6/6/89 BBC Radio 3 in An Evening with Sir Isaiah Berlin
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BLSA Tape T10780W and on this website; OU podcast
- Publication: ‘An Episode in the Life of Ivan Turgenev’, London Magazine 4 No 7 (July 1957), 14–24; reissued in First Love [and] A Fire at Sea (London, 1982: Hogarth Press; New York, 1983: Viking) = Bibliography 66
14§ From Communism to Zionism: The Life and Opinions of Moses Hess
- Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture, Friends House
- Recording date: 1957
- First transmission: not broadcast
- Duration: 1 hour 5 minutes
- Recording: BLSA Tape T10898W and on this website; OU podcast
- Publication: The Life and Opinions of Moses Hess (Cambridge, 1959: Heffer) = Bibliography 75
15National Superiority and Inferiority
- Discussion (also referred to as ‘The Social Inequality of Nations’ and ‘Stereotypes’)
- Recording date: 18/3/58
- First transmission: 9.15 pm 26/3/58 BBC Home Service (North Region)
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Series: The Fifty-One Society
- Presenter: Niel Pearson
- Producer: Kenneth Brown
- Transcript: not found at BBC Written Archives under series (where several other transcripts appear) or under any of the above titles (the first of which is used in programme index); not found in programme file at BBC Written Archives; made from recording by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape T11067WR and on this website
16The Brains Trust
- Member of team
- Recording date: live?
- First transmission: 4.20 pm 8/6/58 BBC Television (first television appearance)
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Repeat(s): 1.10 pm 13/6/58 BBC Home Service
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
17Fighting Words
- Panel game/discussion (identification/discussion of quotations) with Bernard Levin, Doris Lessing, Fleur Cowles
- Recording date: 18/3/59, London
- First transmission: 31/3/59, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio, Dominion Network
- Duration: 29 minutes 29 seconds
- Presenter: Nathan Cohen
- Recording: BLSA VHS Audio Tape C1226/151 (previously H3759)
- Transcript of IB’s contributions: made by Henry Hardy
- Publication: on this website
18Two Concepts of Liberty
- 4 European Service General News Talks
- 1 The Notion of Negative Freedom
- 2 The Notion of Positive Freedom
- 3 The One and the Many
- 4 The Search for Status
- First transmission: 29/6, 6/7, 13/7, 20/7/59 European Service
- Repeat(s): Hebrew 22/7/59 and at weekly intervals thereafter (read by announcer); Russian Service (read by IB); German Service?
- Series: London Calling Europe: As I See It
- Producer: [set up by Maurice Latey]
- Transcript: not at BBC Written Archives unless among unsorted material; No IV [labelled III] in Berlin Papers
- Recording: no
- Publication: the talks are based on Two Concepts of Liberty, Inaugural Lecture as Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory (Oxford, 1958: Clarendon Press) = Bibliography 71; No IV published separately as Bibliography 247
19This is the BBC: An Impression of Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of the British Broadcasting Corporation
- BBC Television documentary
- The original version shows, at 54:20, these 11 seconds of IB pretending to give a radio talk (and a further 6 seconds at 55:31):
- First transmission: 29/6/60 (the opening of the Television Centre, London) BBC Television (John Lehmann substituted for IB: see E 728–9)
- Director: Dick Cawston (1959)
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (of IB’s few seconds; made at National Film Archive)
- Recording: BBC film library (16mm footage); BFI National Archive (viewing copy on videocassette); YouTube (John Lehmann substituted for IB: see E 728–9)
20Tolstoy and Enlightenment
- Hermon Ould Memorial Lecture for 1960 (sponsored by P.E.N.)
- Recording date: 23/11/60, Friends’ House, London
- First transmission: 9.15 pm 7/1/61 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 37 minutes
- Repeat(s): 6.50 pm 19/3/61 BBC Third Programme
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BLSA Tape T10780R and on this website
- Publication: ‘Tolstoy and Enlightenment’, Encounter 16 No 2 (February 1961), 29–40 = Bibliography 82
- Insert for Rabindranath Tagore Centenary [7/5/61] Programmes
- For India
- Recording date: 16/11/60
- First transmission: 7/5/61?
- Transcript: not at BBC Written Archives under Tagore [a preparatory typescript, and the lecture used as a source (= Bibliography 234), are in the Berlin Papers]
22Equality 1: In Search of a Definition
- Discussion with Stuart Hampshire (chair), Herbert Hart, Enoch Powell, Bernard Williams, Raymond Williams
- Recording date: 6/6/61
- First transmission: 9.10 pm 25/11/61 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 59 minutes 31 seconds
- Repeat(s): 9.00 pm 14/12/61 BBC Third Programme
- Series: Equality (No 1 of 6)
- Presenter: Stuart Hampshire
- Producer: Helen Arbuthnot
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; 2 early (i.e. not finally edited) drafts in Berlin papers
- Recording: (first 32 minutes only) BLSA Tape T11066R
23The Philosophy of History
- Talk
- First transmission: 29/11/61, BBC All India Radio
- Duration: 18 minutes 2 seconds
- Transcript: Berlin Papers
- Recording: All India Radio, BLSA Tape C530/3, and on this website
24Equality 3: Equality, Education and Culture
- Discussion with Lord Gladwyn, Stuart Hampshire (chair), Richard Hoggart, Richard Wollheim, George Woodcock
- Recording date: 10/7/61
- First transmission: 29/1/62 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 45 minutes 36 seconds
- Repeat(s): 8.00 pm 23/2/62 BBC Third Programme
- Series: Equality (No 3 of 6)
- Presenter: Stuart Hampshire
- Producer: Helen Arbuthnot
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; drafts of Hampshire’s opening and of whole discussion in Berlin Papers
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives LP27468–9; BLSA Tape T10146W
25Freedom of Speech
- Interview with Bamber Gascoigne
- Recording date: 10/1/62
- First transmission: 2.45–3.45 pm 11/2/62 ATV (Associated Television)
- Duration: 45 minutes (IB 2 minutes)
- Series: The Four Freedoms (No 2 of 5)
- Presenter: Bamber Gascoigne
- Producer: Christopher Morahan
- Transcript: unedited version in Berlin Papers (9 minutes 24 seconds); IB’s draft of replies in Berlin Papers
- Recording: Granada International; BLSA has copy of soundtrack – BLSA Tape H6439 (also on this website)
- Publication: ‘What Is Freedom?’ = Bibliography 269; revised version of IB’s draft of replies in Ted Honderich (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Oxford, 1995: Oxford University Press), s.v. ‘Liberty’; reprinted in POI
26[Equality] 5: Equality between People and Nations
- Discussion with John Foster, Stuart Hall, Stuart Hampshire (chair), Joan Robinson
- Recording date: [before 23/3/62]
- First transmission: 8.00 pm 30/3/62 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 49 minutes
- Repeat(s): 5.00 pm 15/4/62 BBC Third Programme
- Series: Equality (No 5 of 6)
- Presenter: Stuart Hampshire
- Producer: Archie Gordon
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; Berlin Papers [draft and final]
- Recording: BLSA: Tape T11066W
27Literature and Life
- Talk on All India Radio
- Recording date: ?/?/60?
- First transmission: 28/3/62
- Duration: 3 minutes 30 seconds
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: All India Radio (copy at BLSA, Tape C350/36, and on this website)
27aRomanticism, Politics and Ethics
- Alexander S. Keller Lecture, University of Hartford, Connecticut
- Recording date: 14/1/63
- First transmission: 10.05 pm, 15/1/63, WTIC
- Duration: 53 minutes 9 seconds
- Transcript: University of Hartford, edited by Henry Hardy
- Recording: University of Hartford Archives and Special Collections, reproduced with the permission of the University of Hartford
28The Oxford Way
- Conversation with Alexander Kendrick
- First transmission: 1/2/64 CBS television (USA)
- Series: One of a Kind
- Producer: Ted Holmes
28aThe Impact of Marx on the Nineteenth Century
- Lecture to the One Hundred Years of Revolutionary Internationals Conference, Stanford University, 1964
- Date of delivery: 5/10/64
- Recording: Hoover Institution Archives and on this site
- Transcript: on this site
29In Conversation with J. B. Priestley and A. J. Ayer
- ‘After-dinner talk’ with J. B. Priestley and A. J. Ayer
- Recording date: 26/3/64
- First transmission: 10.30 pm 25/4/64 BBC Television
- Duration: c.35 minutes
- Series: Conversations for Tomorrow
- Presenter: J. B. Priestley
- Transcript: BBC film library; copy at BLSA
- Recording: BBC film library; copy at BLSA, Tape V600
- Publication: on this website
30Royal Academy of Arts
- Royal Academy annual dinner at Burlington House: reply to proposal of toast to the guests by Sir Charles Wheeler, and proposal of toast to the Academy
- First transmission: 9.00 pm 28/4/65 BBC Home Service
- Duration (whole programme): 60 minutes
- Presenter: Robert Hudson
- Transcript: not found at BBC Written Archives under Royal Academy of Art (title used in programme index)
31The Concert Interval
- Interview
- First transmission: 3.35 pm 4/7/65 BBC Third Programme
- Duration (whole programme): 15 minutes
- Presenter: Julian Budden
- Transcript: not found at BBC Written Archives under Concert Interval (title used in programme index)
32Oral History Interview for the John F. Kennedy Library
- Interview with Arthur Schlesinger, Jr, for the John F. Kennedy Oral History Project
- Recording date: 12 April 1965
- Duration: 1 hour 9 minutes 17 seconds
- Transcript: Berlin Papers; John F. Kennedy Library, Columbia Point, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02125, USA (see MS 78-356 in National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections, Catalog 1978) – to whom version edited by Henry Hardy has been sent
- Recording: John F. Kennedy Library (copy at BLSA, Tape H3760, and on this website)
- Publication
33Some Sources of Romanticism
- The A. W. Mellon Lectures (sponsored by the Bollingen Foundation), delivered at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, March–April 1965
- 1 In Search of a Definition
- 2 The First Attack on Enlightenment
- 3 The True Fathers of Romanticism
- 4 The Restrained Romantics
- 5 Unbridled Romanticism
- 6 The Lasting Effects
- Recording dates: 14/3, 21/3, 28/3, 4/4, 11/4, 18/4/65
- First transmission: 7.55 pm 10/8, 8.00 pm 16/8, 7.55 pm 23/8, 7.30 pm 29/8, 7.30 pm 5/9, 7.30 pm 12/9/66 BBC Third Programme
- Durations: 51 minutes 26 seconds, 57 minutes 45 seconds, 53 minutes 20 seconds, 58 minutes 7 seconds, 58 minutes 20 seconds, 69 minutes 32 seconds
- Repeat(s): 5/10, 9/10, 17/10, 24/10, 30/10, 6/11/67 BBC Third Programme (all at 7.30 pm); 1975 in Australia (without IB’s approval); 8.15 pm 6/6, 10.00 pm 12/6/89 etc. BBC Radio 3 in An Evening with Sir Isaiah Berlin
- Producer: Helen Rapp
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; Berlin Papers
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T31558–63; BLSA Tapes T132R, T274W, T272W, T10191W, T256W, T275W; listen on this website using links in numbered list above
- Publication
34J G Hamann (part 2)
- Woodbridge Lecture, Columbia University, New York
- Recording date: (26?) October 1965
- Duration: 58 minutes 30 seconds
- Series: ‘Two Enemies of the Enlightenment’ (four lectures by IB, of which this was the 2nd; no recording of the 1st or 4th has been found)
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (edited)
- Recording: BLSA Tape T11065W and on this website; OU podcast
- Publication on this website: cf. The Magus of the North: J. G. Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism (London, 1993: John Murray) = Bibliography 212
35Joseph de Maistre
- Woodbridge Lecture, Columbia University, New York
- Recording date: (27?) October 1965
- Duration: 61 minutes
- Series: ‘Two Enemies of the Enlightenment’ (four lectures by IB, of which this was the 3rd – cf. previous item)
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (edited)
- Recording: BLSA Tape T11064WR and on this website; OU podcast
- Publication : cf. ‘Joseph de Maistre and the Origins of Fascism’, in The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas (London, 1990: John Murray; New York, 1991: Knopf; London, 1991: Fontana Press; New York, 1992: Vintage Books) = Bibliography 200
36New Oxford College
- Interview with Derek Cooper on appointment as ‘Master’ [i.e. President] of new Wolfson College, Oxford
- Recording date: 29/6/66
- First transmission: 7.15/8.15 am 30/6/66 BBC Home Service
- Series: Today
- Presenter: Jack de Manio
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives (presenter’s contributions only); IB’s contributions transcribed by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives LP30291 and on this website
37The Romantic Movement in Europe
- Talk
- First transmission: 3/2/67 BBC Home Service
- Duration: 19 minutes
- Series: Talks for Sixth Forms: Four Distinguished Men
- Producer: Tom Butcher
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives (School Scripts Talks for VIth Forms)
37aThe Russian Preoccupation with Historicism
- Lecture at the University of Sussex
- Recording date: 1967
- Duration: 1 hour 3 minutes
- Transcript on this website
- Recording: University of Sussex Library; copy on this website
38The Role of the Intelligentsia
- Talk to the Annual Conference of the University Teachers’ Group
- Recording date: 14/3/68
- First transmission: 7.30 pm 23/4/68 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 35 minutes
- Repeat(s): 5.30 pm 11/8/68 BBC Third Programme
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives MT32704 and on this website; BLSA Tape 1145W
- Publication: ‘The Role of the Intelligentsia’, Listener 79 (1968), 563–5 = Bibliography 111
39Verdi and Schiller
- Talk
- Recording date: 23/10/68? (unidentified date on transcript)
- First transmission: 6.40 pm 11/1/69 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 35 minutes 45 seconds
- Repeat(s): 7.30 pm 21/2/69 BBC Third Programme
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BLSA Tape 1314R and on this website
- Publication
- Cambridge Union Lecture, ?Dec. 1969
- BBC transcript; not broadcast
- Producer: Jack Amos
- Transcript: Berlin Papers
41Turgenev and the Dilemma of the Liberal Intellectual
- Romanes Lecture for 1970, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford
- Recording date: 12/11/70
- First transmission: 9.00 pm 14/2/71 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 56 minutes
- Repeat(s): 4.30 pm 5/9/71 BBC Radio 3
- Producer: Adrian Johnson
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T33582; BLSA Tape T297R (another recording Tape T11065R)
- Publication: Fathers and Children: Turgenev and the Liberal Predicament (Oxford, 1972: Clarendon Press) = Bibliography 125
42Weizmann as Exilarch
- Israel Goldstein Lecture, Jerusalem
- Recording date: 1970
- Duration: 35 minutes
- Recording: BLSA: Tape T10898R
- Publication: ‘Weizmann as Exilarch’, in Chaim Weizmann as Leader (Jerusalem, 1970: Hebrew University of Jerusalem) = Bibliography 119
42aThe Russian Obsession with History and Historicism
- The second Dal Grauer Memorial Lecture, delivered at Totem Park, University of British Columbia
- Recording date: 2/3/71
- Duration: 1 hour 11 minutes
- Transcript: on this website
- Recording: University of British Columbia Archives phonotape no. 143; copy on this website
43Stravinsky Died a Year Ago
- Interviews
- Recording date: 25/11/71
- First transmission: 9.30 pm 6/4/72 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (IB’s contribution): 5 minutes 33 seconds
- Presenter: John Amis
- Producer: Denys Gueroult
- Transcript: IB’s contributions transcribed by Henry Hardy
- Recording: IB’s contribution on BBC Sound Archives LP34715, 25/11/71[–28/2/72]; whole programme on BBC Sound Archives T34558, 28/3/72, and on BLSA Tape T458W (off-air)
44British Foreign Policy since 1945
- Introduction to lecture by Roy Jenkins
- Recording date: 28/3/72
- First transmission: 8.55 pm 28/4/72 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (whole programme): 40 minutes
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T34443; BLSA Tape P815R
45Giambattista Vico: Man of Genius
- Talk ‘on the neglected Italian thinker’
- Recording date: 19/4/72
- First transmission: 10.35 pm 25/9/72 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 49 minutes 9 seconds
- Repeat(s): 10.10 pm 29/11/72 BBC Radio 3
- Producer: Adrian Johnson
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; Berlin Papers
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T34962; BLSA Tape T10334W (C530/1) (copy of a BBC Transcription Services tape, ‘Giambattista Vico’, BBC Transcription Services Talks Catalogue Number 1786.00)
- Publication: ‘Giambattista Vico’, Listener 88 (1972), 391–8 = Bibliography 130
46Roots of Romanticism
- Interview for Open University with Graham Martin, Reader in Literature, Open University
- A202/34 Arts Level II The Age of Revolutions (1972–79)
- Recording date: 25/1/72
- First transmission: 16/10/72 BBC Radio 4 (Open University)
- Duration: 18 minutes 50 seconds
- Repeat(s): 21/10/72 BBC Radio 4 (Open University), and in subsequent years of the course, at about the same time of year
- Producer: Helen Rapp
- Transcript: Berlin Papers
- Recording: BLSA Tape H3761
47‘I’m going to tamper with your beliefs a little’
- A dialogue with Stuart Hampshire on ‘Oxford philosophy’, especially J L Austin; the second of a series of six films on philosophy in Oxford, collectively entitled Logic Lane (also the title of the first film)
- Year of production: 1972
- Duration: 56 minutes 30 seconds
- Director: Michael Chanan
- Producer: Noel Chanan
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: the films are available online to universities with access to Edinburgh University’s Film & Sound Online holdings. They are also available on YouTube (the IB film begins here). There is an excerpt from the IB film in the first, introductory, film of the series. Another extract is available here. Access to 16 mm film through British Universities Film and Video Council (ref. 6HE 136); copy at BLSA, Tape V531 (the film includes an extract from a recording of J L Austin lecturing: a recording of the whole of this lecture is also available, BLSA Tape T10707).
- Publication: on this website
48The Problem of Nationalism
- A dialogue with Stuart Hampshire, chaired by Bryan Magee
- Recording date: 6/11/72
- First transmission: 30/11/72 ITV (Thames Television)
- Duration: 51 minutes 21 seconds
- Series: Something to Say (No 25)
- Presenter: Bryan Magee
- Director: George Sawford
- Producer: Udi Eichler
- Transcript: Thames Television
- Publication: on this website
49Tolstoy’s View of Art and Morality
- Talk for Open University
- Used in/as programme 13 of course A302, ‘The Nineteenth-Century Novel and Its Legacy’
- Reused in revised course, A312, beginning in 1982 (programme 13 again)
- First transmission: 10/8/73 BBC Radio 4 (Open University)
- Duration: 28 minutes 53 seconds
- Repeat(s): 11/8/73 BBC Radio 4 (Open University), and in subsequent years of the course, at about the same time of year; 8.30 pm 17/8/73 BBC Radio 3
- Producer: Miriam Rapp
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; Berlin Papers (initial version)
- Recording: BLSA Tape T10334R (C530/2) (copy of a BBC Transcription Services tape, BBC Transcription Services Talks Catalogue Number 1902.00); BLSA Tape 2319W (off-air); cassette in Berlin Papers
50§ The Origins of Cultural History
- Christian Gauss Seminars in Criticism, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ: Room 127, 185 Nassau Street (Creative Writing Lounge)
- 1 Two Notions of the History of Culture: the German Versus the French Tradition
- 2 Geisteswissenschaft and the Natural Sciences: Vico versus Descartes
- 3 The Origins of the Conflict: Political Lawyers, Classical Scholars, Narrative Historians
- Recording date: 19, 20, 22/2/73
- First transmission: not broadcast
- Duration: c.60 minutes each (the last longer)
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tapes F4797–9; OU podcasts 1 | 2 | 3
51Byron: Poet or Myth?
- Discussion with others (Byron died 19 April 1824)
- Recording date: 24/4/74
- First transmission: 9.40 pm 5/5/74 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (whole programme): 60 minutes
- Presenters: Christopher Ricks and Hallam Tennyson
- Producer: Hallam Tennyson
- Transcript: IB’s broadcast contribution transcribed by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T37966; copy on BLSA Tape T10144W
- Publication: ‘From Missolonghi to Apsley House – A Reappraisal of Byron’, Listener 91 (1974), 623–6
52Equality, Liberty and Variety
- Dialogue with John Vaizey, Professor of Economics, Brunel University
- Recording date: 9/5/74
- First transmission: 19/6/74 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 35 minutes 30 seconds
- Repeat(s): 10.30 pm 23/12/74 BBC Radio 3
- Series: Whatever Happened to Equality? (No 8 – last)
- Presenter: John Vaizey
- Producer: Daniel Snowman
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; Berlin Papers
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T36709; BLSA Tape P1016W; repeat BLSA Tape T831R
53The Russian Preoccupation with History
- Talk
- Recording date: 14/12/73
- First transmission: 9.30 pm 24/7/74 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 49 minutes 23 seconds
- Repeat(s): 9.00 pm 17/3/75 BBC Radio 3, 29/10/75 Australian Broadcasting Corporation (presenter John Merson[?], Sydney), as ‘The Russian Obsession with History’
- Producer: Adrian Johnson
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; Berlin Papers; Russian translation in Berlin Papers; edited transcript of recording on this website
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T37598; copy on BLSA Tape T10144R; Australian Broadcasting Corporation tape, call number 75/10/2379 (copy at BLSA); off-air recording on this website
- Publication: very short extract only, as contribution to ‘Out of the Year’, Listener 92 (1974), 830
54Man of Action
- Choice of records
- Recording date: 1/10/74
- First transmission: 2.05 pm 12/10/74 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 72 minutes 2 seconds
- Repeat(s): 2.20 pm 11/9/76 BBC Radio 3
- Producer: Derek Drescher (series producer in 1976 Patrick Lambert)
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives [both broadcasts]
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T51313; copy on BLSA Tapes T10173W and 10352W
- Publication: on this website
55The Lion’s Roar
- IB reading extract from his book Mr Churchill in 1940
- First transmission: 8.30 pm 26/11/74 BBC Radio 4
- Duration (whole programme): 60 minutes
- Repeat(s): 11.05 pm 29/11/74 BBC Radio 4 (shortened)
- Producer: Denys Gueroult
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives (presenter’s contributions only
- Publication: [part of Mr Churchill in 1940 (London, [1964]; John Murray; Boston/Cambridge, n.d.: Houghton Mifflin/Riverside Press) = Bibliography 32]
56Romanticism and Liberation; Romanticism and Social Change
- Discussion with Roy Pascal, Professor Emeritus, University of Birmingham; available on cassette (no public broadcast)
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (summary and discussion by Anthony Polonsky issued with cassette)
- Publication: cassette issued by Audio Learning Limited 1974, subsequently distributed by Audio-Visual Productions, School Hill Centre, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP6 5PH (tel. 01291-625439), but now unavailable for purchase; copy at BLSA (AUDIO-VISUAL PRODUCTIONS HUA 013)
- The Jay Interview
- First transmission: 31/8/75 London Weekend Television
- Presenter: Peter Jay
- Duration: 55 minutes
- Series: The Jay Interview: In Quest of Our Civilisation, No 2
- Producer: Julian Norridge
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: ITN Source; copy at BLSA, Tape V601
- Publication: on this website
58The End of the Ideal of the Perfect Society
- Lecture given to an audience of teachers and students at the University of New South Wales
- Recording date: 1975
- First transmission: 5/11/75 Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Presenter: John Merson[?], Sydney
- Duration: c.60 minutes
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: Australian Broadcasting Corporation tape, call number 75/10/2379; copy at BLSA, Tape H2882
59Vico, Voltaire and the Beginnings of Cultural History
- Lecture given at the University of Adelaide, 7/11/75
- Recording date: 7/11/75
- First transmission: 12/11/75 Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Presenter: John Merson[?], Sydney
- Duration: c.60 minutes
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: Australian Broadcasting Corporation tape, call number 75/10/2379; copy at BLSA, Tape H2883
60Reconsidering John Stuart Mill: 2 Mill – The Manifold
- Symposium
- Recording date: 18/5/76
- First transmission: 9.25 pm 6/10/76 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (whole programme): 55 minutes
- Repeat(s): 9.30 pm 22/4/78 BBC Radio 3
- Series: 2nd of 2 programmes (1st 27/9/76)
- Presenter: Alan Ryan
- Producer: Leonie Cohn
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T37949; copy on BLSA Tape T10213W
61Decline of Utopian Ideas in the West
- Lecture given in Tokyo, 15/4/77
- Duration: c.60 minutes?
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: copy of recording at BLSA, Tape H3708, and on this website
- Publication: Decline of Utopian Ideas in the West ([Tokyo], 1978: Japan Foundation) = Bibliography 159
62Review of V S Pritchett, The Gentle Barbarian (Turgenev)
- First transmission: 9.30 pm 22/6/77 BBC Radio 4
- Duration (whole programme): 30 minutes
- Series: Kaleidoscope
- Presenter: Paul Vaughan
- Producer: Miriam Newman
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
63Interview on Russian Thinkers
- Insert for Books and Writers
- First transmission: 7/1/78 BBC World Service
- Repeat(s): 9/1, 10/1/78 BBC World Service
- Series: Books and Writers
- Producer: Anne Theroux
- Transcript: not at BBC Written Archives unless among unsorted material
64An Introduction to Philosophy
- Studio interview with Bryan Magee
- Recording date: 23/5/76
- First transmission: 9.35 pm 19/1/78 BBC2 Television
- Duration: 55 minutes
- Repeat(s): 4.40 pm 22/1/78 BBC2, 6.05 pm 13/1/79 BBC2, 4.20 pm 2/11/82 BBC2
- Series: Men of Ideas (No 1 of 15)
- Presenter: Bryan Magee
- Director: Tony Tyley
- Executive Producer: Janet Hoenig
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: SA T38569; BLSA Tape T10213R (sound only)
- Publication: in Listener and Bryan Magee (ed.), Men of Ideas
65Interview on Concepts and Categories and Russian Thinkers
- First transmission: 7/2, 14/2, 21/2/79 Belgian Radio (Belgische Radio en Televisie)
- Series: Symposium
- Presenter/Producer: Frans Boenders
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape H3762
66Reinhold Niebuhr: A Timeless Prophet
- Interviews
- First transmission: 10.15 pm 18/3/79 BBC Radio 4
- Duration (whole programme): 45 minutes
- Presenter: Vernon Sproxton
- Producer: Peter Firth
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives (presenter’s contributions only); IB’s contribution transcribed by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape T2222W
67Sir Isaiah Berlin at 70
- Interview for External Services Central Talks and Features (Magazines)
- Recording date: 29/5/79
- First transmission: 6/6/79? (processed, i.e. provided with a presentation script, 5/6/79)
- Producer: B J Waller
- Transcript: not at BBC Written Archives unless among unsorted material
68Personal Impressions
- Interview on his book of that title (Hogarth Press, 1980)
- First transmission: 9.30 4/11/80 BBC Radio 4
- Duration (whole programme): 30 minutes; IB 5 minutes 53 seconds
- Series: Kaleidoscope
- Presenter: Edwin Mullins
- Producer: Paul Campbell [Radio Times says Richard Dunn]
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BLSA Tape T10780R
69A Month in the Country
- Translation of Turgenev’s play; National Theatre Production (opened 19/2/81)
- Recording date: 26/6/81
- First transmission: not broadcast
- Duration: c.2 hours 15 minutes?
- Recording: BLSA Tape T4244W&R
- Publication: Translation, with Introduction, of Ivan Turgenev, A Month in the Country (London, 1981: Hogarth Press; New York, 1982: Viking; Harmondsworth, 1983: Penguin) = Bibliography 175
70Levin Interview
- First transmission: 7.40 pm 23/5/81 BBC2 Television
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Repeat(s): 4.50 pm 2/12/82 BBC2
- Series: The Levin Interviews
- Presenter: Bernard Levin
- Director: Christopher Lewis
- Producer: John Shearer
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC film library (NBS F105R); BLSA Tape V2660; soundtrack BLSA Tape 6408W
71Conversations with Boris Pasternak
- Part of Maurice Bowra Memorial Lecture from Personal Impressions
- Recording date: [to come]
- First transmission: 10.15 pm 28/6/81 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Producer: Leonie Cohn/Helen Fry (LC in Radio Times, HF on contract)
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives MT41150; BLSA Tape T4197W (off-air)
- Publication: part of ‘Meetings with Russian Writers in 1945 and 1956’, in Personal Impressions (London, 1980: Hogarth Press; New York, 1981: Viking; Oxford, 1982: Oxford University Press; New York, 1982: Penguin) = Bibliography 169
72Conversations with Anna Akhmatova
- Part of Maurice Bowra Memorial Lecture from Personal Impressions
- Recording date: 4/8/81
- First transmission: 8.20 pm 27/8/81 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Producer: Leonie Cohn
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives MT41150; BLSA Tape 5916W (off-air)
- Publication: part of ‘Meetings with Russian Writers in 1945 and 1956’, in Personal Impressions (London, 1980: Hogarth Press; New York, 1981: Viking; Oxford, 1982: Oxford University Press; New York, 1982: Penguin) = Bibliography 169
73Not a Place for Happiness at All
- A portrait of the historian Sir Lewis Namier, as recalled by friends and colleagues
- Recording date: 3/2/82
- First transmission: 7.00 pm 11/5/82 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 58 minutes 28 seconds
- Presenter: John Cannon
- Producers: Adrian Johnson and Anthony Moncrieff
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T42219; BLSA Tape T4929R
74Stravinsky: Man of Masks
- Interviews
- Recording date: 5/5/82
- First transmission: 5.00 pm 6/6/82 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (IB’s contributions): 6 minutes 36 seconds
- Presenter: Michael Berkeley
- Producer: Ann Stangar
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: complete programme on BBC Sound Archives TO82266 and BLSA tape T4986BW (off-air)
75In Memoriam Igor Stravinsky
- Interviews (IB’s contribution, at any rate, being only extracts from item 43, Stravinsky Died a Year Ago
- First transmission: 10.15 pm 17/6/82 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (whole programme): 60 minutes; IB’s contribution: 3 minutes 55 seconds
- Presenter: Natalie Wheen
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives (presenter’s contributions only)
- Recording: BLSA Tape T5089BW (off-air)
76A Month in the Country
- Translation of Turgenev’s play
- Recording date: 4/7/83
- First transmission: 5.45 pm 21/8/83 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes
- Repeat(s): 7.00 pm 13/2/85 BBC Radio 3
- Producer: David Spenser
- Transcript: not at BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T81483 (no copy at BLSA, but see 1981 production)
- Publication: see 1981 production
77Recollections of Yitzhak Sadeh
- First transmission: date unknown, English-language service of Israeli radio
- Transcript: Berlin Papers
- Publication (in Hebrew): Davar, 5 September 1986, p. 17 = Bibliography 192c; incorporated in ‘Yitzhak Sadeh’, Midstream 39 No 4 (May 1993), 20–24 = Bibliography 214
78Lydia Pasternak Slater
- Obituary programme
- Participants include IB and Christopher Barnes
- First transmission: ?/5/89 BBC Russian Service
79An Evening with Sir Isaiah Berlin
- Chat, choice of music, and repeats of A Fire at Sea (read by Richard Pasco) and Some Sources of Romanticism, 1: In Search of a Definition
- First transmission: 7.05 pm 6/6/89 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (whole programme): 3 hours 55 minutes
- Repeat(s): 11/6/89 BBC Radio 3 (first part only)
- Series: Third Ear
- Presenter: John Drummond
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA CD 1CDR0024911
79aInterview on Akhmatova
- Russian video footage (cameraman: Vyacheslav Stepanov) of interview by Vsevolod Georgievich Shishkovsky (London correspondent of Russian State TV and Radio) with IB about Akhmatova etc. at Headington House
- Recording date: ?/4/89
- First transmission: see items 80, 80a, 105b
- Transcript: made by Robin Hessman, translated by Helen Rappaport
- Recording: copy of unedited interview footage at BLSA, Tape V2661
- Publication: YouTube
80Twenty Hours in the Life of Anna Akhmatova
- Contains excerpts from Russian video footage (cameraman: Vyacheslav Stepanov) of interview by Vsevolod Georgievich p (London correspondent of Russian State TV and Radio) with IB about Akhmatova etc. at Headington House
- Recording date: ?/4/89
- First transmission: 8.10 pm, 25/6//89, Russian TV, Moscow, Channel 4
- Series: Pod znakom π (Under the Sign of π)
- Presenter: Lev Alekseevich Shilov
- Transcript (of unedited interview): made by Robin Hessman, translated by Helen Rappaport
- Recording: copy of partial private off-air recording with Henry Hardy; copy of unedited interview footage at BLSA, Tape V2661
80aIncredible but True
- Programme including excerpts from Russian video footage (cameraman: Vyacheslav Stepanov) of interview by Vsevolod Shishkovsky (London correspondent of Russian State TV and Radio) with IB about Akhmatova etc. at Headington House; the existence of this item has not yet been verified by direct inspection, but has been deduced from an announcement in item 80
- Recording date: ?/4/89
- First transmission: autumn 1989?, Russian TV, Moscow
- Series: Incredible but True
- Presenter: Lev Alekseevich Shilov
- Transcript: See previous item
- Recording: copy of unedited interview footage at BLSA, Tape V2661
81Sir Isaiah Berlin
- In conversation with John Drummond
- First transmission: 9.00 pm 23/12/91 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Presenter: John Drummond
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape B8931
82The Late Show
- Interview by Michael Ignatieff
- Recording date: 30/1/92
- First transmission: 11.15 pm 5/2/92 BBC2 Television
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Series: The Late Show
- Presenter: Michael Ignatieff
- Producer: David Herman
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape V985 (off-air)
83Nationalism: The Melting-Pot Myth
- Interviews by Bryan Magee
- Recording date: 10/2/92
- First transmission: 19/2/92 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (whole programme): 48 minutes
- Series: What’s the Big Idea? (last of 12)
- Presenter: Bryan Magee
- Producer: Matt Thompson
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape B9090 (off-air)
- Publication: on this website
84Desert Island Discs
- Recording date: 25/2/92
- First transmission: 12.15 pm 19/4/92 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Repeat: 9.05 am 24/4/92 BBC Radio 4; 12.15 pm 28/3/93 BBC Radio 4
- Series: Desert Island Discs
- Presenter: Sue Lawley
- Producer: Janet Lee
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (including 7,956 words of out-takes [5,155 words broadcast])
- Recording: BLSA Tape B9197 (off-air), and BBC Sounds
85Classic FM interview
- First transmission: 12.00 pm 4/3/93 Classic FM
- Duration (IB’s portion): 25 minutes
- Series: Susannah Simons: Music and Conversation
- Presenter: Susannah Simons
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape H1247
86*Isaiah Berlin: Ein Porträt
- A portrait in German by Andreas Isenschmid, with contributions by IB, Isenschmid and Axel Honneth; readings spoken by Peter Kner
- Recording dates: London 9–10/2/93, Frankfurt 17/9/93
- First transmission: 9.00 pm 24/9/93 Swiss Radio DRS, Studio Zürich, channel DRS2
- Duration: 55 minutes 48 seconds
- Repeat: 4.30 pm 3/10/93 ibid.
- Series: Passage (No 2)
- Presenter: Andreas Isenschmid
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape H3754
87The Kreutzer Sonata
- Interview with Humphrey Carpenter about Tolstoy’s story (a small fraction of a longer, unbroadcast interview about the BBC Third Programme, of which HC was writing a history)
- Recording date: 9/1/96, Oxford
- First transmission: 5.15 pm 18/1/96 BBC Radio 3 (this item c.7.05 pm)
- Duration: 6 minutes 25 seconds [whole interview 50 min?]
- Series: In Tune
- Producer: Jeremy Hayes
- Presenter: Humphrey Carpenter
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (whole interview)
- Recording: BLSA Tape H6408 (this section only)
88Private Passions
- Interview/Choice of recordings
- First transmission: 12.00 pm 3/2/96 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Repeat: 12.00 pm 11/1/97 BBC Radio 3
- Series: Private Passions
- Producer: Ladbroke Radio
- Presenter: Michael Berkeley
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape H6476; BBC Sounds UK-only download
- Publication: Romulus [the magazine of Wolfson College, Oxford], [June] 2006, 5–8, and on this website
89Joseph Brodsky
- Documentary
- Recording date: 2/96
- First transmission: 7.30 pm 27/2/96 BBC World Service
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Series: Meridian Feature
- Producer: Jenny Hargreaves
- Presenter: Elizabeth Robson
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (IB’s small contribution only)
- Recording: BLSA Tape H8723
90*Reputations: Isaiah Berlin
- Documentary with excerpts from IB’s broadcasts and contributions from John Drummond, Peter Laslett, Bryan Magee and Helen Rapp
- Recording date: 23/9/96
- First transmission: 9.35 pm 30/9/96 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 25 minutes
- Series: Reputations (The Third at 50)
- Producer: Neil Trevithick
- Presenter: Michael Ignatieff
- Recording: BLSA Tape H7830
90aMenuhin at Eighty: A Celebration with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Concert for Menuhin’s Eightieth Birthday, Royal Albert Hall, London, April 1996; includes short prerecorded contribution by IB
- Recording date (concert): 20/4/96
- First audio transmission: 7.30 pm 12/10/96 BBC Radio 2
- First video transmission: 2.05 pm 24/12/96 BBC2 Television
- Duration: 2 hours 7 minutes 35 seconds (concert); 25 seconds (IB: starts at 39:54)
- Producer: Richard Masters
- Presenter: David Attenborough
- Transcript: ‘He’s very sensitive to the sufferings of mankind. He hates armies. He hates nationalist conflict. And I’m sure he thinks that by going about from country to country, and by meeting musicians, and by making friends with them, and having a kind of international dimension to everything which he does, he does good.’
- Recording: BBC; BFI
91Interview and discussion of The Proper Study of Mankind
- First item in composite programme: interview of IB by Anthony Denselow; discussion of book by John Gray, Jonathan Ree and Marilyn Butler
- First transmission: ? pm 25/2/97 BBC Radio 3
- Series: Night Waves
- Producer: Anthony Denselow
- Presenter: Richard Coles
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (IB’s small contribution only)
- Recording: BLSA Tape H8581/3
92*Meridian Feature (BBC World Service) on IB
- Four interviews by Nick Rankin: Michael Ignatieff, Alan Montefiore, Robert Silvers and George Soros
- Recording date: 12–13/11/97
- First transmission: 6.30 am 16/11/97 BBC World Service
- Duration: ?30 mins
- Repeat(s): [several]
- Series: Meridian (arts programme)
- Producer: Jenny Bowen
- Presenter: Nick Rankin
- Recording: BLSA Tape H9423/2
93*Night Waves item on IB
- Recording date: 6/11/97?
- First transmission: ? pm 6/11/97 BBC Radio 3
- Series: Night Waves
- Producer: Rob Ketteridge
- Presenter: Humphrey Carpenter
- Recording: BLSA Tape [to come]
- Publication: no
94Isaiah Berlin
1. The Making of a Hedgehog
2. Freedom and Its Enemies
- Two 50-minute programmes about the life and times of Isaiah Berlin, consisting in large part of interviews with Berlin by Michael Ignatieff; also six hours of unedited interview tapes used in compiling the programmes
- Recording date: 15–17/5/95
- First transmission: 14/11/97 and 15/11/97, 11.15 pm BBC2 Television
- Producer: David Herman
- Presenter: Michael Ignatieff
- Transcript: David Herman; part 1 revised by Henry Hardy and trans. Latvian
- Recording: BBC Television Archives; BLSA Tapes C530/4 (first programme), C530/5 (second programme), C530/6 to C530/35 (rushes); YouTube (first programme)
94a*Letter from America
- ‘The continuing search for Saddam’s deadly toxic secrets and the loss of a friend, the brilliant, witty and wise Sir Isaiah Berlin’
- Transmission: 21/11/97, 9.00 p.m., BBC Radio 4
- Presenter: Alistair Cooke
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BBC Sounds
- Publication: in The Book of Isaiah
95Celebrating Salzburg 1: 1920–37
- The story of the Salzburg Festival, including reminiscences of the Festival’s early years from IB
- Recording date:
- First transmission: 13/12/97 2.00 pm BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 2 hours (whole programme)
- Series: Vintage Years: Celebrating Salzburg (6 programmes)
- Producer: David Gallagher
- Presenter: Richard Osborne
- Transcript: Henry Hardy (IB’s contribution only)
- Recording: BLSA Tape H9068/2
96Isaiah Berlin
- An evening devoted to the life and work of IB
- Recording date:
- First transmission: 8/12/97 7.30 pm BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
- Producer: Neil Trevithick
- Presenter: Humphrey Carpenter
- Recording: BLSA Tape H9507/1
97Interview with Göran Rosenberg
- An interview with Göran Rosenberg of the Swedish monthly periodical Moderna Tider (the last filmed interview with IB)
- Recording date: 3/2/97
- First transmission: 10.10 pm 21/5/98 Swedish Television
- Duration: 48 minutes
- Series: Thinkers of Our Time
- Producer: Göran Rosenberg
- Presenter: Göran Rosenberg
- Transcript: Göran Rosenberg
- Recording: Swedish TV; BLSA Tape [to come]
97a*Den sista av sitt slag [The Last of His Kind]
- ‘Programme [in two parts] about Isaiah Berlin, philosopher, historian and conversationalist. Isaiah Berlin, who died in 1997, was a speaker and thinker who questioned many of the foundations of philosophy. Conversation with two biographers and several friends of Berlin.’ The presenter and one participant speak in Swedish, the English interviewees in English.
- First transmission: 6.15 p.m. 16/7/98 and 23/7/98, Kulturradion, Sverigesradio P1
- Duration: part 1, 43 minutes, 20 seconds; part 2, 43 minutes 33 seconds
- Presenter, Editor and Producer: Per Runesson
- Translation of Swedish: Niklas Magee Mateluna, Henry Hardy (who also transcribed the English), Per Runesson
- English-speaking participants: Roger Hausheer, Michael Ignatieff, Aileen Kelly, Bryan Magee
- Swedish-speaking participant: Svante Nordin
- Recording: part 1 | part 2
- Publication: on this site
97b*In Our Time
- Michael Ignatieff, IB’s biographer, interviewed about IB by Melvyn Bragg in the first episode of In Our Time
- First transmission: 9.02 am 15/10/98 BBC Radio 4
- Repeat: 9.30 pm 15/10/98 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 30 minutes (whole programme; parts of the programme are devoted to an interview with the historian Michael Howard)
- Series: In Our Time
- Presenter: Melvyn Bragg
- Recording: BBC Sounds
98*Then We Take Berlin
- Documentary on IB’s ideas, including interviews with John Gray, Michael Ignatieff, Steven Lukes, Bob Rae, Charles Taylor, Daniel Weinstock, and extract of IB from An Introduction to Philosophy
- First transmission: 20/10/99 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Series: Ideas
- Producer: Marilyn Powell
- Presenter: Andy Lamey
- Transcription: by Ian Godfrey, available from ideastran@toronto.cbc.ca
99*Night Visit
- Radio play by Jean Binnie dramatising IB’s November 1945 all-night visit to the poetess Anna Akhmatova in Leningrad; Sarah Badel plays Akhmatova, Robert Glenister IB
- First transmission: 27/06/00 BBC Radio 4
- Repeat: 2.15 pm 27/11/02 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Series: Afternoon Play
- Director: Martin Jenkins
- Transcript: made by Esther Johnson for Henry Hardy
100*The Art of the Radio Lecture
- Item including reference to IB’s 1952 radio lectures Freedom and its Betrayal
- First transmission: 7.15 pm 19/03/02 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 30 minutes (whole programme)
- Series: Front Row
- Presenter: John Wilson
- Producer: Nicki Paxman
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (of part on IB)
- Publication: only the excerpt from the lecture on Rousseau, in the book Freedom and its Betrayal
101*The Age of Freedom
- Item including reference to IB’s 1952 radio lectures Freedom and its Betrayal
- First transmission: 9.30 pm 26/03/02 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 90 minutes (whole programme)
- Presenter: Bridget Kendall
- Producers: Martin Smith and Mohit Bakaya
- Publication: only the excerpts from the lecture on Rousseau, in the book Freedom and its Betrayal
101aIsaiah Berlin
- Discussion of IB’s views on liberty, with guests Francesca Klug, Anthony Grayling, Henry Hardy and Quentin Skinner
- First transmission: ??/??/02 BBC Radio 3
- Repeat: 9.15 pm 25/05/09 BBC Radio 3
- Series: Night Waves, Landmarks
- Presenter: Philip Dodd
- Reccording: BBC Sounds
102*[Enemies of Liberty]
- A round-table discussion held on 1 July 2002 at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London to mark the 50th anniversary of IB’s BBC Radio lectures. Each of the four speakers was asked to nominate two enemies of freedom. The choices were: poverty and inhibition (Philip Collins); the USA and the future (Zia Sardar); political correctness and secularism (Anne Widdecombe); religion and ignorance (A. C. Grayling)
- First transmission: 6/09/03 BBC4 TV
- Duration: 40 minutes (edited)
- Series: The Talk Show
- Presenter: Jonathan Freedland
- Producer: Jeremy Skeet
- Publication: Freedom and its Betrayal
103aThe Guest from the Future
- Opera premiered by the Nine Circles Chamber Theatre at the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, 23 July 2004
- Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes
- Music: Mel Marvin
- Libretto: Jonathan Levi
- Artistic directors: Jonathan Levi, Gil Morgenstern
- Music director: David Levi
- Director: David Chambers
- Isaiah Berlin: Jonathan Hays
- Anna Akhmatova: Michaela Martens
103b*Jonathan Sacks
- ‘The Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks, presents some of his favourite prose and poetry – including extracts from the Torah, the writings of Isaiah Berlin and Amos Oz, and poems from Ogden Nash and W. H. Auden.’
- First transmission: ?/9/06
- Repeat: 2.15 p.m. 6/5/18, BBC Radio 4 Extra
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Series: With Great Pleasure
- Presenter: Jonathan Sacks
- Speakers: Alice Arnold, Michael Fenton Stevens, John Moraitis, Andrew Sachs
103‘We Will Force You To Be Free’
- Centred on discussion of IB’s views on liberty
- First transmission: 25/03/07 BBC2 Television
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Series: The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom (third and final part)
- Presenter and Director: Adam Curtis
104*A Tribute to Isaiah Berlin
- Interview on IB with John Gray; includes clip of IB from 105
- First transmission: 6 June 2009 ABC Radio National, Australia
- Duration: 25 minutes
- Series: The Philosopher’s Zone
- Presenter: Alan Saunders
- Producer: Kyla Slaven
- Transcript: ABC website
- Recording: ABC website
105A Conversation with Isaiah Berlin
- Interview with IB by John Merson, 1974
- First transmission: 13 June 2009 ABC Radio National, Australia
- Duration: 25 minutes
- Series: The Philosopher’s Zone
- Presenter: Alan Saunders
- Producer: Kyla Slaven
- Transcript: ABC website
- Recording: ABC website; YouTube
105aThe Visitor from the Future: Isaiah Berlin
- Russian documentary
- First transmission: 9 September 2009, Russian TV, ‘Culture’ channel
- Duration: 25 minutes 29 seconds
- Series: Civilisation
- Interviewees: Igor Mordvinov, Anatoly Naiman (consultant)
- Producer: Elena Gryaznova
- Translation of soundtrack made for IBVL by Natal′ya Sarana
- Recording: YouTube
105bAkhmatova against Stalin
- Russian TV documentary (channel 5, St Petersburg); includes (segment 1, 20:16, 20:49, 22:08, 22:32; segment 2, 0:11, 13:55, 17:09, 18:40, 21:40) excerpts from Russian video footage (cameraman: Vyacheslav Stepanov) of interview by Vsevolod Shishkovsky (London correspondent of Russian State TV and Radio) with IB about Akhmatova etc. at Headington House (cf. items 80, 80a); also includes dramatic reconstructions of parts of IB’s visit to AA
- First transmission: 16 December 2009
- Duration: 47 minutes; IB first mentioned 12:00
- Series: Novaya Versiya
- Presenter: Lev Lur'e
- Interviewees: Mikhail Ardov, Anna Kaminskaya, Stanislav Lekarev, Leonid Mlechin, Nina Popova, Vitaly Shentalinsky, Roman Timenchik
- Recording (divided into two segments, each of 23 minutes 30 seconds): segment 1; segment 2
106Born in Riga
- Documentary film on IB’s Latvian origins, intercut with interviews (with G. A. Cohen, Timothy Garton Ash, Peter Halban, Henry Hardy, Alan Montefiore, Anthony Quinton) and footage of IB
- First transmission: 4.10 pm 31/7/10 Latvian TV, Channel 1
- Duration: 32 minutes
- Repeat: 10.25 pm 2/8/10 Latvian TV, Channel 1
- Presenter: Björn Alexander Düben
- Director: Gints Grūbe
- Transcript: made by Esther Johnson and Henry Hardy
107Great Thinkers in Their Own Words 2: The Grand Experiment
- Documentary film based on the BBC archives, containing clips of IB from items 29 and 70 (IB section starts disc 2, 21:25:08)
- First transmission: 9.00 pm 8/8/11 BBC4 TV
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Series: Great Thinkers in Their Own Words, Episode 2
- Presenter: Rebecca Front
- Producer: Suniti Somaiya
- Transcript (IB’s contributions only): made by Henry Hardy
108*Head to Head
- Discussion of item 52 above, chaired by Edward Stourton, with Quentin Skinner and Paul Kelly
- First transmission: 9.30 am 15/8/11 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Series: Head to Head, Series 3, Episode 1
- Presenter: Edward Stourton
- Producer: Dominic Byrne
- Transcript: made by Esther Johnson and Henry Hardy
109Escaping Riga
- Film about IB and Sergey Eisenstein
- Premiere: Splendid Palace cinema, Riga, 1 April 2016
- First TV transmission (in Slovenia): Radiotelevizija Slovenija, TV Slovenija 2, 8 February 2016
- Duration: 70 minutes
- Director: Dāvis Sīmanis
- Film studio: Mistrus Media
109aAnna Akhmatova: The Heart is Not Made of Stone
- Multimedia show by Ensemble for the Romantic Century including a dramatisation of the meeting between Akhmatova and Berlin: ‘The drama of Russian music woven into a tale of passion, love, political repression, and redemption; featuring music by Rachmaninov, Prokofiev and Shostakovich’
- Actors: Ellen McLaughlin as Anna, Jeremy Holm as Isaiah
- First production: Symphony Space, New York, 2012
- Revival: 27 April to 1 May 2016, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Fisher Space
- Duration: 18 minutes 22 seconds
- Author: Eve Wolf
- Director: Donald T. Sanders
110Romance with the West: Anna Akhmatova, Amedeo Modigliani and Sir Isaiah Berlin
- Russian TV documentary, TV Guberniya: a monologue by the presenter with accompanying stock archive film apparently of no direct relevance
- First transmission: 2012
- Duration: 18 minutes 22 seconds
- Series: Poets and Muses of the Silver Age, Series 1: Anna Akhmatova
- Author and presenter: Valery Bondarenko
- Producer: Aleksandr Zinin
- Recording: YouTube
111Russian TV report on the 2013 IB Day in Riga, 9 October 2013
- Channel: LTV7
- First transmission: 9 October 2013
- Duration: 1 minute 58 seconds
- Reporter: Anatasiya D'yakonova
- Recording: YouTube
- Publication: for the proceedings of the whole event see official website
112Anna Akhmatova and Isaiah Berlin: The Price of a Conversation
- Russian radio report
- Series: Above the Barriers: American Hour
- First transmission: 2 June 2014
- Duration: (whole programme) 28 minutes 18 seconds; (section on AA and IB) 5 minutes, from 13:22 to 18:22
- Presenter: Aleksandr Genis
- Recording: Podster
113Sir Isaiah
- Russian TV report (First Latvian Channel) on the 2014 IB Day in Riga
- Posted: 4 June 2014
- Duration: 3 minutes 54 seconds
- Reporters: Tatiana Kovalenko, Spartaka Lukashevicha
- Recording: YouTube
- Publication: for the proceedings of the whole event see official website
113aBowen and Betjeman
- Radio play by John Banville; IB played by Nick Dunning
- First transmission: 14/2/2014, BBC Radio4
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Repeat: 4.15 pm, 21/3/2016, BBC Radio 4
- Author: John Banville
- Producer Gemma McMullan
Award-winning novelist John Banville imagines an encounter between Elizabeth Bowen and John Betjeman as they meet for luncheon in a Dublin hotel during the Second World War. As their conversation ranges over their lives, their loves, their politics, we are given a portrait of wartime Dublin and London and of the place of the artist in a world at war.
114Anna Akhmatova and Isaiah Berlin: Leningrad–Moscow–London
- Item on BBC Russian Service TV
- Posted: 7 February 2015
- Duration: 9 minutes 34 seconds (section on AA and IB ends 5:12)
- Speakers: Aleksandr Kan, Seva Novgorodtseva
- Recording: YouTube
115‘That’s How It Was’: Anna Akhmatova and Isaiah Berlin at the End of 1945
- Video of talk given in Boris Pasternak’s dacha, Peredelkino
- Posted: 20 January 2015
- Duration: 1 hour 12 minutes 27 seconds
- Speaker: Tatiana Sergeevna Pozdnyakova
- Recording: YouTube
116*Missing Isaiah Berlin
- Examination of the role of the public intellectual, hung on the 20th anniversary of Berlin’s death in 1997
- First transmission: 8.00 pm 4/11/17 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 58 minutes
- Series: Archive on 4
- Presenter: Jonathan Wolff
- Speakers: Stefan Collini, Daniel Drezner, Claire Fox, Timothy Garton Ash, Henry Hardy, Mary Warnock
- Recording: BBC Sounds
- Producer: Dom Byrne, Blakeway Productions
117*Positive and Negative Freedom
- ‘Philosopher Angie Hobbs talks about two kinds of freedom: negative and positive. The distinction was made by Isaiah Berlin but derives from the ideas of the Greek philosopher Plato.’
- First transmission: 12.04 p.m. 14/8/18 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 11 minutes
- Series: A History of Ideas
- Presenter: Angie Hobbs
- Speakers: Isaiah Berlin, Satish Kumar, Jesse Norman
- Recording: BBC Sounds
118*Re-thinking the Human Condition
- ‘Public intellectuals across time plus memory lessons with Matthew Sweet and Berlin’s editor, Henry Hardy, theologist Dafydd Daniel, writer Hilde Østby and scientist Ylva Østby’
- First transmission: 10.00 p.m. 1/11/18 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 46 minutes
- Series: Free Thinking
- Presenter: Matthew Sweet
- Speakers: Henry Hardy, Dafydd Daniel, Hilde Østby, Ylva Østby
- Recording: BBC Sounds
119*Discovering Isaiah Berlin (short version of item 120)
- ‘This interview tells the story of how the writings of one of the most engaging and humane minds of the twentieth century were made available to the public by one most gifted and committed editors of contemporary times. In other words, it’s the tale of how Henry Hardy edited over twenty volumes of Isaiah Berlin’s works, including four volumes of letters’ (Johnny Lyons)
- Premiere: 6.00 p.m. 17/1/2020, Corpus Christi College, Oxford; followed by a Q & A with Johnny Lyons, Henry Hardy, Robert Cottrell (convenor), Richard Lindley
- Duration: 1 hour 5 minutes
- Presenter: Johnny Lyons
- Camera: Paul-Michel Ledoux
- Transcript: see item 120
- Recording: YouTube
120*Discovering Isaiah Berlin (long version of item 119)
- ‘This film tells the story of Isaiah Berlin’s life, times and legacy through the lens of his editor and friend Dr Henry Hardy’ (Johnny Lyons)
- Duration: 2 hours 6 minutes 53 seconds
- Presenter: Johnny Lyons
- Camera: Paul-Michel Ledoux
- Transcript: on this site
- Recording: YouTube (film title as above; YouTube title ‘Isaiah Berlin’)
121*Capturing Genius: Editing Isaiah Berlin
- The Ideas Roadshow describes this podcast as ‘An in-depth conversation with Henry Hardy, Fellow of Wolfson College, University of Oxford, and the author of In Search of Isaiah Berlin: A Literary Adventure, about the many joys – and occasional frustrations – of being the principal editor of one of the twentieth century’s most captivating public intellectuals’
- Release date: 15/9/21
- Duration: 2 hours 36 seconds
- Series: Ideas Roadshow
- Presenter: Howard Burton
- Recording: New Books Network